Sunday 24 February 2013

In Such A World As This

So the Department of Homeland Security is hoarding massive amounts of ammunition…thus depriving both the public and the local police forces of the wherewithal to make guns lethal…

This business, of the federal government/DHS buying up - locking up - huge amounts of ammo (enough to run an Iraqi war for many years) is an extremely worrisome thing.  Unless the federal government has some intel about a pending massive natural disaster - say, an incoming planetary-sized body, complete with moonlets and such - it is creating, in concert with other measures that it has adopted,1 a condition for the legitimate suspicion of a takeover, or at least the attempted takeover, of America, by the Left: by extreme socialists, wanting to trash the Constitution (and its recognition, and protection, of individual rights; rather than the state's granting - or not - of 'privileges')2 in order to merge the then-disassociated United States into a region of the Left's version of a New World Order, run by left-wing elites and unions.  

Their answer to the extreme Right's version of the same sort of thing; their version run by the bankers and corporate-world honchos and fascist-minded elites.

A pox on both your houses.  Or 'Orders'.  

We are not subjects.  We are autonomous individuals - freemen and -women, with souls, subject to the rules of 'the universe' - not yours.  Rules, such as the workings of Karma; wherein and whereby we learn - learn; from the inside - to take responsibility for ourselves, as individuals.  Not turn over all responsibility to 'the state', of whatever stripe, running our lives for us.  

How stultifying.  How demeaning.  How anti personal growth. 

And do you really want to live in such a world?  Where everything is determined by the state??  The production of various goods, and so forth???…

It's one way.

But it's not my way.

We will be judged on our individual merits.

By ourselves.

And that's just the way it is.

In such a world - a creation; a reality, behind the 3D illusion we are currently inhabiting - as this one.

Wherein we are all One.

Just of a different kind, than the mindless, groupthink hive that our erstwhile slavemasters - of either the Left or the Right - have in mind for us.

Their minds.

As our Overseers.

And so, don't listen to the Left in regards to such things as 'absolutes'; of which there are none, in their lexicon, where, rather, everything is relative.  To the Left, the Constitution's words - in wording such as a 'natural born citizen', say, as opposed to just a 'citizen' -  don't really matter, because everything is relative.  'Words mean what I say they mean,' said Humpty Dumpty - and so do leftists, intent on overthrow of old institutions and the established order.  Including the rule of law.  To say, in America: the Constitution.

Don't listen to their siren song.  There be rocks in those waters.

And rocks can be very absolute.

And if there is, indeed, some sort of natural disaster pending, that the government of the day is gearing up for, I say:

Let us know.

We can take it.

After all, we are, not subjects, but sovereigns.  With minds of our own.  Who can think for ourselves.  And be responsible in that doing.

Because that's what it's all about.

In such a world - a creation; a reality - as we are a part of.

And are responsible for.     



1 as, say, drones over America; and attempts at gun control; and measures to control the vote; and the influx and intended recognition of illegal aliens, to help skew that vote even more to their side, and ends; and...and...and...... 

2 or its establishing of group rights; such as the right to an education, child care, health care and such; with a huge percentage of everybody's income converted into tax dollars to pay for it all - the cradle-to-the-grave welfare society, where everybody is equal: equally poor, as individual incentive is strangled in the cradle.
     But then, less environmental pollution that way, too… - the way, to say, of totalitarian control over the populace.
     To which attitude I say: Not in MY domain.  In my domain, there is a working element called free will.
     If you have heard of it, but didn't, and don't, really believe in it:
     You are about to become a believer.
     Believe me.  

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