Thursday 5 October 2017

Of False Flags, & Other False Things

from ‘Five MORE things that don’t add up at the Las Vegas massacre…Where is all the expended brass?’ - Mike Adams, Natural News - October 4
(An excellent summary of things that don’t add up about this caper, esp. regarding the ‘sniper’s nest’: Not enough brass shell casings in the room for the no. of rounds purportedly fired from there, no burn marks on the carpet from the hot brass, the no. of guns magically mushrooming from 10 to 27 - to make the ’guns’ subject even more up front …)

Stan October 4, 2017 at 10:44 pm
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False flag op, Gladio-style.

They mean business now. Undoubtedly as lead-up to a major event. They need to be taken down by the FBI asap.  Oh wait. The FBI is involved…

…and just a bit earlier, my response to a friend who sent me a link to an audio by John Lamb Lash, who is a major pusher of Mother Goddess 
energy, and a consequent critic (in a big way) of patriarchy; and who has talked about the (supposed) Mandela Effect, of different timelines seeming to be interacting:

“1. I find JLL a bit condescending.  But then, he has a right to be angry - very angry - at what has been pulled on humanity with regards to the patriarchal religions, and esp. the religion of Christianity.

“2. Maybe I haven't mentioned these 2 books to you before.  The first: 'Caesar's Messiah,' by Joseph Atwill.  Remarkable detective work.  He researched in depth the story in the New Testament, and found that the supposed public ministry of the supposed Jesus was a spitting image of the 'later' military campaign in Judea of Titus, which 'foretold' Titus's siege and sacking of Jerusalem and destruction of the Temple there.  Now, one can say 'Well, that's prophecy for you'.  One can also say (as Atwill has): Cui bono.  His conclusion: The NT books were written after Titus's campaign in an attempt to get the Jews to stop their incessant rebelling against the yoke of Rome [the Roman imperial household having sussed that the Jews were so virulently staunch in their opposition to Roman rule over them because of their belief in a delivering Messiah] by making a case for their (constructed) Messiah having 'foretold' the destruction of the Temple by The Son of Man - Titus (the Second Coming in the flesh) - for [their] being so stiff-necked, 'and so now will you stop your incessant rebelling???  The Flavians have spoken - er, 'God' has spoken.'  The Flavians being the imperial household of Vespasian - God the Father, his first son, Titus, and later, the younger son Domitian cashing in on the franchise.  Said household also containing a Jewish general-cum-governor-cum historian named Josephus - hence his name in history, Josephus Flavius - who, it can be assumed, saw the writing on the wall, and went over to the (obvious by then) winner's side, and helped with getting Vespasian declared emperor, in return for letting him bring a few of his family and friends with him into said imperial household. 
     “Cut to the second book: 'The Secret Society of Moses: The Mosaic Bloodline And a Conspiracy Spanning Three Millennia' by Flavio Barbiero.  Which details the fact that Josephus (whom a couple of other books, by Ralph Ellis - titled 'King Jesus' and 'Jesus, King of Edessa' - out as having had an alter ego: one Saul turned Paul.  The plot thickening) was not only a general/governor/historian, but of the priestly lineage of the Jews; and he brought a bunch of others of his priestly comrades with him into the safety of the Flavian household.  Who became many of the major names of history from then on: bishops of the new, Christian religion (that Josephus and his Flavian household brethren created), and even emperors.  The Jews being the crafty ones (including the Masonic 'craft') that they are.

“So: Fair enough that there is altering of the historical record going on?  No.  That is deceitful  I don't know what is going on regarding the idea of a Mandela Effect.  But I am not a happy camper regarding the idea.  The whole POINT of the exercise is for us souls - facets, fractals, aspects, points of view of our Creator Source - to grow from the experience of free will, learn lessons therefrom including the biggie that we are responsible for, and need to experience the consequences of, our actions; and if someone is screwing around with the tape, that can blow holes in the experience.  So I certainly hope that there is no such 'effect'.  

“But then, that's just me.”

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