Monday 25 March 2013

Of Blue Beams & Rays of Light - cont'd

[the following Addendum didn't get picked up in time to be added to my comment at theTea Party site.]

P.S. And if the U.S. gets into trouble with the UN for breaching 'human rights' (for not allowing free medical care to illegals)??  All the better; for having THAT little matter out in the open and dealt with finally, too.  The little matter of how the UN (and its behind-the-scenes Controllers) is trying to take over national sovereignties from the nations of the world, to have them all under the central governing power and control of that corrupt institution.

Let's have a total cleaning-out while we're at it, of life on planet Earth. To bring it out from under the thumb of its erstwhile masters, and let it shine in the dawn of a new day.  


[I was thinking here of the recent material I came across, about something called Project Blue Beam: the objective of our erstwhile Masters - extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional as well - to  fasten total social control over the planet.  One great corral; wherein no one would be allowed to have their own individual personality, all would be mere cattle to our 'superiors'.
     See for more on this alarming, and outrageous, matter, and plan.  Nearing completion, in our day.] 


P.P.S. My comment to the Tea Party site is only in relation to 'things as they are', i.e., the current level of political discourse.  Ultimately, the whole picture will change, and we will enter through a Turning Point into a Golden Age, where we will start living under 'new management' of our affairs, with the end of the monetary system, and the introduction of free energy devices, and so forth and so on - social life from the new perspective, of our being 'spiritual beings having a human experience,' and that experience moving in consciousness from the 3D matrix that we have been embedded in (for long enough, now), to 4D and 5D consciousness levels (at a minimum).  Where we can be, as we already are, All One; and the notion of 'nations' will give way to that new, more enlightened awareness of ourselves.  

Until then, we have to deal with 3D consciousness stuff.  And that includes the arrogance of those who would force others to have their tax money spent on things that they not only don't agree with - such as paying for, or providing, medical coverages that go against their morals (like abortion) - but which are directly threatening to their wellbeing.  Like welfare benefits to illegal aliens; whose numbers have swelled, to the point of nearly swamping the American ship of state. and whose unalloyed presence is threatening the social fabric of the nation.

Not a healthy state of affairs.  It's time to get beyond it - and these sorts of current confrontations - and move on, into the positive future that awaits us, once we choose to go that route.  Not into the dystopian future of the statists; who would think to control the populace to within an inch of their kept-animal lives.

And I don't mean that as in pets.  I mean that as in exploited.  Totally.  Precisely as those Project Blue Beam dark forces would wish for.


[It turned out that I could add my P.S. as a Reply to my own posting; which I did, as the P.S. above.  And then I added the following to it:]

P.P.S.  And just for the record: This business of so-called 'anchor babies' is the outrageous result of a misreading (on purpose by the liberals) of the 14th Amendment.  "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, AND SUBJECT TO THE JURISDICTION THEREOF [my emphasis], are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside..."  To be 'subject to the jurisdiction thereof' means that their parents did not have citizenship/allegiance to any other nation; as, for example, diplomats of other countries.  OR OTHER CITIZENS OF OTHER COUNTRIES.  

Where the HELL has the Republican Party been on this issue all these years??  This should have been contested in the courts every bit as much as the Roe v. Wade decision.  For this reason, and other reasons, constitutionalists should abandon the Republican Party and leave it to the fate that it deserves.  And let's get cracking on saving the country from takeover.


[later; still Mar. 25 - barely]

Permalink Reply by June Gagnon 1 hour ago
The left and the doubters keep saying we can't afford to deport all of "them", it will cost too much, blah, blah, blah.  Well, here's a different plan (once we "regain control of DC") publish notices, in all major media, for three days running, advising ALL illegals, they have 30 days to "vacate" and take themselves back to where ever they came from.  At the end of 30 days, we should have a "massive" immigration roundup, load them on buses and transport them to those FEMA camps that are "sitting there" waiting to be inhabited.  There, they should remain, until their families, or relatives buy them "one-way transportation" BACK TO the old country!

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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago
Fair enough thinking, June.  But if the legals in this country ever got back the power to "regain control of DC", they wouldn't need to go to all that trouble.  All they/we would have to do would be to eliminate the magnet that is holding them here.  That is the 2-legged magnet of welfare goodies on the one 'hand' and cheap labor jobs on the other. Take those iron fillings out of their attraction to this country, and they will return to where they came from on their own.

All except the La Raza ideologues among them.  And the Muslims intent on terrorism.  Both of which camps are long overdue for being dealt with, by true Americans.  Which obviously doesn't include the current federal administration.

I am not for war.  I am for Truth to prevail.  And it is damn well near overtime for that sort of truth-telling to begin to take place.  We have our work cut out for us.  Tempus fugit.  And the lukewarm need not apply.         

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