Friday 6 February 2015

All That Glitters...

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'Alfred Webre: KEN BUSTED IN 3 STEPS!  "KEN" NOBODY authors historically inaccurate poison pen piece to discredit Alfred Lambremont Webre, only to have KEN's inaccurate article expose KEN as a fabricator and fraud' - Feb. 6 

kibitzer3 says: 

Very INTERESTINGarrow-10x10.png stuff. Thanks, Jean.
While I agree about A.L. Webre, who is obviously a very moral and clued-in man, I have to agree with Ken as to our needing to be very wary of the false ‘West – bad guys – East – good guys’ dichotomy that we are being set up with. If all we are given as an alternative to the fiat FRN & the current western currency system is a currency system backed by gold & other precious metals, etc. – i.e., the BRICS and BIS-supported backed currency – but keeping the basic FINANCIAL system, of interest-bearing money & fractional-reserve BANKINGarrow-10x10.png, then we have simply been played like a violin, by our erstwhile Masters, in “the prison of duality,” as Ken refers to our 3D matrix elsewhere in his writings. (Also “[this] reality of conflict”.)
We need to move out of the whole paradigm. Period. And we need to be careful about accepting any point of view from any source that would keep us in this current prison, of (seeming) separation and duality. That goes for channelled material. And that goes for the likes of Putin; who, though SEEMING to be one of the Good Guys, has also acknowledged in the past Kissinger as one of his mentors.
Discernment, everybody. As we get closer to the Crunch Time. Discernment. Between fool’s gold. And the Real Thing.


And I see that H. Kissinger has a new book out, entitled 'World Order'.

At the same old stand, eh Henry?  Or has anything changed for you, in your old age??  As you draw closer to meeting your Maker???

And finding out the missing pieces in your best-laid-plans philosophy.


2) from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'State of the Nation: The True Chris Kyle Story Finally Comes Out' - posted at Stage of the Nation - Feb. 7  
('Why are so many military ‘American Heroes’ manufactured by the Mainstream Media?
Clint Eastwood’s ‘American Sniper’ has all the markings of a typical U.S. Military-CIA-Hollywood production
“Chris Kyle (American Sniper) was Killed At Super Elite Presidential Facility to Shut Him Up”…')
kibitzer3 says:

Ah yes: the MSM and Hollywood.
One thinks as well of the book and film about the 9/11 plane that somehow went down in a field in Pennsylvania. Or didn’t. And the book and film about the SEAL Team that took out bin Laden in his compound in Pakistan. Or didn’t.
And the false flag op of Sandy Hook. And of the Boston Marathon Bombing ‘incident’. And of the Charlie Hebdo hoax. And. And. And……
We are really being played like, and for, fools, by people who LOVEarrow-10x10.png to play at illusion. I say, let’s leave them to their video game, wherein they can go on bashing each other. And get the hell out of here.
Or to say, leave the hell here, in its 3d matrix. And get US out of it. By going Up.
And just as soon as we possibly can. Having tired of The Game. And wanting – as I mentioned on another thread [today] at this site – the Real Thing.
And not being willing to settle for less. Any – longer.

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