Tuesday 12 March 2013


Here I was, beginning to try to be not so hard on Obama, when along comes a voice from 'on high' accusing (the likes of) me of coming from my ego, which "supports personal ideas and perceptions, which often are rigidly set".  This, from this month's message from a purportedly high-level spiritual entity name of Matthew (through his incarnate mother).  He goes on:

"We shall give you an example. We and many other messengers in the light have told you the truth about Barack Obama, a highly evolved soul from a civilization far advanced in spirituality, intelligence and ancient wisdom. The highest universal council asked him to leave his homeland and accept the mission of leading the United States and your world into an era of peace, prosperity and unity."

Well, bull-ly.  

Is it of such high spiritual energy that motivates a man who runs a kill list for takeouts by armed drones?  Who extensively hides facts about his background; but of whom what has come out about it is that he is, or at least has been, a committed Marxist, complete with revolutionary fervor about it?  And surrounds himself with the same kinds of people??  Who are now running the administration of the United States of America; and running it in such a way that civil war is being seriously mooted, between those Americans who believe in the founding principles of the Republic - i.e., in a nutshell, individual liberty and personal responsibility - and those who want to overthrow the old order of things, and institute a collectivist vision for the country, and ultimately for the world, in a vaunted, secularist New World Order??? 

A disclosure statement here: I, too, believe that humanity is heading for a (sort of) 'collectivist' vision.1  But the devil is in the details.  To say: It all depends on how we are to get there, and live therein. 

By Force (as the current 'overthrow' operatives believe in).  Or by Love.

I'll tell you what I would do, in the same position.

I would dissolve the Congress, for dereliction of duty - for not doing its constitutional duty in reining in an Executive getting too big for his britches: taking over their legislative responsibilities and constitutional role, e.g.2  I would ask - issue an edict - for the resignations of every member of the bureaucracy of the executive branch, and then 'hire' (keep reading) back those who are 'clean-skinned'/vetted in detail, of ideological or corporate interests.  I would immediately order investigations into: the Sandy Hook and Aurora Theater massacres; 9/11; the OKC Murrah Building bombing; and all the way back to the assassinations of JFK, RFK, and MLK; and then institute a Truth & Reconciliation process.3  I would take America out from under the control of the Federal Reserve, and the whole world's currency system (if it hasn't already imploded before then), and replace it with a self-generating system operating under the principle of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning - the motivation to share goods and services with one another thereby being out of, in a word, Love;4 which will immediately result in a level of Abundance far more befitting us, as children of a loving God, than the pale imitations of social living that we are currently functioning under, under either the capitalist free-enterprise system (based on a scarcity model), or the demand economies of socialist/communist systems, or hybrid welfare states.  All of this, in preparation as well for Disclosure - for our Contact with our galactic (and other) neighbors, who are cheering us on from the 'ethers', for getting closer to our Ascension out of the constrictive shell of the artificial 3D matrix that we have been living in, for long enough now.  Because it's time to do so; and be further about our Father's business.   

And I would do some other things as well.  But you get the picture.5

And as well, about how the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama doesn't really fit the picture of  "a highly evolved soul", fit to lead "the United States and (our) world into an era of peace, prosperity and unity".

Not with his current policies he doesn't. 

With his current policies, he is leading the United States - and imminently - into a civil war; out of which can only come continuing rancor, and level-of-the-problem economic collapse, and division.

In my humble opinion.

But then, who am I.

Just a citizen.  Who believes in free will over compulsion.

Any takers???


P.S. After The People and I dissolve the sitting Congress, I would call for elections within a time certain; say, 120 days; if The People still wanted that form of governance, after we move into such a life-scenario time of Spirit taking over the enterprise, of life on the good ship Earth.  Better known in more holistic circles as Gaia; with a spirit, and an Ascension, of Her own going on.
     That many - most?? - of us will take part in as well.



1 I would prefer in that instance to use the word 'community'.  As in 'common unity'.  Communing with Spirit.  In the building of a New Earth; so to speak.
     She can look after Herself quite well.  (For more on which: keep reading.)  

Obama had no rightful business, e.g., issuing an Executive Order effectively legislating the amnesty of the children of illegal aliens who were born in this country - and Congress had no business letting him get away with it; as one example among a number of his overstepping of his executive authority, and Congress's pusillanimity in the matter - or outright support.
     There is an inherent separation of powers in the American form of government, whether the Congress wishes to abide by it or not.

3 There are  a whole slew of questions regarding both of the first listed atrocities, relating to Mind Control, motivation, and operation.  Sandy Hook, e.g., was clearly used for gun-grabbing purposes: Who all was behind it, and how did they pull it off?? (I suspect a professional hit.  Have you seen any security-camera shots of the premises???  And the fact that there were no injured; to say, no witnesses; and on and on and on, in the way of questions.)  
     And the same with 9/11 and the OKC bombing.  Those were professional hit jobs (with pre-positioned aspects to them).  A lot has come out about them, on the Internet and in books and articles; there is more still to come.   
     And I have a message for the perps: 
     God will not be mocked.  

4 And 'self-generating' because We Are God; are aspects OF God; and so as we give, so do we receive.  For We Are All One.  And All IS One.

5 Others, briefly, to clarify the sort of thing I am talking about:
     I would institute a massive movement to holistic forms of medical treatment, and away from drug-based medicine.  (And they are 'evidence-based'.  See the likes of the Health Sciences Institute.)
     I would counsel people to go to reputable clinicians - like the Past Life Therapy Center (building on the pioneer work of Morris Netherton, Ph.D) - who can help them access their past-lives memories, to uncover key causal factors regarding their current life circumstances; so that they can be released from their limitations and move on,with greater access to their full consciousness.
     Anyway: You get the picture.
     I hope.

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