Saturday 28 February 2015

Born To Be Time Callers...

…In & Of The Game

from 'Sheriff Joe Arpaio Has A Dire Warning For Judge Standing In Obama's Way' - F. Peter Brown - Feb. 27
("An attorney for Sheriff Joe Arpaio made a filing with the federal judge who ordered the halting of President Obama’s executive amnesty, asking that a hearing be held on Obama’s refusal to comply with the court’s order…")

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Feb. 28)

I think a lot of people are missing the key point here, and in all the crap that has been going on during and under the Usurper's administration. Obama can well be considered - wittingly or not - the devil's advocate, rather than the devil incarnate: he is 'just' rubbing the American people's noses in the fact that they have allowed an illegal candidate to ascend to the highest office in the land, thus rendering the Constitution a dead letter, thus allowing him to do whatever he wants to do while in that position of august power. It follows: When there is no rule of law, there is the rule of tyrants. Welcome to that sort of world, America. You asked for it, by not paying attention to what was going on in your country, while you were busy earning a living, and shopping, and watching sports. That's not all that a nation of freemen and -women need to do. Yes, you elect representatives to office, and expect them to do their job; but what happens when they start doing a 'job' on YOU??

This is not rocket science, folks. Stop relying on your political parties to let you know what's going on in your own country. In this example: the Constitution calls for [a] candidate for the presidency - and that particular federal office ONLY - to be a "natural born" citizen. What does that mean, could that mean, rather than a candidate just needing to be a "citizen"? It SHOULD be obvious: It means that the person needs to have been born on the soil of U.S. citizen parents - PLURAL The whole POINT of the requirement was to make sure that the candidate, if elected - who would then as well become the Commander-ln-Chief of the nation's military forces - would have no DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen would be subject to. And like a DUAL CITIZEN would be subject to. Like Obama.


There is all manner of evidence that that is PRECISELY what the constitutional Framers had in mind when they put that particular eligibility requirement in the Constitution for that particular office. And now, here we have Obama rubbing our noses in it - letting us know, by his arrogant and illegal actions (constitutionally illegal, that is), PRECISELY why we should never have let the Constitution be turned into "just a damn piece of [p]aper," as it has been turned into. As WE have allowed it to be turned into. For not doing our job, as self-governing citizens of The Great Experiment in self-governance, the United States of America. Almost - almost - the late, great United States of America.

There is still time to save our nation, from tyrants, from both sides of the political aisle - the socialists [on] the far Left and the fascists on the far Right. But barely time to engage in that action, of keeping faith with our Founders. And for the world, to move out from under such despotisms in their own countries; and join forces with sovereign entities in their own right - We the People, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience'. And not having a very good experience of it, right at the moment. 

But then, that's what life has been FOR. A test. Whether we would succumb to the Dark. Or return to the Light. The stronger for the experience. 

Your choice, Citizen.


If you are
Going to ignore
The Constitution, 
I will take over now,
             and call
An end to The Play
And the beginning
Of the Real Thing.
Which it is time for

And just who
Am I??

The Time Caller.

And you
Are too

Once you wake
Up to it

   for pity's sake.

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