Wednesday 2 May 2018

End of The Line

I had a dream, last night.  (Or rather, more precisely, this morning; and even more precisely, mid-day.)*  A strange dream.  I dream a lot; mostly of seemingly rather silly stuff.  But this one was special.

I was driving a busload of people, as a sort of ‘temp’: I had driven this particular route before, but never this far.  It was to the end of the line, which proved to be as well at a terminal building.

A terminal point.

I went into the building to take care of some sort of business, and I noticed specifically that it was built along the same lines as other such terminal buildings that I had been in.  Or at least, one other, to be more specific.  (It pays to be as clear as possible, in interpreting such things.)  And the man in charge of checking out my takings for the day - this was now early evening - did whatever all he had to do, and that was it, and I went out to drive off, while behind me, the building started being closed down for the evening.  I had one passenger left on board, a lone woman (a single mother?? I have reflected on at first, in looking back at the ’experience’), who was getting off at a stop back in the general direction in which we had just come, just on a different part of the route.  (Nothing seemed strange about that; I had to take the bus somewhere for the night.)   On the way out, I noticed a particular detail: that the gates to the terminal building premises were beginning to close up, and I drove carefully through them, so as not to scrape the bus on either side.  (Easy as she goes.)

 And then, driving back in the general direction in which I had just come, but a different ‘setup’ to it, I came to a sharp bend on a cliff edge, and pulled the bus sharply to the right just in time to keep from going over the cliff.  But in backing up (and there was the sense of going ’back’ again) to get a better angle at going on around the bend, I went over the cliff in that reversing direction, before my brakes could stop the bus.  And then I woke up.

My interpretation:

Sick with me, o Individual, and I will take ‘the bus’ - our vehicle - over a cliff, but in a way meant.  For, that is (presumably) why I incarnated at this time.

For this particular job.  

The whole ‘thing’ was set up, I feel, particularly because of what I had been reading before going to bed.  There were a number of articles that either disturbed me or at the least especially caught my attention.  One was on the potentially immanent nature of the monetary system imploding, and not in a way that needs to happen.  (We are, after all, on the wrong track in that regard, with interest-bearing money - and fiat currency at that - on the one hand and fractional-reserve banking on the other.  Both con jobs.)  Which ’way’ is not to have the banks controlling the operation, and coming out of it smelling like roses, and continuing on their merry way, in a state of terrible corruption.  But having them superseded, by a whole New Order of Things.  Another article was a continuation of reports of foreign troops on our soil.  (President Trump: You are cutting a very fine line here, before you act to start cleaning up the mess the nation is in.  Has been put in.  Deliberately.)  But the clincher of the evening was an article on how AOL, which was reported therein as having been already engaged in closing down the email accounts of subscribers who forward conservative material to others, is about to merge (this month) with Yahoo, which will result in a major censoring of what is actually simply 'conservative' - two-party-like - material on the Internet.   

Shades of Red China/Technocracy in all thia…

Our erstwhile masters making, now - in the ‘spirit’ of the already gross activities of both Google/YouTube and Facebook in this regard - ‘completion’ moves to a) close down the Internet to Independent/Alternative Media, in order to b) take over the country, in a coup.  

It is so blatant now as to be right in our faces.

And so, the Time has come.  To set things to rights.

With a note of awareness.  Of the whole Process involved.

I refer, here, to the nature of The Play, in this illusory realm; this stage, on which we have been playing out parts.  

Parts, in many cases, that we have simply chosen for The Play; and thus, which are just that: simply parts.  But in other cases: parts that are truly reflective of the nature of the souls inhabiting them, who have chosen the way of the Dark truly.  Not just in the spirit of acting out a Drama (for its educational purposes).

And so, we need to be careful, in our Setting of Things to Rights, that we don’t just react in a knee-jerk way, and consign the Dark-side forces to our idea of oblivion.

That is not our role.

Not in our nature to do.

That is in the nature of our mutual Creator Source to do.

Or not.

Depending on the extent of the rebellion of those individual souls to

The Plan.  

Whether it is the full End of the Line for them.

Or not.     

But, in any event, it is the End of The Line for The Play itself.

For, without interest-bearing money - which is where we are headed - there will be no more Drama.  We will have entered into the realm of The Real Thing.  The Promised Land.  Whatever you want to call it.  

I call it the kingdom of heaven.  Of more precisely to say, of the heavens.  That set of frequency levels of vibration…

Get used to it.  It may feel, for you, like leaping from kindergarten to graduate school,  And you may not feel quite up to it.  But them’s the terms.  Because

it’s that Time.

And Time waits for no man.

Not even our erstwhile masters.

Whose time - and Time - is 


After they gave us a good run for our money.

So to speak. But the point is:

The bigger the challenge, the greater the accompllshment.

And boy, has this one ever been a big ‘un.

* I am a night owl, habitually staying up late at night, monitoring the contents shown on my computer -and occasionally tossing in a kibitzing comment or two - and so don’t get up until mid-day.


,,,And as part of being at The End of the Line:

from ’Stunning finding reveals autism is highest in areas with the highest vaccination rates’ - Vicki Batts, Natural News - May 1/2 
(Studies out of Canada verify the picture emerging, and having emerged, all around the world.  Sources for this report:;;

Stan S. May 2, 2018 at 11:24 pm (May 3 PST)
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This sort of information has been known about for years; this is just confirming corroboration. Nothing will change in this country in this regard until we move the medical-pharmaceutical-government complex out of its position of overriding power. Overriding of both science and common sense.

Vaccines can cause brain damage. Fact. The only question is, how much. The Establishment says it’s minimal. Fact says it is horrendously large, and growing, the longer we fail to bite the bullet on this matter.

Time for a Reset. In more ways than one.

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