Thursday 7 March 2013

The Way Out

But first, a little chastisement would be in order.  Particularly of our federal political representatives over the last little while - while America started sinking into debt.  To that 'generation', and up through to include the current lot, I have a couple of comments to make.

First of all, to the current lot: 

What in heaven's name are you doing dealing with a Usurper in the Oval Office?  The man is an illegal.  He is a fraud.  A con artist.  How dare you sell out this nation, and so easily??1

Secondly; and this now includes your immediate predecessors in office:

What in blazes were you doing to put this nation some 16.5 trillion - TRILLION - dollars in debt??  What possibly possessed you to keep borrowing, and keep borrowing, and keep borrowing, until you knew that you were operating just on the fumes coming off the rag when the Fed went into the gear of monetizing the debt - paying down debt with more debt.  With funny money, that would have gotten any normal 'business' a ticket to the hoosegow.

You have been a terrible, terrible disappointment.  I hope you are properly ashamed of yourselves.  

You; and the citizenry who let you get away with your larcenous behavior ('let the good times roll!'), and lack of proper accountability, both as to the nation's finances, and as to your sorry behavior in letting the Ineligible One into the Oval Office; the formerly honorable office of the president of the United States of America.  Which has been dishonored before, yes.  But never like this.

So.  Where do we go from here.

I've got an idea.  Why don't we go Up.  For a change.

For Real Change.

So, what would that look like.

First, perhaps it wold be good to make sure what it would not look like.  And it would not look like either the current dystopian state of affairs, or a collectivist utopia, of either the far Left or the far Right.

What am I talking about, specifically.

I'm talking about the difference between giving freely of our energy to one another, or being forced to.  I'm talking about the difference between freemen and -women, and slaves.  I'm talking, in short, about the difference between 'equality' and liberty.

Socialism has an interesting definition of 'equality'; which, in itself, sounds nice, has a nice ring to it,  as one of those desirable states of being.  Liberty, Equality, Fraternity; that sort of thing.  But let's look at that for a moment.  And to do so, let's start from its actual opposite: liberty.

There is a fellow on the Internet who started something he calls 'The Constitution Club', who defines its premise thusly: 'Teaching the principles of individual liberty and personal responsibility,' as the founding principles of the American experiment in government.  Socialists do not believe in those principles, because 'Look what those 'principles' have done, to a) the environment, and b) the society'.  Recognizing, that people generally have not lived up to those principles; and so there needs to be a change.  A change - to the Left's way of thinking, in reaction - that brings about a) a cleaner environment, and b) a fairer society.  And since 'freedom' didn't bring about those desirable outcomes, there needs to be an element - or more - of compulsion involved.  With - at its extreme - for example, not just a bringing closer together of the income of a business CEO/top management and a worker on the floor; but making them truly equal, in income.  As the essence of what the far Left means by 'equality'.  

Not, ultimately, of Opportunity.   But of Outcome.  (Or, as it has also been called, of 'Achievement'.)2 

The far Right - i.e., fascism - wants to have the same level of governmental compulsion over the populace, only with a different outcome: the aggrandizement of the owner & managerial class, in a 20:80 society, where 20% of the people will be handsomely paid for their services to the state, and 80% are 'useless eaters,' and are given scraps from the table of the Haves - if treated that well.3  

Can you say, 'Genocide'??  And in the thinking of both camps, in wanting the same outcome, in that aspect; since, for the far Left, too many people living too affluent a life results in a fouled environment.  So let's keep everybody at a minimum standard of living.  Under the banner of 'the philosophy of Liberty is Plunder'...

So let's look at all this.

Consider.  No. 1.  There is overwhelming evidence in our day of the fact of reincarnation - that what we call souls come back in new bodies, new relationships with the others around them; old lessons to clear up (the breaking of patterns, for one; and 'attachments'), new lessons to learn, in the process of shedding what you are not.4  Thus, there is 'something more than Man' - is a Plan in and Purpose to 'the universe'; to life (than human life merely in and for itself only).  No. 2.  If 'we' in history are just one another - the same souls playing different parts, in the play we call Life - then 'we' are, in reality, One.  Fractals of One Holy Being; experiencing Itself through Us.  No. 3.  If, then, life here on 3D Earth is but a Play, a pageant - with a point - then the 'point' would be to get to it.    

Get off the merry-go-round.  And progress, from, and with, all the lesson-learning we have been engaged in.

As Gautama said, from his state of understanding; of realization.

Having graduated.  As we can do as well.  If we have finished our job.  Done our dash.  Individually.

 And collectively.

And speaking of the latter aspect of the matter; lo and behold:  

We have reached a globalized state of historical development. 

A state, to say, of Unity.

A  reflection of a larger Unity.

And thus are ready for Liftoff. 

Into a higher state of consciousness.

First, on this planet; to say, on this level.

So, we can create a global society, in reflection of our newfound awareness, of being One, in essence.  

Which is precursor to an even higher state of consciousness.  

Of being more than our bodies.  

And so, being able to move beyond our bodies. Our current, physical level of being.

But - first things first.  We can now start acting as One.  The race of Homo sapiens sapiens.  Sharing with one another our goods and services - and giving of our best in the process - out of a higher motive than the old, tired one, of profit (with its tool of interest-bearing money; which has gotten us into such a pickle in our day and age).  Out of the highest one there could ever be:

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Out of, in a word: Love.

And so, let's experience Abundance on the material level. By dropping 'money' - interest-bearing money (before it collapses anyway; from the 'internal contradictions' of the system as it is).  And with such as free energy devices, helping us clean up our act, in dis-despoiling our environment.  Developing more appreciation for, and gratitude for, our Mother Earth, in the process.  And celebrate with each other - 

the end of the Play.

And the time for a New Beginning.

Only this time, on a higher turn of the spiral.

Into a higher dimension, than the 3D one that we have been incarcerated in for so long.

The one we're heading for is called the 5D level.  And by 'level', we're talking levels of consciousness.  

Of vibration.  Of frequency.

Approaching our Light bodies; as we leave these meat bodies behind.

At which point, we no longer need to get our energy, our sustenance from outside of us, in the form of food and drink.  

As we soar, soar beyond such limitations.

And go exploring - by our Mind power - the universe.

And - as Buzz Lightyear would say:

'And Beyond!'  

An adventure worth releasing the current 'something of value' for.


It's our way out, anyway.

Out.  Of the illusion; that we have bought into.

And are now being given the possibility of leaving behind. 

In a mass exodus.

In the climb back to total Oneness with our Source.

Hallowed  Be Our (real) Name.

Leaving no part of Us behind.

Unless that is Its choice.

Which would be a shame.

But there you go  (Only so to speak.  I hope.)

As they say: You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

The drink - the Living Waters - of Life.

Real Life.

Life more abundantly, than this pale imitation that Humans have been drinking of for so long.

For long enough.


P.S.  The Disclosure of our galactic neighbors (and other beings) will be part of this Ascension process as well.  And apparently we will need their technological help to get us out of a terrible mess that our erstwhile leaders have gotten us into by monkeying with the planet's climate; proving the adage that 'A little knowledge is a dangerous thing'.  But the Disclosure factor - and our becoming a better neighbor in and to our galaxy - is part of a larger discussion on 'all this' than this somewhat limited blog can, or perhaps even should, go into.
     Stay tuned.



1 The evidence for this claim is abundant.  All one has to do is look for it.  Be willing, to look for it.
     And so, all the laws that The Ineligible One has signed into law are null and void; or at least will be, when the American constitutional republic returns to the rule of law, instead of living by the rule of flaw.  How do you like them apples, lawmakers???
     Not to mention his Executive Orders; which is a grumble sandwich in its own right. What has been the matter with you people?  You are the legislative branch of government; not the (nominal) executive.  He can't override the will of The People, through their elected representatives to the legislative branch of government, and just declare legislative-type things to be, because he says so.  You did not pass the so-called Dream Act; he can't do it behind your backs.  (E.O.'s are, properly, merely about housekeeping/administrative things in/to do with the executive branch.)  Nor can he pick and choose which laws dutifully passed by the legislative branch of government that he wishes to enforce, and which not. He can veto laws; and if you lot override his veto, it is the law, whether he likes it or not - and it is part of his job to "enforce" it.  Period.
     The business of 'presidential signing statements' and such is as illegal as hell, and should have been brought before the SCOTUS long ago (and kept being brought there, until they get the law right.  Which they are, sometimes, not wont to do.)  Also: I understand that AG Holder - he of Fast & Furious fame; and other smelly judicial issues - has said that the executive branch didn't enforce the DOMA because they felt it would be overturned as unconstitutional when it came up before the SCOTUS.  Doesn't anybody else see the irony here???  The Obama administration will plead the Constitution when it suits them, and ignore it when it does not.
     How quaint a way of running a country.  Somebody ought to bottle it, and, rather than sell it - or even try to - toss it into the ocean, and see if there are ever any takers, in the whole wide world.  If so: Good luck to them.  They'll need it.  And more fool they.
     And speaking of other nations picking up on our wonky way of doing things, of applying the so-called rule of law: just to clarify, that the U.S. didn't pioneer this way of functioning.  This business of executive orders, e.g. - this maneuver - is essentially the same as the Enabling Act that accompanied Hitler's rise to power: that egomaniac given the permission to make laws without the Reichstag's approval, under the 'crisis' conditions of his day, and their time and place.  So, watch out for similar moves here, under the cover, the guise. the rationale, of congressional 'gridlock'; or other facilitators of takeover, like false flag ops, or attempts at gun control, and painting resistant patriots as 'terrorists'.
     Oh wait.  The latter has already happened...      

2 And thus the reason the truly ideological Left plays down the idea of individual grades in school, or of inculcating the attitude amongst the children of 'winning'.  Nobody is to be better than anyone else.  'We are all equal, in the utopian society of the future.'
     Well; yes.  But not the way that you are interpreting that concept.

3 I quote the '20:80 society' figure from various management-type books of a decade or so ago, with the CIA and 'futurists' looking down the historical road to our day, and societal needs.
     Yes, the CIA.  They who bluntly told ex-SEAL and -wrestler Jesse Ventura - of 'Conspiracy Theory' fame - when he became governor of Minnesota and inquired about a pod of guys in the basement of the capitol building as to who they were, "We didn't see you coming".  

4 I'm not going to go into all that evidence.  It's there.  Look it up.
     As I said above, in regards to the evidence about Obama's deception: You have to be willing to look for it.  But you are no longer going to hold the rest of us back, if you choose not to look for such evidences.
     Your choice.  Your outcome.

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