Wednesday 21 January 2015


Barack 'Barry Soetoro' Obama

Dear Barry (which I believe is your 'true,' to say legal, name),

In the spirit of the "mysterious ways" that The Most High has of accomplishing His/Her/Its wonders, you have served a dark role in eliciting the Light of Truth out of our human experience, and getting us to this point of takeoff, or takeover.  

Now, go.  It is time for other hands to take over - in a good sense of the phrase - and initiate the takeoff stage of the enterprise.  I will explain.

It has been said of the generation of Americans that fought in the Second World War that they were, and are, the Greatest Generation.  And well deserved, that accolade. Now let us see if we earn a similar accolade.  Call it the Magnificent Generation.  That it may be said, especially of American patriots of this generation, that 'they rose to the occasion' - that they were confronted squarely with Darkness, and instead of succumbing to it, not only turned it to the Light but turned it into Light.  As far as those souls serving that lefthand Path chose to go into the Light, and become the Light; as part of the spiritual evolution taking place on Planet Earth (and this whole level of Creation, in point of fact).  

I ask you all to be of that generation, and that spirit.  To say: Be with me in this work we have to do, together.  That we have been given to do.  That we - in larger truth - gave ourselves to do.  That it may be said of us, echoing down the corridor of Time that is left in this dimension of existence, and carried in Awareness elsewhere, that 'they ended up meeting the challenge that was set for them,' and that we had a hand in setting for ourselves.  For, we are part of The One that is proving Itself to Itself, through us.  Passing Its own tests; as we do 'ours' (for it stands to reason that as we grow, in consciousness, and awareness, we affect the Whole of which we are a Part).  Making Its own progress, on Its own level of Being, that is so far beyond what we Parts of the Whole can conceive, let alone perceive, that it boggles the little human mind.  Call it awesome.  

Call it calling us out of ourselves.  Our little selves.  To inherit our proper potential.  As living sparks of The Greater Us.  

All to be dealt with in its 'time and place'.  For now, we have work to do; to anchor our level of Reality in the Light of a New Day, dawning for us all.

All, who choose to go into that Light.  For, the 'bottom line' of it all -

all - 


free will.  

And the proper workings-out thereof.

Which does not include a totalitarian state, lording itself over us.  We are our own lords, and masters: by command of this Reality - the larger Reality than this local matrix embedded in it; this classroom for learning lessons in - that we have the distinct gift to be in.  And part of.

A very vital part of.  As we exercise


To ascend.  And keep ascending.

Or not.  

Your choice.

As always.

As - always.

Unless and until you decide not to.  Having succumbed to

the Dark.  Which, in point of blunt fact, owes its existence to The Light.  As Its shadow 'side;' which gives us souls in the 3D realm of seeming separation, and duality/polarity, an 'edge' on which to sharpen ourselves.  So, it has its purpose.  In such a realm, level of schooling.  Until that stage of the operation is past.  

Join us.

You will be glad - ever, so glad - that you did.

And so will we; your brothers and sisters on

The Path.  Just waiting to progress.  As much together as we can.

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