Saturday 21 February 2015

On 'Liberty' And 'Equality'

Reading - constantly - of the battle going on, and increasing in depth, between the Democrats and the Republicans, but more accurately, between the far Left - 'progressives' - and 'patriots' - I am reminded of the end of the film 'Lord of the Flies,' where some of the boys - the stronger of the developed factions - are in full-throated pursuit of their desperately fleeing enemies - of their own kindred, even - when they are all drawn up abruptly short by the to-them - and to some extent as well to We the engrossed Viewers of this fable - shocking sight of adults, in the form of a naval officer and his crew, who have just landed - from their ship seen lying just offshore in the background - on the beach of the island on which the boys have been stranded for some time, and left to their own devices.  Which included the will to division, and subsequent war.  I am reminded of this image, and set of circumstances, because of where humanity is at at this time, in general, and, as I indicated, the war of 'progressives' on American patriots in particular.  

And not just the far Left, but much - most? - of the Left having been conned into thinking of the 'Right' as not just a political opponent but an existential enemy, now to be exterminated, in however a form that might - would? - take; in order to dragoon the United States of America into the socialist New World Order of an all-powerful state, eliminating the individual and his/her rights in the superior name of the collective.  Because, you see - you do see, don't you? - the 'individual' is full of racism and sexism and homophobia and so forth, and so must be put down, like a rabid dog; or even just an inconvenient dog, that is to say, one that won't obey.  Obey commands, of the likes of, 'Climate Change - Attack!' and 'Homophobia - Desist!'  To the point of the individual to be totally subservient to the almighty state. Dependent on the state, for his/her very existence.  

And thus, the reason why the far Left has been slowly, slowly educating our youth to deplore and ignore the Constitution.  Because it is the last bastion against such totalitarian thinking.  In America.  And in the world.

And thus - one could be excused for thinking - why it was brought forth.  From the minds of men dedicated to the proposition that "all men are created equal" - in the sight of God; the Declaration of Independence continuing, "that they they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights".  Such as?  "(T)hat among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."  

We come now to the crux of the matter, beyond the basic one, of where our rights derive from; 'God' - our divine origin - or The State.  The crux being the distinction between 'liberty' and 'equality'.  And I will cut to the chase in this discussion.  (Plenty has been said about this subject before.)

Simply put: the Left's indoctrinated ants don't want Americans to be 'free' and 'prosperous' - key principles to the Right in this country - because, on the one hand, that leaves them 'free' to practice such PC No-no's as racism and sexism and homophobia, for some examples of free activity and thought, and on the other hand, to be 'prosperous' on the backs of the rest of the world.  Because we Americans are a minuscule percentage of the human race, but consume an inordinate percentage of the world's resources, keeping us in the obscene style to which we have become accustomed.  Or so the argument goes.  And no more, according to the Left's erstwhile dictators.  We will all live in comparative poverty, because we are, or at least should be, all "equal," don't you know.  And thus the difference - and battle - between 'Liberty' on the one, old-fashioned hand, and 'Equality' on the new, improved, and - well; more 'equal' - other.  Which is a 'better' way of being; according to an ant's perspective.  The collective having primacy over the individual.  Because, well, where would the individual be if it weren't for the collective?  He simply wouldn't be able to exist without the collective.  I mean, the collective is - everything.  By definition.  It's so obvious.  Why can't those idiots over on the Right see that?  Even the ones not as far over to the Right, as the ones who seem to get further over to the Right the more we put pressure on them to conform.  Interestingly enough.  Curious, that…

I'm trying to be fair here, at least to a certain extent.  But not all the way over to their side, point of view.  Because 'they' don't seem to have learned anything from history.  Because in such a social configuration, people are slaves to the system.  And only do enough to get by.  As I witnessed first-hand on a visit to the Soviet Union (and as occurred in their history; when, e.g., farmers grew more and better food on the small private plots that they were finally allowed to have, besides the collective's plots).  And as happened in Cuba, for example.  

If you were a slave, what would you do???…

Draw your attention away from the shiny sleek vehicles promised of free education, and free healthcare, and free childcare, and free whatever else.  And ask some serious questions, of your erstwhile masters.

And wake up to your true identity.  As a child of God.

Not the state. 

And then, watch the beautiful things land.  In your life.  And in the lives of others.  

Because you, and they, were free to choose.   

And you chose life; and life more abundantly, than ever before.     

Not a living death.

The death of the spirit.  The spirit

of a child of God.

With a future far, far beyond any conceivable in a simple 3D classroom.


…and as for securing Liberty, to ourselves and our posterity:

from Tea Party C.C.: 'Report: Obama hustling 'full-throttle' to set up amnesty contracts' - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - Feb. 20/21 (orig. posted at - Bob Unruh - Feb. 20)
 ("Source says White House ignoring judge'a order to stop")

Reply by Stan Stanfield 2 seconds ago (Feb. 21)

And just so, is the die cast.  
If the judicial branch of the federal government fails to block His Imperial Majesty in his highhanded attempt at takeover of the nation, and if the Congress fails to rein him in, then the ball is in the court of The People - not of the erstwhile emperor.  I would suggest, then, that the states collectively announce their refusal to go along with this attempted takeover of the United States, and that they summon their militias to ward off any attempts by federal Marshals to impose clearly unlawful orders in their respective states; and We the People defy the erstwhile monarch, in rejecting any of his imperial decrees, in every way that we can.  
We don't even have to make an appearance in surrounding the White House.  We simply stop following any (unlawful) orders issuing from within, and instruct Oathkeepers to obey their oaths - their having sworn allegiance to the Constitution.  Not to the Occupant of the White House.  Which is all the Usurper is anyway; but that matter aside, we win this battle by a show of civil disobedience, thus depriving His High and Mightyness, this Law Unto Himself, of his desired excuse to impose Martial Law on the nation, and thereby get rid of the Constitution in one fell swoop, rather than by the death of a thousand cuts that he has been administering to it.  We just get on with the business at hand - ignoring any decrees as well from executive-branch agencies - and wait him out.  Perhaps stage celebrations of his imminent dethroning.  Until he resigns, and emerges, and is arrested, for more than just "high crimes and misdemeanors".  But for outright felonies as well, too numerous to mention or catalogue here.  
And Biden goes with him.  And the whole Congress, for failing in their constitutional duty to rein in a rogue Executive.  And The People take back their country, from these erstwhile hijackers amongst us.  And it COULD all happen without a shot being fired.  If we return Force with nonviolent resistance to tyranny.  And thereby move into a new Era for the country, and for humanity, on a genuinely high note.  May it be so.                

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