Saturday 23 March 2013

On Good & Evil

from 2012: What's the 'real' truth?: 'The New World Order - Parts 1 and 2 from Peter Eyre - Mar. 21

Carol K says:
He says “never in the history of mankind has this happened before”etc etc….I guess he hasn’t heard of Atlantis that did even more than we are doing and they sunk the entire continent….It has happened before and will end the same way if people don’t learn the lessons of love and enlightenment. Those who don’t know history are doomed to repeat it? There are more and more of us who have learned that lesson and we want the fighting to stop and compassion to set in for the unfortunate masses of people who deserve a chance to create a better world. There are movements like THRIVE now who are spreading the word to those ready to listen. We have many voices now and there is still hope !

william says:
When someone can explain why life exists, then I will give them credence. Until then I really don’t think anyone has an answer for why people do what they do. Religion is utter nonsense and morality is an excuse for standardizing behavior. Character is developed within a person through life experience. The idea that certain things are wrong or right and that all should agree on such things is just more utter nonsense. The person writing this article seems to believe that good is all good and evil is all evil. There could be nothing further from the truth. A body is a shell of energy that can be dissolved and recreated. We do bad things to the body and it lasts a shorter period of time, what was the motive force behind the body in the first place? Is it gone when the body is dissolved? That question isn’t addressed in all the worry over these issues here.
If you want freedom, then declare yourself free and act according to your own instincts and rationale. If that conflicts with the “laws” around you then you know that you have upset those who don’t feel like or are afraid of doing what you do. Freedom requires taking a low profile and not raising a lot of notice. I really find stuff like this to be just a way to keep people from figuring out how they really can be free. Life seems to be a challenge to think on your own and to have your own mind in the midst of a hive mind. It’s also a challenge not to simply react to external stimuli but instead to be guided by something inside you that is trustworthy. Developing a relationship with that inside of us that is trustworthy require us doing good and evil because all of us do both and all of us are both good and evil. Neither good or evil is anything more than what they are. The dualism of good and evil is another mind trick that is a trap. It’s impossible to avoid either, they are simply aspects of life, period, neither will ever be eliminated entirely in this plane of existence.
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  • Jean says:
    March 23, 2013 at 11:43 am
    I think to some extend the existence of life has been explained: so the Creator can experience Itself. I also believe Freedom requires a lot more than a low profile. Remember the words that came out of WWII, if we do nothing when they come for our friends, sooner or later they will come for us. I agree that we must think for ourselves, independently, and not look to others to do our thinking for us. In order to think for ourselves with some clarity, however, there are certain things we must be prepared to do. Probably the most important is to clear away the emotional traumas that affect our ability to ‘see’ with clarity. . . I disagree with your simplistic approach to Duality, good/evil. Oh, that life should be so simple! Hugs, ~Jean

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  • kibitzer3 says:
    March 24, 2013 at 1:38 am
    I am mystified as to why it is taking so many people so long to wake up to certain truths. There is all manner of evidence in our time to the fact of reincarnation – that consciousness is separate from the brain. NDEs are the prime source of this information. Therefore, a) there is something more than Man; and b) it is evidence of a Plan. Many good minds have posited that that Plan involves the Purpose of spiritual evolution, via the awarenesses gained by the soul in its various sojourns in what we call life – which has to be, then, nothing but a stage, an artificial construct, on which we act out our various parts, learning lessons therefrom. In a word: growing. 

  • Not to belabor the point. Just to make the one that there is an absolute Truth; not everything is relative. And once a soul groks that truth, why would it continue to hang around in the lower grades of the school?? The purpose of a school is to graduate from it. So, if there continues to be a need for a 3D “plane of existence,” that doesn’t mean that we need to continue in it, once we get the point. 

  • There comes a time in every soul’s journey for it to move on. I suggest that there is a major such ‘node’ of time right now, for the mass of humanity to ‘get it’; and move on. Out of the realm of dualism. Into a realm of Unity. Tempus fugit.
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  • kibitzer3 says:
    March 24, 2013 at 1:54 am
    P.S. I forgot to mention, specifically regarding the matter of ‘freedom’: Yes, there is free will. But it is in the context of a just universe.

  • The wheel doesn’t 'just' go around and around. It’s a spiral.
  • [Perhaps I should have added: In its essence.]