Thursday 19 October 2017

It's Elementary. And Alimentary.

I have been invited to become a member of an outfit called Human Rights Watch.  In reading its material just sent to me, by its Executive Director Ken Roth, I had to wonder how I had gotten on their mailing list.  But I quickly realized that a) it was of the same sort of bumf that I have been receiving recently from other leftist outfits, like the SPLC; and b) it must all have come from the fact that I subscribe to the Democrat Party’s DCCC emailings.  As my way of keeping tabs on what the thinking is on that side of the political aisle.  As I do, but with more personal philosophical conviction, on the conservative side.  And I am glad, in the way of the knowledge gained, that I have subscribed to the Left’s side of things.  But this one was a real doozie.

It opened in an anodyne-enough fashion: 

“Dear Mr. Duane Stanfield,

“Until every person is guaranteed their basic human dignity along with the universal rights that you and I enjoy, there will always be a need for principled defenders of human rights to step forward.”   And then Mr. Roth really got into the meat - raw it was - of his missive: 

“I believe you are just such a person—someone who is equal parts appalled by President Trump’s demonization of refugees and determined not to let his vile, xenophobic attitudes become official US policies.”

Wow.  And it went on at length in that vein:

“…politicians are fanning the flames of extreme nationalism to challenge the existence of global systems that define and protect human rights.  This all-out assault on our bedrock principles of freedom and justice…defending the rights and dignity of refugees…I am proud of our staff members’ tenacity…(in) providing an essential counterbalance to the hateful, divisive rhetoric spewing from the White House…”

As Jack Benny might have said:

‘Well!’  That’s some statement, Mr. Roth.  What’s behind all this extreme rhetoric??  What is really going on here???

Ah.  Got it.  As encapsulated neatly in one of the points of the work that HRW is involved in, as Mr. Roth then got into in his letter; viz.:

“ * Rallying more of our fellow global citizens to the defense of human rights…”

Global citizens.  Got it.  The rallying cry of international socialism.  I.e., communism.  At the least: global statism.  Virulently opposed to ‘xenophobic’ nationalism, for nations like the U.S. having their own laws, outwith the reach of the UN’s bureaucrats to determine.

His next point, on their work:

“ * Sending an unmistakable message to tyrants, radicals, and presidents alike that we will never relent in protecting everyone’s basic human dignity.’” (his emphasis)  

Right.  Including radical Islamic extremists/terrorists.  And MS-13 gang assassins.  And oh, a whole host of other criminals, including rapists and other lawbreakers, as protected by Obama’s policies of Release and of entry into this country of poorly vetted (and many males of military age) ’refugees’ from high-intensity terrorist states.  But not to worry: HRW is on the case!  No Criminal Left Outside!   Step up!  Step up!  Everybody welcome!  And we will protect you from the Big Bully (the what was it?  Trump’s “demonization of refugees,” with his “vile, xenophobic attitudes” and “hateful, divisive rhetoric”) in the White House!  

Mr. Roth comments:

“I believe you will be proud to display the enclosed membership decal.  Please confirm that I am right about you.”

Thanks, Ken.  But no thanks.  You see: I am on to you.


Mr. Duane Stanfield
A proud citizen of the U.S.A.      

And - as these things have a habit of going sometimes - I have also received a mailing, from the American Minutemen Project, encouraging me to sign and return their petition, as Citizen Co-Sponsor Authorization For H.R. 193.  It is a bill - well, let me let them tell it.  From their covering letter (from Cheryl Burns, Project Chairman):

“Dear Friend,

“The United Nations is currently executing a secret plan to become the seat of government for the New World Order.

“A plan that includes the global power to tax you, a U.N. standing army, a World Supreme Court, a land grab of indescribable proportions, the suppression of private gun ownership, a massive new building program to house thousands of additional bureaucrats, and so much more.

“Entrenched, international bureaucrats in our own U.S. State Department, aided by millions in hidden cash from left wing creepy billionaire George Soros, think we should bend to the will of the U.N. and allow our United States to disappear in favor of a One World Government.

“And they are well on their way to victory…”

Thus the AMP’s support for H.R. 193 -  the American Sovereignty Restoration Act.  Originally introduced by Rep. Ron Paul, who retired in 2013, his spirit is being kept alive by conservative Congressmen, in the war to save our national sovereignty from the NWO termites amongst us.  And thus the demonizing of a certain ’xenophobic’ president; and all of us who stand in the way of the accomplishment of that mission.  And thus the agenda of the likes of Ken Roth; attempting to undercut the independence of the U.S., via the best-laid plans of the NWO ‘global citizens’ crowd.1  

And thus the extremity of the far Left’s reaction to the upset victory of Donald Trump in the presidential race.  These termites must defeat the ‘nationalism’ of Trump; or too many of the American public will be awakened in time, to attempt to reverse ‘the tide of history’.  

They.  Think.

And to wrap up this blog with a very timely addition to all this; from a mailing that I received just today (yesterday, now): from Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center, on the subject of the AFFH Rule.

What’s the AFFH Rule?  

Well that you ask.  For, it could very well affect you, and you private property; if the American people can’t get Dr. Ben Carson, in his role as HUD Secretary, to react favorably to the rule of law in the country regarding it.  From the coving letter to this mailing, and its enclosed petition to that effect:

“In 2016, the federal agency Housing and Urban Development (HUD) under Barack Obama announced the ‘Affirmatively Affirming Fair Housing Rule,’ (AFFH).

This is the socialist left’s most radical assault on American citizens and local governments… (author’s emphasis)

 “The AFFH Rule will destroy your property rights.

“The AFFH Rule will destroy your property values.

“THE AFFH Rule will destroy whole neighborhoods.

“And the AFFH Rule will virtually erase the very concept of local rule by your locally elected representatives. (author’s emphases)

“Here are the facts:

“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing requires EVERY community that applies for HUD grants to perform massive demographic analyses locally and regionally to determine if there are enough low income and minority people living in every neighborhood.

“HUD will search the records of every person in each neighborhood for income levels, race, color, religion, national origin and much more.

“If there aren’t enough of each category, HUD determines that there is an ‘imbalance’ and will force a massive shift to balance the breakdown of residents.

This is social engineering at its worst.” (author’s emphasis - and mine.)

It goes on, but I will spare you the further details of this over-the-top socialistic scheme.  Basically, there are two main points here:

1) Statists see people as pawns, to be moved around at their will.  Their arrogant will.

2) One can say: ‘Just don’t take their money.’  But

     a) that’s to forget the power of the media, and a beat-up of citizens in a gang (‘Democracy at work’), to demonize any locally-controlled body that won’t go along with such ’socially uplifting activity’; and

     b) the whole thing is unconstitutional anyway.

The bottom line: Bureaucrats can’t impose power that they didn’t have before the bait was lowered to the prospective catch.  I repeat: The offering or withholding of tax monies doesn’t confer more power to ‘you’ than you had without that gimmick.  But we, of course, are talking about people who have decided to relegate the Constitution - the rule of law in the country - to the trash bin.  Along with all the other stuff relating to the Founding Fathers.  Monuments, and so forth.  Of those old fuddy-duddies, in their wigs.

Who crafted a nation for the ages.

DeWeese, in his letter, goes on into a report on how the so-called Agenda 21 of the UN has been setting this sort of thing up for years; in this case, its Sustainable Development Smart Growth policy, “that controls development, energy use, water use, and enforces public transportation over your private use of your car…”2  But rather than go into that and its partner, the new Agenda 2030 (which allows UN forces to come in and enforce Smart Cities policies), let me end this observation with a summarizing comment:

This is a free country.  Let’s keep it that way.  And tell the socialist power grabbers:

Hands.  Off.

And word your echoing comment any way you wish to.  And feel drawn to.

Me.  I’ll keep mine clean.

For now.    

But don’t push me, NWO gang.  I’m on a short fuse, these wrapping-up days.


1 And here I have to admit to a certain degree of naivety on my part, when years ago I spent a year working for an NGO connected with the UN called Planetary Citizens.  Our aim was admirable: to help awaken the public, through educational materials and grassroots activity, to the need to think of ourselves as being good citizens of the planet as well, in terms of such matters as reducing our carbon footprint, and recycling things rather than being a wasteful and polluting lot, and saving the ozone layer, and on and on.  My naivety ‘allowed’ me to overlook the little matter that a VP from the David Rockefeller mob was on our Board of Directors.  
   Keeping an eye on things for The Boss.  Very much like the author of ‘The Strawberry Statement’ told about, when he said that David Rockefeller was trying to "buy himself a revolution" in their student uprisings of the late '60s.  My stint at PC was in1982.  Still at it, was our erstwhile Dear Leader.  And he kept on his merry globalist way, over the succeeding years, according to such political commentator sources as Benjamin Fulford.  
   Personally, I think that he fancied himself as a king David, mentioned in the Bible, who would come, and take over.  The world.
   That may well happen.  (To say: a David ‘type’: a slayer of a giant.  Like, oh, say: the Western monetary system.)  But it won’t be David Rockefeller, now past his use-buy date.
   Fortunately.  Judging by his writings, on such matters, as a global government, and imposition on the people of the planet from the top down, of big thinkers and planners like himself.  And Kissinger.
   In a word: Tyrants.  Of which we have surely had enough, through our long and sordid history of such individuals and clashes, on this sorely put-upon planet.
   Now ready for a New Look.
   The Real Thing look.

2 Interestingly, just now our local community is waking up to plans by the local authorities to force more people to ride bikes than use cars.  They have been leading up to fit or a long time by keeping controlled the number of parking spots in town.  People around my neck of the woods spend  considerable time hunting for a parking space when they come off work or in the evening.  And someone just yesterday (two days ago, now) commented on our local ’Nextdoor’ email network how a lot of people, including the elderly, can’t ride bikes.
   But don’t tell our erstwhile masters, aka apparatchiks.  They wouldn’t understand such niceties, in their demands for us to live the way they want us to live.  As in the old Soviet Union.
   The old.  Soviet Union.

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