Friday 13 October 2017

Potemkin Village Revisited

A bit of background first.  When I saw the video of the second plane going into the South Tower on 9/11, like a knife slicing through butter, I knew instantly that that was CGI.  What the hell is going on here? I thought to myself, over in the north of Scotland (where I had been living, far from the madding crowd, for many years).  And started watching more material on 9/11, with an opened eye.  And there they were: Other telltale signs of fabrication of a story - a ‘narrative’ as it has come to be called.  ‘It’: The fake news that we have been given to swallow, hook, line and sinker, for far too long, now.  Needing to be called, for what it is.  (And thank you, Donald, for the hand-up on that front.) 

As to 9/11.  It extended, e.g., to the ‘man on the street’ interview, by a reporter from some TV station or other, with the guy since dubbed The Baseball Cap Guy; a supposed eyewitness to what happened, who gave himself away as more likely an actor rehearsing for a part in an NYPD Blue segment or some such.  Way over the top.  How obvious this all this, I thought upon watching it; concluding:  ‘Something big is going on here.’  

Just how big we have learned eve since.  Well; have at least been exposed to.  If we have ‘learned’ from it all, that is not so obvious; we still seem to be swallowing the bait.

‘The bait’ getting us - trying to get us - to give up our guns, so that the New World Order crowd can take over this country, and from that high ground, take over the entire world.  To be incarcerated in their planetary gulag.  

Step by step.  First things first.  First: 9l11 - “a new Pearl Harbor” - in order to a) get us to go to war in the Middle East, both for making money off of wars - as is the ancient scenario -  and to assist the Jews in their campaign for a Greater Israel (‘Eretz Israel’ it is called); and to b) set up an excuse for fastening a police state on America, in order to corral the people into a holding pen for the establishment of TPTB’s totalitarian global police state.  

We are talking here of such perps as the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the J.P. Morgans, the Bushes, the Clintons -  a whole gang of thieves, who want to control the world, and make it safe for their money-making.

Ah.  The key to all this crap going on; and which has been going on for time immemorial:


And the power that comes from owning a lot of it.

Now about to be altered.

Both money itself.  And the power that accrues from it.

But back to the story itself - the narrative, that has been playing out.  To its conclusion, now.

TPTB gently gently gained control over the majority of the mainstream media in the country - including Hollywood.  A noose, that has slowly been tightening on the American people for a very long time.  To the point, now, whereby:    

All we really know is that a) we can’t trust the MSM about anything, and b) we have been played with before by experts now, in the trade of such as disinformation.  Pearl Harbor.  Mao Tse-tung over in China being merely “an agrarian reformer”.  Our Secretary of State at the time (Dean Acheson) announcing, in a major speech, that Korea was ‘beyond our sphere of influence,’ thus enticing the North Koreans/Red China to go for it, in their invasion of South Korea.  Fidel Castro down in Cuba being merely “an agrarian reformer”. (The New York Times up to their old tricks yet once again; having gotten away with it the first time, with an American public too involved in living the good life to notice.)  The Dealey Plaza caper.  (Still, to this day, being looked back on, for its telltale signs of conspiracy in high places.)  The Gulf of Tonkin fake ‘Incident,’ and its resultant tar-baby of a prolonged war.  (The more money to be made from it, my dears.)  Our Secretary of State at the time (James Baker), in quiet advice to our ambassador to Iraq (April Glaspie), telling Saddam Hussein that we had “no opinion” on his beef with Kuwait, thus enticing Iraq to go for it, in an invasion of that sacrifice to hegemonic control over the world.  (You would think that the American public would have woken up by then to what was going on, with such repetitions of scenario details.  Some were.  But not enough to make a differenced.  Yet.)  And since the first such war fell short of the desired mark, TPTB crafted a second go at the apple.  

In the Big Apple.

Do you get the picture?  And then subsequent steps along the same path??  Like the Sandy Hook FEMA (cover story) ’Exercise’???  And the Boston Marathon Bombing (evan announced at the site) ‘Drill’????  And then the Orlando gay nightclub ‘Massacre’ (with a couple of attending doctors named Dr. Lube and Dr. Cheatham)?????  

And the beat goes on,.  All the way over, across the country, to Las Vegas.  The whole country, now, in their sights.  And including further over west here to California, with an apparent weather-warfare drought having softened up the state for some years for a current DEW firestorm* takeout of the (rebellious) northern part of the state; in preparation for El Presidente Brown's takeover of a new nation, under UN auspices, the operation being called CalExit.

My country.

My state.

I do not consent.

Don’t let them get away with all this, America.  You are the last stop to their enterprise.

Live up to your birth calling.

That is all.
For now.


* with apparently aluminum buildup from Chemtrails fallout increasing the firestorm factor.  Clever, these s.o.b.'s.

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