Tuesday 26 March 2013

For The Record - 2

The more I read about the political shenanigans going on in this day and age (the latest being the article titled 'The Real Green' in the Jan. 7th issue of The New American, on the revolving door from the Obama administration giving taxpayers' money to 'green' projects and getting election donations back in return.  A sweet deal)1 the more I have to shake my head.  It wasn't supposed to be this way.  Well; in a sense.

I'll explain.

To a segment of the current generation of Americans, I ask: Just who do you think you are, letting an ineligible person run for the presidency of the United States?  And that it was understood, by both main political parties, that the man was not eligible was confirmed - given away - by the eight attempts between 2003 and 2008, by both main political parties, to get an amendment to the Constitution going through Congress on this very issue.  (All of which failed even to get out of committee.)  And so a claimed conspiracy was entered into, with each political animal saying to the other, 'You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours' on the matter.2  And then the perps got caught out when it turned out that the man had problems with his birth certificate anyway; it turning out that he apparently had none on file in Hawaii.3  An inconvenient truth that occasioned him to have to have a document forged for him.  And so the coverup has lurched from felony to farce, as his story unwinds, with a purloined Social Security number involved, and a forged Selective Service registration card on file, and so forth and so tawdry ON.


People, people, people of the American Republic in this day and age:

It took a lot to create the Constitution - in sweat, blood, and tears - and you in your generation are not going to get away with treating it like, turning it into, "just a damn piece of paper," in the colorful words of another man in that major, prominent position who was allowed to play fast and loose with the law of the land.  Read my lips: the Constitution is a contract.  You have abrogated the contract.

So we are at the end of its era.

So now, higher powers will take over; before it falls further into the hands of those who don't deserve the results of the downfall of the American Republic.  Of this grand experiment in self governance.

Which came a cropper when The People decided to crown themselves.

Rather than their Creator.  And themselves in alignment with their Source.

Deciding, just to go their own way.  With an arrogance born of their potential power, as gods in the making. but as distorted through the lens of the matrix of illusion that they were allowed to play out their fancies in.  To find out, the hard but only real way, what happens when you lose your way.  And wander in the jungle of your making.

I used to call life the 'reality' where incarnate souls 'wander in the desert of their making,' to try to convey the sense of thirst, of abandonment, of separation - of mirages - that the experience gives a soul.  But when such souls abandon the likes of the rule of law, they open themselves to the rule of the jungle.

Survival of the fittest.  And the fittest, in those terms, are the ones who crave power over others, and create conditions for that craving to play itself out.

Enough of all that explanatory stuff.  Just to say, in closing:

We now are going to move out of the realm of, and experience of, Power Over.  And into the realm of, crowning experience of, power With.

Each other.  In tune, each of us, with our Power from Within.

If we can fine-tune our minds, and consciousnesses, to receive that signal.  And leave all these other signals behind; all the meretricious static that has distracted us for so long.

Long enough.

And just in time, to be left behind.  It would appear.

With the fall from Grace of the American Republic.

The Grace of God.  By which it had led its life, for at least a while, in its history.

To be sung of, in ages hence.

About the time when there was, truly, a Camelot.

An inspiration to the world.  

America.  The Gem of the Ocean.

Having fallen, in its last days, to a sad and tragic state of disrepair.              



1 I'm just getting around to the article, and that issue of TNA - a staunch conservative publication, of the staunch conservative John Birch Society - because I failed to receive, through the mail, five straight issues of it, since the end of 2012.  After contacting the publisher about the matter, I finally received them - all in an envelope with a tracking code on it - but it makes one wonder.  Especially with everything else going on these days, of a political nature.

2 See you in court, under RICO statutes.  If need be, to get you both to confess to your sins in this malicious matter.  Before a Truth & Reconciliation process is entered into; for us to move on.
     Us, here, in America.  And the world.

3 Or whatever may have been on file for him was not supportive of his case.

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