Tuesday 5 March 2013

Keep Breathing...

I am getting so tired of all of the fallout from the Left's attempted takeover of America, and submersion of it into a socialist-fascist - collectivist - New World Order.  I know it's all a part of 'the process', the karmic unfolding taking place.  But it's so - demeaning, sometimes.

Take all of the current attempts to limit the kinds of weaponry that the public can have for self-protection.  I know that patriots can see what's going on.  But why can't Average Joe and Jill?  Have they been so brainwashed by their education over the last decades that they honestly don't get the picture??

Take this latest (to my Inbox).  This, from 2012: What's the 'Real' Truth; blog titled: 'Colorado Lawmakers Advance Seven Sweeping Gun Control Measures in Senate Committee' - by Ivan Moreno & Kristen Wyatt - Mar. 5.  My response:

kibitzer3 says:
This is all just so maddening, the way the public is being manipulated so on this issue. Can’t they SEE that ‘there’s something wrong with this picture’? Why aren’t they asking harder questions about what caused the shooters to go over the edge (hint: psychiatric medications); and about all the mysterious details about both events that are going unanswered, for being unasked, except by alert followers of ‘the bouncing ball’ on the Internet??
Which ‘bouncing ball’ also includes all the measures that the Obama administration has been quietly putting in place for a national takeover, and rounding up of dissidents into ‘Re-Education Camps’, the plans for which are even available on pdf download from the Internet…
Apparently America is going to have to learn the hard way what happens when you are up against ideologues, and you decide to ignore those somewhat funny-looking sheep coming ever closer to the herd, where you are innocently minding your own business – except that which makes you an American, responsible for your own governance.


Perhaps I have more of an advantage, because of my age, than I am allowing for.  I can remember, in the '70-'72 time period, one day halfway listening to the radio as I was finishing up my lunchtime break at work, and hearing, on a popular talk-radio program out of San Francisco, a young man, who was making the rounds of such programs, making an appeal for stricter gun-control measures; saying (even at that early time period) how dangerous they were.  When the talk-show host - who was considered generally as a fairly liberal-type guy (well; we're talking San Francisco here; the lair of the likes of Dianne Feinstein) - asked his guest, "What do you say when people say to you that it's a communist plot to take away our means of self-defense?" the young fellow went silent.  I think he started to stammer some sort of response, but I had to go back to work just at that point; carrying with me the feeling that the fellow felt a bit betrayed by that talk-show host, whom - out of San Francisco, for heaven's sakes - he could have been excused to think would be sympathetic to the idea, not come back at him like a conservative talk-show host might have.

Fast forward to today, and we have had put in place all the pieces needed to make it a more possible - even probable - scenario now.

Oh - and I also have the benefit of having been living down in Australia when the Port Arthur massacre took place, and witnessing, in the media there, the propagandic push for gun control (and reading later, in the alternative media, all of the suspicious factors regarding that caper; which have never been adequately answered).  And also, I realize I was living in the UK (and, specifically, Scotland) when the Dunblane shooting event occurred, and reading the use of that 'crisis' to introduce major gun control in that country as well.  So, I have been around awhile, and seen the modus operandi at work...

Let me make something clear, here.  My take on the future is that we are entering into a New Era for humanity, in which all these sorts of things will disappear, as we move up in consciousness to a new level of consciousness, and stage of our spiritual growth.  And it may be that reality that so many of today's Left/liberals are tuning into, as the 'better world to live in' than this one, that awaits us very soon.1  But there will need to be some specific features of that New Age, that NewKingdom, that Golden Age, in order for it to come about.  And one of those qualities of being is that people are going to have to stop thinking that 'the government' is going to 'do it' for them - to say, to stop relying on power outside of themselves, to make themselves, and others, behave in 'nice' ways to each other.

To both the Left, and the seduced Right (with all that middle-class and upper-class welfare), I say: You're going to have to kick the dependency mentality.  In the New Kingdom, after a period of transition from a new currency to a moneyless society, and before we move out of 3D mode and into a 5D level of being,2 you will get credits for what you contribute to the operation of the society.  There will be no 'freebies'.  And you can spend your credits however you wish to.  Your private life is your business (insofar as there is any privacy, at a stage of spiritual development when we are moving into our telepathic powers).  But be aware, that because there is no profit motive in operation (interest-bearing money is one of the first things to go in this New World),3 you won't have as great a spectrum of choice of things to do, or spend your credits on.  Only 'uplifting' things will be available, in a high-consciousness kingdom - the high-consciousness kingdom of our very near future.

And Gaia's.

As to that latter factor (that this is all part of a larger context): If you are not ready for Ascension, you will have to go elsewhere, and continue to work out your 3D consciousness in a realm suited to/resonating with your level of consciousness.  Sorry to leave you behind.  But you will no longer be allowed to hold the rest of your soul mates back.

He said, who attempts to live by and with the energy of Limitless Love.  But also with/tempered by the energy of Limitless Truth.

And that's the Truth of that matter.  Call it Tough Love.

Anyway; what I am saying, is that many people will have to change their attitude of dependency on 'the government', and bring it back home: dependency on themselves.  Cultivating an attitude of gratitude.

As the self-governing sparks of divinity that they essentially are.  Beneath the layers of 3D personalities that they have accrued, in their multi-take sojourn in this dense-matter kingdom of 3D consciousness.

About to experience Lift Off.



1 This may also be why some on the Left are advocating, and agitating for, 'no borders': they have, are operating under, intimations of such a world.  But first things first: It has to come about - can only come about - under the proper conditions; to say, consciousness.  
     Under the current context, e.g., illegal aliens should not be given a free pass.  Love needs to be tempered with Truth; and the truth in this case is, that they have broken the law, by jumping the queue, and should not be rewarded for doing so.  Nor their children.  For karma to be served properly.
     My sympathies rather lie with those erstwhile immigrants who have patiently waited their turn, to come here, through the front door; some day to be proud, good citizens of the American Republic.  Not with those who climbed in through a side window, and thus have shown themselves to be poor material for good citizens, down the line, from the get-go.
     As I say: Love has to go with Truth, to be a fully fledged quality.
     And speaking of Truth: Those who seduced the illegals into coming here - by their positions in government bureaucracies, and by their congressional votes (giving them various perks), and by giving illegals jobs under the counter - should have to face the same music.
     The music of Justice.  

2 Wherein everything is done by thought power.  Including travel.

3 Where we share goods and services with one another - and give of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the (age-old) one of profit.  Out of the highest motive there could ever be:
     out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.
     Out of, in a word: Love.

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