Friday 27 October 2017

The U.S.A. - NOT The U.S.S.S.A.

I saw a video clip not too long ago of some of these current university radicals - some call them ‘snowflakes’; but they are more, much more potentially dangerous than to call them just a soft-slap name - trying to interrupt other students studying one evening in a library on campus, when they were faced down and silenced by a student with four words.  It was a young Oriental fellow, who, obviously very put out by the rowdy radicals, came over closet them, and shouted at them:

‘Hey!’  Which got their attention.  And then, very clearly, and very seethingly, but being as restrained as he could, he demolished them with the finish of his message to them: ‘This is library.’   And he walked back to his studies.  And they, taking that response into consideration, slunk out of the room.

I thought of that little interaction this evening, when I was doing my best to contain my own anger, at that very sort of thing.  My response was to a letter from the president of an outfit called Young America’s Foundation, an organization that helps to educate students - through conferences, campus lectures, seminars, and trainings, and visits to Ronald Reagan’s beloved former ranch home near Santa Barbara, Rancho del Cielo; which the YAF saved in a fund-raising campaign, as a testament to our former Commander in Chief (and whom they consider “America’s greatest 20th century President”; an accolade that cannot be far off the mark) - to the basic principles of former president ’RR,’ and of this country.  (Which could be summarized, very briefly, as freedom, family, and faith.)  The letter contained information about, and the request to support - well, I’ll let Ron Robinson, the President of YAF, tell it in his own words:

(The YAF) has made the necessary decision to file a federal lawsuit against the University of California, Berkeley, for brazenly violating the First and Fourteenth Amendments in their attempts to censor conservative thought at the school.”  (Emphases his, and in the following quotes.)   

How so?

“Earlier this year, students at the University of California, Berkeley reached out to [YAF] to help them bring a conservative speaker to campus as part of YAF’s nationwide campus lecture program.

“When the hypocritical leftists at this government-funded university learned of the students’ plans to bring conservative ideas to new audiences on campus — the freedom-robbing circus began.

     * Berkeley school administrators refused to assign or allow a lecture hall to be
       scheduled for the    
       speech,  even though we confirmed there were MULTIPLE empty lecture halls and
       classrooms available on the requested date of the lecture.

     * Berkeley tried to relegate our YAF event to an outside venue…and refused to provide
       the conservative students with an inside venue that other, leftist students are afforded.

     * University of California President Janet Napolitano and Berkeley administrators refused
        to control agitators who were threatening violence and who had previously set fires and
        tossed explosives at other Berkeley events.

     * University of California claimed they couldn’t keep our students safe even though 
        Napolitano previously served as Obama’s Director of Homeland Security!…”

Ah; getting to the crux of the matter.

What is really going on here.  What is really going on here is the concerted attempt by New World Order forces to take over this country, by hook or by crook, and merge it into their totalitarian global gulag; which agenda was hugely aided and abetted by the candidacy and election of the ineligible asshole, Obama.  (Speaking like one of these potty-mouthed juveniles recruited into the ranks of the cannon fodder for the real perps, behind the scenes.)  TPTB thought they had the scenario all sewed up, with their agent, Hillary, as a shoe-in, to take the process one step further from where the Usurper left off, into a borderless region of said NWO, when along came The Donald - like the Man on a White Horse out of the Far West in 1980, ol’ RR - to rain on their parade.  And they - particularly with the aid of their acolytes in the MSM, and that other major institution, the educational institution (as part of the Marxist 'long march through the institutions' agenda of takeover) - have been trying to bring him down ever since.  The Democrat Party having been taken over by its far Left wing.  Though not exclusively.  Bernie Sanders was a socialist out of the old school.  But he was up against even more radical agents than he.  The NWO crowd are headed, not by Marxists.  But by another internationalist crowd.

The Kissinger crowd.  The fascists.  The corporate-government complex crowd (which includes the 'military-industrial complex' that Ike warned us about). The big bankers, big industrialists, big ‘statesmen’.  Who have been tossed a number of setbacks to their best-laid plans recently.  As with Brexit in the UK.  And various other expressions of nationalism in the EU.  And as with the election - against all (fixed) odds - of Donald Trump in the U.S.  

That’s the U.S.A.  Not the U.S.S.S.A.  The United Soviet Socialist States of America.     

Not now.  Not ever.

What would i do?

Short term: I would - will - support the YAF in their lawsuit against the U of Cal at Berkeley.  And if the NWO forces have too much power in our judicial branch of government these days for that lawsuit to make much headway (because all of the Usurper's appointees haven't been stricken from their perches yet; with the Usurper's reign in the Oval Office being wiped clean from the historical record, when Truth once again reigns in the land), and if University President Napolitano continues to refuse to allow a conservative speaker to engage in an exercise in free speech on any of ‘her’ campuses, in failing to guarantee the safety of the speaker and the students choosing to come to hear a free speech presentation of ideas - in an institution of higher learning, let it never be forgotten; dedicated to such things as ideas, and their academic exploration - then she needs to be arrested, and brought before a federal court of law;* to ‘show cause,' as to why really she is impeding the rights of American citizens ‘peaceably to assemble,’ and to hear an expression of views.

And as to other agents of the New World Order, in their attempts to overthrow the United States of America, and enthrone a boot forever smashing in the face of the Individual, I have but one thing to say:

Not my country, you won’t.

P.S. And President Trump needs to have the White Hats in the military make their move now, in support of him and the Republic.  The NWO crowd obviously see that, with the likes of the pending release of the files on the JFK assassination, which will show, among other players, the CIA in a bad light, and of Pres. Trump's turndown of a large contingent of more troops for the Afghanistan disaster (except for the black-budget profits off the drug trade for said CIA), which shows that he is going to balk on their plans for a WWIII - which is the only thing that the NWO crowd believe will save their monetary system from imploding - Trump cannot be counted on going along with their machinations, which are becoming too out there now.
     Hey, boyos: You and your (debt-based) monetary system ere going down anyway.  Your time being
     You've had your innings, in the sun.
     It's time for the other team to take over, now.
     And we have a lot of work to do.  To set things to rights.  And head for the stars.  As a positive presence in the universe.
     Accept it.
     Or dom't.
     Your call.  

* A proper one, now.  Not one of these courts being run under Admiralty Law.  
   Which have had their day, now.  As we get back to American Common Law.  Aka Natural Law. The Law of the Land.
   Before we leave such judicial forms behind.  As we enter the kingdom of heaven.
   Which runs under its own law.
    The law of Truth.


P.S. While I'm in a breathing-fire state:

from ‘Heritage Foundation Destroys Claim Vote Fraud Doesn’t Happen’ - Alicia Powe - October 27
(“Database proves felons, illegal aliens playing role in elections”
The article quotes a number of Democrat politicians who pooh pooh the idea, and/or play the ‘racist’ card.  Grrrrr……………….) 

kibitzer3 a few seconds ago (October 28)

(Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by WND.)

I am so mad at these Democrat Party asshats. They clearly know that this 'racist' crap is simply a ruse, and yet they keep up with their false front. Let them come to my home state of CA, where I have ceased to play the con game, because my vote - along with the votes of all honest citizens here - has been disenfranchised beyond all repair. Not only is no ID asked for, but the precinct workers are trained specifically NOT to ask for any; thus allowing illegal voters to feel safer to come in. Plus, there is no cleansing of the voter reg rolls. When I asked my County Voter Registrar's Office why not, I was told "because people sign up on penalty of perjury". Say what?? And if they HAVE perjured themselves??? Nothing to do with us: "If you want to change the rules, you need to talk to your state representatives". Which in my case are both (Assembly and Senate) Democrats. And a governor who told an audience in the L.A. area at which there was known to be many illegal aliens: "You are welcome here." Of COURSE they are. Now in the millions, they are keeping the Democrats perpetually in charge of the state.

I forgot to mention that to make it even easier for IAs to vote, the state passed a Motor Voter Law, whereby anybody either renewing or applying for a driver's license is automatically registered to vote; and to make doubly sure that IAs do not opt out of that policy, the state also passed a law recently to allow IAs to obtain a driver's license. ('NOW will you get out there and vote? And you know which candidates to vote for. The ones with the 'D' after their name. Si??')

Try to tell me one more time, Democrats, that there is no substantial voter fraud going on, and I will pull your guts up out of your mouths and turn them into piano strings, and play The Battle Hymn of the Republic on them. Over and over and over. Grrrrrrr......................

And 'my' state, not so incidentally, is being looked on by Democrats for exiting (the term for it is CalExit) from the Union, and going it alone, under the auspices of the UN.  Far fetched?  Not if you understand what’s going on these dark days…

Bring it on, gang.

Bring it on.

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