Monday 23 October 2017

In The Light Of Day

....Or Rather, Make That
       OF A NEW DAY

I had a very interesting dream last night, or rather, more specifically, earlier this morning.

It was in the context of another dream, or perhaps, more specifically, an earlier part of the same dream.  In that 'part,' I was establishing myself as a writer of commentaries on 'the passing day,' coming up with articles worked out on a typewriter, as of old.  Anyway, in the latter part of 'the' dream, I was in some sort of innocuous setting when I saw a cockroach peeking its head out from behind some sort of covering item - and then it came fully out, into 'the light of day,' and suddenly 'metamorphized' into a larger size.  Still small, relatively; but considerably larger than normal.  Whereupon it 'reared up on its hind legs' into a challenging stance, as if arrogantly confronting me, with the sense in the dream of it saying to me: 'Well?  What are you going to do about it.  Eh?  Eh??  I dare ya.'

I could have smashed it.

But I chose to write about it instead.

The End

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