Sunday 17 March 2013

Stand Your Ground

Sunday.  A lazy, unhazy day in a coastal town in Southern California.  And a Happy St. Patrick's Day; the green shirts and Irish Country Dancing music being featured at Clancy's down the street.  With a cultural change going on in my nearby park, where mostly Hispanics, with a smattering of blacks, are doing the BBQ thing; a group of the former down at my favorite end of the park engaged in a friendly - not competitive - volleyball game.  They're usually at soccer, but this was family outing day.

My thought for the day, as I sat at 'my' picnic table, reflecting on the scene - seen and unseen - and reading further in the current issue of whistleblower magazine, and in particular in it an article titled 'Sliding Towards A Police State': As souls progress, they, er, progress.  That us current lot are still on this dense level of the All That Is is no great comment on our development.  I mean, it was over 2500 years ago that Lao-Tzu observed, 'The more rules and laws, the more thieves and robbers'.  And here we are, in our day, still working on that one; as I observe, when reading in said article: "The more laws and regulations one passes, the more authorities one needs to enforce them."

What will it take, to break the bonds that keep us going over and over the same ground; returning, like a dog to its vomit; stuck on the wheel of rebirth…

I'm for moving on.  Moving up.  In our time.

Like, now.  

But first - a little work.  I for one will not be satisfied until Justice has been served.  That means, for me, the truth to come out - at the least, in a great Truth & Reconciliation Event - about the Sandy Hook and Aurora Theater shootings; 9/11 (both of them); the OKC bombing; and so forth.  And if you are about to tell me that we already know the truth about those terrible events, I'm here to tell you that I have some great beachfront property to sell you out in the middle of the Mojave Desert.

So: We have work to do.  Let's get cracking.  And one of the fundamental lessons to learn in this school we have been inhabiting for a long, long time (long enough, now) is not to give your power away to others.  That you are responsible for yourself.  No one, nothing is responsible for you.

Stop giving your power away to the state.  And in doing so - standing in our own power, as the children of a loving Creator - we will start ushering in a - the - Golden Age.  

For We Are the state.

We Are the Golden Age.

'We are the ones we have been waiting for.'  

Yes,  Our scruffy lot.  

If it's no great statement about our development to be still on this dense level, still, we have made considerable progress on our spiritual paths, to even be here at this crucial time - to be honored to be here, at this special time.  For we have been chosen - actually, chose - to engage in a momentous experiment:

the transforming from 3D illusion to 5D reality, still in our physical bodies.  To give way on that level of consciousness to our Light bodies, yes.  But until then: to function direct from elementary school to graduate school, in the same vehicle of expression as has adorned us as our latest - and last - incarnation vessel.

Last.  For those who can hold the vision.

And stand their ground.       



* Steven Greenhut, VP of journalism at the Franklin Center for Government and Public Integrity; commenting on how "since 9/11, Americans have placed their security over their freedom", in going along with the increasing move of local police authorities to the look and feel of a paramilitary, rather than the "community officers" of yore.
     As Steven goes on to point out, "Police say society has become more dangerous, but crime rates are falling even during tough economic times."  But appearances are, if not everything, at least a lot.  And we live in a society where it appears that things are getting out of hand.
     As they are.  Because we have lost our way.  But more on that, coming up.   

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