Wednesday 20 February 2013

Well-Chosen Words From The Past

Today my Internet reading has led me to be even more concerned about the way that things are going in America politically, and civilly.  Obama's, and his administration's, excesses are causing even more resolution on the part of patriots seriously to consider uncivil war.  What follows is a thought as to how to avoid this catastrophe.  It is a post of mine to a Comments thread on an article at Patriot Update titled 'Is It TIme For A Third Party?' by Sean Aland - Feb. 20:

Jack Dixon3 hours ago

No, absolutely not! By settling on a constitutionally limited republic, our forefathers provided a stable and enduring central government. Our frustration with today's mess is no excuse to adopt a chaotic parliamentary (in which multiple parties would be appropriate) or other system; it is our own fault for allowing statists/progressives/socialists/Democrats to ascend to power for the last hundred years. Instead of sitting back complacently and arguing how many political parties can dance on the head of a nation, we should be rising up and demanding that our government return to its legal role of defense, diplomacy, and regulation of interstate duties (original intent of the Commerce Clause), All of the other grab bag panderfest erected in the past hundred years needs to be phased out or shifted to the states where they are legally authorized, if the states choose to continue them. (Clue: red states will not, which will make them little islands of freedom and prosperity, just as intended.) Guarantee you a lot of states will go red when that happens.
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Christopher P Smith1 hour ago

In the current atmosphere where Republicans are complicit in detroying America 
hand in hand with the White House, all the "demanding" of our government to 
return to its "legal role" would be fruitless. 
The White House ccurrently has 139 sweeping executive orders under its belt, 
allowing them full and complete control over every aspect of our freedoms 
and liberties. We need a third party and/or a 21st Century American Revolution.
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Stan StanfieldLess than a minute ago  [slightly edited]

A Reset could be enacted by a mass march on Washington of The People, Assembled - led by Oathkeepers and consisting of the various constituencies of the Right and those Democrats who don't want a tyrant of either the Right OR the Left in power - a) dissolving the sitting Congress for not doing its constitutional duty in regards to the Usurper in the Oval Office; b) vowing to stay (in rotations) until the Usurper vacates said office; and c) appointing an Officer OF The People (Art. II, Sect. 1), who will call for new, clean elections within a time certain (say 90/120 days), and in the meantime, clean out the Augean stables of the executive branch of government of all those placemen and -women who are not doing their constitutional duty either. as well as rescinding all unconstitutional executive orders. 

It's time to think big, and thorough, folks. And in line with the sentiments of the Founding Fathers.  One of whom - George Washington - and one principle of which was expressed thusly: "The ultimate authority, wherever the derivative may be found, resides in the people alone."


The People - in alignment with the American form of government, as a constitutional federal republic.  Not the direct democracy/democratic centralism that Bill Ayers & Co. want it to be; and killed, and exploded bombs, for.

Admittedly, the Weather Underground was trying to draw attention to the wrongdoing going on in high places that had taken over America, with its fascist-like properties developing ( = a nexus between the corporate world/powerful elite and the government).  But two wrongs don't make a right.

There is a better answer. 

That we're getting to.

Slow.  But sure.

P.S.  And on a more practical note, a 'civil' issue to end the day on.  This, from Western Center for Journalism, blog entitled 'Obama Supporters Accused of Voter Fraud Testify in Ohio Hearing' - Daniel Noel - Feb. 20 (I am kibitzer2):

These frauds and hundreds of thousands like them commited crimes. A token few might get slaps on the wrist, but nothing will be done about overturning the corrupt election. The Ohio Sec of State mentioned “learning from this and moving forward”. No sir, because that does not deal with the result of all this voter fraud. It’s not enough. As far as “moving forward” goes, pass Voter ID in every state and enforce it in every district. Lose the electronic voting machines and back to manual paper ballots. Anything that can be programed can be programed to cheat, and there will always be people willing to do that. Less excuses for fraudsters, and much more severe penalties. Most important of all, reverse or nullify results in those districts with proven cases of fraud. If they change the outcome of that district or state, so be it, as that’s how is should have been without the fraud anyway.
  • govogue says:
    February 20, 2013 at 10:42 pm
    Patriot, everything you wrote is so true, but that’s good “common sense” and, actually, today’s leaders
    don’t use that approach. Besides, if a sensible idea comes up, a liberal will squelch it. Fraud was recognized immediately…… votes were being cast; however, what was done about it??? There is so much WRONG
    in our government, but too many citizens have no idea of any corruption. It is despicable, knowing that, along with the fraud……..ignorant/uninformed people voted. Shameful!

    ReplyReport user 
  • kibitzer2 says:
    February 20, 2013 at 11:20 pm
    Well put, Florida-Patriot. I refused to vote because it was obvious that the system was bent and I didn’t want to support a charade.. There was no proper oversight over who was voting, were they really a citizen or just a resident, their signature was not compared to anything so they could have voted any number of times, etc etc etc. The voting rolls need to be cleaned TOTALLY; and as you say, go back to a paper trail. 

  • But it is also the fault of those running the elections: they set people up to think to game the system, with their lax procedures. All in all, one big farce. If we’re going to be a third world country, let’s be one: dipping a voter’s finger in purple ink, after checking if they are truly a citizen. No exceptions. 

  • Voting has to be trustworthy, or it is a meaningless exercise, a game of illusion. Disgusting.


Not a very positive not to end on.  But democracy is rough-and-tumble.  However, we could have done a better job of it, here in this country of example to the world.  

Can we still???... 

I have a feeling that we have run out of time.

I wish it all could have ended on a higher note.  But it is as it is.

A perfect example of what happens when you lose your vision, your raison d'etre.  The gremlins of your lower natures take over.

Well; at least that's information.  

And that's what it's all about.

Information.  And insights gained from it.  

Growth, gained from it.


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