Thursday 28 March 2013

Where I'm At full moon time, March 28:

1) from 2012: What's the 'Real' Truth? - blog titled 'A General Response to your comments on my post about the expression of anger on my blog' - Jean - Mar. 28

kibitzer3 says:
Excellent commentary, Jean; thanks. And well done on your path.
And for people to be even more ‘complete’ with the life process as it has been for them, I suggest that they engage in some Past Lives Therapy as well, with a trained such analyst. (Analysts who work with the Morris Netherton model/technique would be a good ‘place’ to start looking, if one hasn’t already given that avenue of ‘enlightenment’ a look-in.) For, there are reasons WHY we have drawn to us in this life what we have.
It’s wrap-up, time, folks. And the more, the better.


[I could have used the word 'awakening' as well as 'enlightenment'.]


2) from Tea Party C.C.: 'Forget Gay Marriage: What About The Decline Of Marriage And Rise in Illegitimacy?' - Daniel John Sobieski - Mar. 28 (orig. posted at Investors Business Daily)

Comment by Stan Stanfield just now  [Mar 28]
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The chickens are coming home to roost.  Once the American government decided to pay females to have babies on the taxpayers' dime - rather than just give a helping hand to already-existing families in temporary need, and draw the line there - the social rot began to set in (including the traditional role of marriage becoming unstuck, and the setting up of the state as parent of record). 

It's not as if the nation was not warned by its Founders.  Over and over again.  About the need to stay in alignment with its, and our individual, higher Purpose; rather than succumbing to the siren songs of mere secularism.

So now: What say you, America?  Deeper into the snake pit?  Or coming out into the light of a new day; the stronger - hopefully - for the experience, of losing our way in the darkness of our making.

It's not too late.  But it's late.  Heed the writing on the wall, America.  It's your epitaph.  

Have I no compassion?  Of course I do.  And the most compassionate thing that the U.S. government - federal or state - could have done was not to have had so many children born into the poverty trap of welfare.

A welfare class created on purpose by those of the Left who wanted, and want, to overthrow the capitalist system, and replace it with a socialist system - of economics.  Rather than our living in alignment with our nation's, "and our individual, higher Purpose".

Which is where we are heading for.  As we speak.  

Ready.  Or not.  For living in Abundance.  And for Ascension, into the higher realms.  Calling us; beckoning us, beyond those siren songs that have kept us locked into the 3D matrix that has been our home away from our real home long enough. 

Real.  As in our legacy.  Just waiting for us; to wake up to it.


3)  and a late entry for the day: from Friends Of the Earth, petition to the Secretary of State: 'Tell President Obama and Secretary Kerry: Reject the Keystone XL!:

Dear President Obama and Secretary Kerry,

I am writing to urge you to reject the Keystone XL pipeline once and for all. This dirty, dangerous pipeline remains one of the largest threats to our climate. If it is completed, it will enable the oil industry to exploit the Alberta tar sands, which contain enough carbon to radically alter our climate. The pipeline would also threaten Midwestern communities' fragile aquifers and increase air pollution from refineries on the Gulf Coast. The fact that the State Department’s recent draft environmental review of the pipeline was based on work done by Big Oil’s contractors only confirms that this pipeline is being built to benefit the oil industry. 

You have both spoken passionately about the need to reduce U.S. carbon emissions. If you approve Keystone, your eloquent words will ring hollow and only feed peoples’ cynicism about how Washington works. For the sake of generations to come, please reject the Keystone pipeline once and for all. Actions speak louder than words.

[my addition to this form petition:]

The bottom line is that we need now to move much more, not just to the transition stage of clean energy sources, but to free energy devices, which are just waiting in the wings, for humanity to 'bite the bullet' and move out of the Era of Oil, and into the New Era.  Another subject in its own right; but containing this particular one.  Which is requiring us all to Think Big. 

May this administration start the process of doing so.    




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