Sunday 22 October 2017

On The Jooz

In my last blog I talked a bit about ‘the Jooz’.1  I wish to address that matter further.  

Right off, I’ll issue the standard ‘disclaimer’: Some of my best friends are/have been Jooz.2  That said, there is a serious issue to explore here: the matter of Jooz thinking of themselves as ‘the Chosen People’.  Which attitude his led them into some very deep waters.  Which has turned into a swamp.  Which needs - now - to be drained.  Of its reptilian creatures.  Like - oh, say: the Jooz.

What am I talking about, in a little more detail, please?  So, herewith:

Jooz - at least in the U.S. - have been, in the past, all out for the UN.  Why?  Because it has been a vehicle to supersede U.S. constitutional law.3  Which - the feeling would seem to go - allows its citizenry, as a majoritarian Christian culture, to ‘look down on’ them, as Jooz,  And the Jooz, especially with their inbred sense of being a/the Chosen People, but as well from their obvious mental acumen (think of all the Jooish composers and talented soloist musicians, e.g.),4 have resented that ‘second-class citizen’ status deeply.

Hence, why Jooz have attempted to take over seemingly every nation that they have ever settled in, in their people’s centuries-old Diaspora.  And keep getting kicked out of, for their pains.  And so, why they wanted a homeland of their own, after all this time of being ‘the Wandering Joo’; to the point of some leading members of its subculture going to the British government, during its travails with Germany in the early years of the Current Era (another irritant to them, undoubtedly: having to live under an ‘alien’ calendar all this time), and saying words to the effect: ‘If you will arrange for us to return to our homeland [in Palestine], we will bring the U.S. into the war on your side’.  And hey presto: dual Mission Accomplished.

And the subversion of the West5 went on, and on, from there.  Down to our day, and the Jooz - with their canny ability to manufacture artifice, illusion, as honed in Hollywood - coming up with such sleights of hand (with the help of what are called, and trained as, crisis actors.  Craigslist, anyone??) as the (2-day) Sandy Hook ’Exercise’ (complete with FEMA Manual reference), and the Boston Marathon Bombing (even announced-at-the-site) ‘Drill,’ and so forth and so on.  Down to the immediate ‘day’ as the extremely questionable Las Vegas Massacre.6  But not to forget, in the chronological record, such major capers as what has come to be known as 9/11.  And its Five Dancing Israelis, and (Mossad) explosives-positioning crew of Israeli 'art students’, and so forth.

The whole Truth of which will out.               

And retribution taken.

But as peacefully as possible, in the Transition period afoot.  For, they played a vital role - as part of the evolutionary Challenges we have experienced - in The Play.  Now to be released from their roles, to return to the side of the Light.  

If they can; after all this time in, and getting attached and accustomed/conditioned to, their parts.  

But they are a clever lot.  They should be able to rise to the occasion.

After all:

they were Chosen for the part.          

So that they are, indeed, a Chosen People.  

Just not in the way that many if not moat of them think.


1 I choose to use ‘that word’ this way because I don’t want any algorithms blocking my sharing.  G$$gle being up to some nasty tricks these days.  A subject on its own; too lengthy to go into here.

2 I put it that way because I no longer have any circle of friends, living alone in my old age - or at least, my retirement years - as I am.  

3 And I won’t go here, for the sake of brevity, into how over the years, since the nation’s very beginnings, Jooz have attempted to 'broaden' constitutional law, in order to create a centralized form of government, rather than a - laborious - federal system, far more difficult to subvert.  
   Why would they want to subvert it?  A major factor in that process: To undercut the nation’s guarantees of ‘free speech’.  
   As in Australia, where I lived for some years, and experienced this process firsthand as a member of a Free Speech Committee that was infiltrated by Jewish influence: anything to get the hated Christians to keep from calling them either ‘Christ killers’ or ‘kikes’.  That is to say: their working - scheming - to outlaw speech that is merely ’hurtful’ to another.  Not just speech that is either outrightly or tantamount to inciting violence. 
   Although that is obviously the feeling that many of them have, to the (perceived) superior attitudes of the Christians in the countries that they either find themselves living in, or enter to live deliberately, in order to subvert them, and put them under their (financial and other) control.  Because they are the Chosen People, doncha know.   Far superior to the cattle.  Known, and thought about, to them as the ‘goyim’.  
   The stupid goyim.  Although that is a redundancy, to them/their way of thinking.

4 And doctors.  And lawyers.  Oops - better not get into the subject of shyster lawyers.  We would be here all night.

5 Not to forget their taking over Russia, finally in the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.  As a launching pad for their version of ‘international socialism’ - i.e., communism.  To be controlled by them, of course.  None of this ’equality’ jazz.  That is just cover verbiage for the goyim.  But their main prize has always been Western civilization; for its emphasis on the individual.  As opposed to the collective.
   A collective that they mean to control.
   And especially now, in the form of what they call a/the/their New World Order.
   Their totalitarian New World Order.  To be ruled from the top down.
   Not from the inner out.
   But to continue.

6 Um…but the cartridges.  
   The shell casings  The empty shell casings.  Which should have littered the sniper’s room. Judging by all the shots that were reportedly fired from there.  No shell casings.  Oh, a few scattered around. For the (scant) photos.  But not nearly enough.  If that had actually been a sniper’s lair.
   And the video trained on the Mandalay Hotel when shots were heard.
  ‘ …What about it?’
   No sign of fire.  From that room.  Or any other room.  In that hotel.
   ‘…What video was that?’
   One that was not wiped clean by the FBI.  Before they - all camera photos and laptops - were returned to their owners.  After inspection by the FBI.  Wiped clean.  Curious, no??…
   Tell you what.  Let’s have a comprehensive investigation into that ‘event’.  Okay?  Just to check out a few questions. Lingering.  About it.  
   Like so many other capers in our day.  Designed to get guns out of the hands of the public.
   The better to take you over with, my dears.

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