Monday 30 April 2018

On Coming Into, And Claiming, My Own

And Another Thing…

‘Anchor Baby’ My Aunt Fanny

Read it again, o learned justices sitting so pontifically on yonder High Court of the land:

“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States, and of the State wherein they reside…” 

That is from the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, enacted after the Civil War, to clarify and legally confirm that the former slaves were now citizens, no longer to be treated as slaves.  So far, so fair enough.  But then shyster, slippery-tongued lawyer types began getting into the act - even against the specific words of the author of that citizenship clause, Sen. Jacob Howard, who affirmed/is even on record that it - of course - did not apply to the likes of people who were in this country illegally.  

Let it be ludicrously, over-the-top clear: An illegal alien mother - or a ‘maternity tourist industry’ mother (as has grown up in this country, due to the mistaken interpretation of this clause; and due to the scheming, conniving snakes behind that mistaken position) - is “subject to the jurisdiction” of her native country - as is her baby.  They are citizens of their foreign state.  


“Where there is no law, there is no liberty.”  - Benjamin Rush.  

And if you, dear American citizen of our day, don’t know who Benjamin Rush was, that is a telling commentary on the quality of your education in the public school systems of this country, on such fundamental subjects to being a good citizen of this country as ‘U.S. History & Government’.   

All, to be corrected.


And in specific particular to this culture-destroying and nation-overthhrowing subject; and as regards the judicial branch of our government itself.  

Even as cleansed of the illegal appointments to it by the Usurper, Barack Hussein Obama.  Whose administration is to be stricken from the record en toto.  For it to be as though he had never occupied that thus-dishonored office.  For, he was never there legally.

And get ready, both major political parties of our day.  And even the Congress itself; for having failed in your duty, to uphold the Constitution - that you took an oath to do.  Your time has come as well.

Your time.

Of retribution.

For playing fast and loose with this special country.

I doubt seriously that I would feel this way - quite as strongly as I do - if there weren't some substance to my claim.  I am normally a peaceful man.  But on this subject, and if I were a lion, believe me, my roar would be heard from sea to shining sea.  Saying, in essence:

Not my country, you won't.

Hands.  Off.

*  Apparently this ’anchor baby’ big business got ‘anchored’ in our law by a (mere) footnote by Justice William J. Brennan (a leader of the U.S. Supreme Court’s liberal wing) in 1982.  Which had no basis in either law or reality; was merely part of the socio-political proclivities of an ‘activist’ judge.  And picked up on by our kept MSM, and likewise sold-out politicians and judges.

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