Tuesday 19 February 2013

Of Dreams And Visions

I have just been reading in the February issue of Whistleblower magazine, the whole issue devoted to the subject of 'Tyranny Or Stupidity?  The total irrationality of the new gun control movement'.

Oh dear...what to say to the matter.  This key matter before the American public.  Pressing on us.  In the right here and now...

I can sympathize with those who have a dream of a society without guns.  I, too, have the same vision.  But if that dream is only a materialistic dream - i.e., not accompanied by the realization, and conviction, and activation, of Man's true identity, as 'a spiritual being having a human experience' - it is but a pipe dream.  Is of the same cloth as the Marxist concept that the state would wither away once Man had been put under total control by the state, and had adjusted - been conditioned; like Pavlov's dog - to his new state of being.  That is, the idea that character is made by environment - the old 'nature vs. nurture' argument.

Well; yes, it is, to some extent.  A lot of the violence that we see today is ultimately caused by a lack of awareness of, and inculcated by the socio-environmental resistance to, Man's true nature, and leaving him in the no-man's-land limbo of a society built on the idea that there is no reason for, purpose for life other than in and for itself only, and therefore the law of the jungle prevails; i.e., that it's survival of the fittest.  Dog eat dog, unless the state has total control over the dogs.  Or cattle.  Or sheep; or whatever you want to call, think of The People in such a totalitarian society.

Once you inculcate the awareness of Man's inherently spiritual nature, and that becomes the bedrock of your society, then you can think of guns disappearing from the picture.  Not before.  Before then, a man or woman has an inherent right to protect themselves, their family, and their property.  From individuals.  And from the corrupted state.

Which absolute power will certainly do to it.

So; First things first.

How could anybody think that it would ever work otherwise??  We have all of history to have learned from.  And of that, in our very day the atrocious examples of the Turks and the Armenians amongst them, and Hitler's Germany, and Stalin's Soviet Union, and Mao's People's Republic of China against its 'political dissidents', and Pol Pot's Year One, and Rwanda's civil war; and......

And so no, it's not enough to have comparative peashooters against automatic - true 'assault weapons', in the hands of the state.1  Like Gun-Free Zones, restricting the public to comparative peashooters is just inviting assault.

What would I do?

Well, the ultimate is obvious.  And it's time anyway, for the acceptance of, and move into, the Golden Age that is just waiting for us to raise our consciousness to, in order to land it, and its technology to take us out of poverty into abundance.  Until then, I would:

1) take all people off the drugs that are making them violent (and put them on holistic substances that get to the cause of their conditions; not just think to treat the symptom);

2) engage in a major educational campaign, alerting the public to the difference between conspiracy theory and conspiracy fact;2

3) dissolve Congress - for not doing its constitutional duty in regards to the hijacking of the Executive branch of the federal government; and

4) clean out said Executive branch.  Up to and including the drone-ordering Usurper who is currently occupying the office of the presidency, and is steering the nation, and therefore the world, into extremely dangerous waters.

And all that is just for starters.

Which it is time to initiate.

And, like, stat.    



1 Has nobody been able to get through to the gun-control people yet that an AR-15 is more anemic than a normal deer-hunting rifle?  That we're talking image here??
      Come on, Diane; you're smarter than that.

2 And to the fact that We Are All One.  But first things first.  In the sense of getting their attention first.
     Nothing is, in reality, before the Prime.

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