Tuesday 13 January 2015

My Great Invocation

My Great Invocation
         for this
       New Year

   I Intend…

            to out
       to be served.


As for both Truth and Justice:

Apparently both the 2000 and 2004 elections were stolen by the Republican Party for the Bush/Cheney faction of the New World Order; and so the Democrat Party got even by stealing both the 2008 and 2012 elections, for the Left's NWO faction.  May that karmic process be called taken care of.

And let's move on.  Into the Light of a New Day, dawning; and for all of humanity.

And may the door be sealed where Evil dwells.


In the meantime…there are examples of both qualities, large and small, that need attention.  A large one has to do with the man who calls himself Barack Hussein Obama (although there is some question about his 'real,' official name).

The fact that there is some question about the 2008 and 2012 elections (and their karmic implications) is another matter, than the one I wish to address here.  What I wish to comment on here - in the spirit of Truth and Justice - is how this man who calls himself Barack Obama, who is currently steering the ship of state of the nation of the United States of America illegally, has also, apparently more clearly, broken the law by making law; for example, in the form of his executive decree/edict - like unto a dictator - regarding illegal aliens in the country.  That is clearly not just a 'housekeeping' issue; is clearly in the nature of law making.  Which is not the job of the Executive, under the Constitution.  And so, in terms of the Constitution, he is a criminal ipso facto; and simply needs to be removed from the office - arrested - and held for trail, in a (legitimate) court of law.  Where it would appear, and I'm sure, all manner of other charges await him as well.

So, I for one citizen, await both Truth and Justice to be served in this matter.

And, truth be told, the Congress needs to be dissolved as well, for not having done nor doing its constitutional duty, to rein in a rogue Executive.  And so - in terms of the Constitution - The People need to appoint an Officer OF 'The People' to oversee a clean sweep of the Executive branch of government, and a return to the rule of law.  Or a move to a higher law to prevail.  (Wherein and whereby many souls bring Light energy into the Matrix, and thereby - thus suffused - bring it down.)

I offer my services in that regard.  Or another.  It doesn't matter.  As long as he - or she - stands for Truth and Justice to prevail.

And will not settle for less.


P.S. And additionally to the outing of Truth and the application of Justice, and further on the 'French Connection' with the NWO Takeover Plot series of articles; another aspect of it:

from activistpost.com: 'ISIS Just So Happens to Hack CENTCOM While Obama Is Announcing New Cyber Security Legislation?'  - Melissa Melton - Jan. 13
(The CIA & NSA trying to use the French caper to further their 'security' blanket control over the U.S. populace)

kibitzer3 a minute ago (Jan. 13)

Thank you, Melissa - well spotted, and commented on.

As always, the old adage applies: Who benefits?
This Michael Hayden character needs to see the inside of a prison cell - along with his other New World Order buddies, in the military-security-apparatus racket. And the big wigs behind them.
Never let a good Crisis go to waste, eh boyos???

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