Wednesday 4 February 2015

On Chemtrails & Other Criminal Trails

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'Cosmic Convergence: Chemtrail Pilot Blows The Cover Of OPERATION INDIGO SKYFOLD !!!!!!' - for Feb. 5; posted on Feb. 4
 ('A Courageous Chemtrail Pilot Exposes the Global Geoengineering Program
Maybe my fellow pilots will read or hear about this, and decide to come forward as well”.')
("They’re told to simply do their job and “Shut the F*ck Up!”
Their superiors tell them it’s a matter of
National SECURITYarrow-10x10.png.
Quote: “Without these flights our enemy’s newest technological weapons of war could easily penetrate America’s airspace, at will.  We are dedicated and committed to keeping our allies safe from the same skyward threats, so we extend the arm of protection to those countries that support our efforts.  Hostile nations are also building atmospheric shields, while at the same time trying to explore weaknesses in our ever-developing air and space based technologies.”,,,)
kibitzer3 says:
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An ingenious cover story for their activity. It reminds me of the cover story for fluoridating our water supplies: ‘It’s good for our children’s teeth.'  Yeah, right…
And by the way: there’s another similarity with this scam to that scam. Fluoridating our water supplies – besides being a people control tool – also helps the corporate world gangsters, by their being able thereby to recycle a toxic byproduct of the aluminum and artificial fertilizer industries in particular (and make a bundle in the process), that they would have to pay huge amounts for if it polluted the environment directly, rather than through our bodies. In this case, the chemtrails have recently been outed – on YouTube – as being COAL ASH. That ACCOUNTSarrow-10x10.png for the plethora of toxic metals in it. Including mercury, and aluminum, and barium. You couldn’t make this stuff up.
It is all to show what mischief the human brain can get up to, if it is divorced from its Source. Creative. But in a perverted way.


It is the pressure of truth seeking
That has broken through
The fabric of The Lie.
Our days of incarceration
Are over.  Well done,
Everyone.  Even
Our nemeses,  For
They gave us
A cutting edge
To hone ourselves against
              and bring
Our true selves out
Of the muck and mire
Of our temporary prison.

Now left the U.S. be
            the flagship
Of the fleet
            of nations
Into the New Era
For all of humanity
On this Earth -
Precious jewel
Of an earth
Fulfilling Herself as well
At this End Time.


P.S. An addition to the MMR/vaccination saga:

from 2012: What's the real' truth?: 'Breaking -- CDC vaccine whistleblower given immunity to testify; William Thompson free to describe vaccine-autism fraud at CDC to Congress, Vaccine wars heat up.   Sold-out media lines up to defend vaccines,by Jon Rappoport' - posted Feb. 4; orig.  posted at same date  

(my comment  to a YouTube commentary, titled 'CDC Whistleblower, Autism Liars' by a guy - one John Best -  who says that the whole MMR-CDC 'thing' is a cover-up for the fact that it is mercury that is the cause of autism, esp. as given to pregnant females.  (His video posted Dec. 28; reposted here in the Comments thread)  
   A little knowledge can be a dangerous thing. As the medical profession as well has shown; and in spades…)

It's very true that mercury is involved in the autism 'picture' (and NEVER should be given to a pregnant woman, as it is in some flu shots).  It is also true that the MMR shot is involved as well.  The MMR, being a live-virus vaccine, has a substance called glutamic acid in it (it acts as a stabilizer).  G. acid has as well the unfortunate property of reducing levels of a substance called glutathione in the body.  Glutathione is a protector against heavy metals/toxins.  If the MMR is given at the same time as a shot or shots with heavy metals/toxins in it/them, like mercury and aluminum, it will tend to keep the body from being able to excrete those toxins.  Hence: the possibility of brain damage.  And indeed: the MMR shot has legally been implicated in a condition called ADEM, for Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis.  Aka brain damage.  (The government/medical authorities are doing all they can to keep the word 'autism' out of such Vaccine Court findings.  And yet, it is also known that there is such a condition as 'post-vaccinal encephalitis'  Go figure.)

The measles component of the MMR shot has also been found in the damaged guts of children diagnosed with autism.  The damaged gut - aka 'leaky gut syndrome' - can allow peptides into the bloodstream, and they could possibly pass the b-b barrier and get into the brain, where they act as an allergen, causing inflammation.  Hence: brain damage from that avenue as well.  And in addition, these peptides bind in the gut at opiate receptors, and cause decreased perception of & reaction to pain, as well as the side effect of constipation.  All telltale symptoms of autism.

Our medical authorities couldn't be harming us more if they tried.  


1) A retrovirus has also been found contaminating the MMR.  As happened with both the OPV and the IPV; making monkeys of us…...
   …not that we should have learned anything from those experiences…...

2) The medical authorities - contrary to good science - have just assumed that 'the greater good' has been served by their vaunted medical modality of vaccination, in the rationale that 'some must be sacrificed for the greater good'.  When ALL of the damnable side effects from vaccines is added up, that rationale is not worth a bucket of spit.
   And be careful of that bucket.  It may well contain some shed virus in it……

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