Thursday 8 January 2015

The Bad & The Good

1) The Same Old Same Old:
from 'Jindal: Obama 'Being Held Hostage By The Radical Left' - Jan. 7 (orig. posted at

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Jan. 8)

Okay Bobby, you're making some good noises here. But what's this business about your "considering running for president in 2016'? You DO know that two wrongs don't make a right, don't you? That Obama is illegally in the office, for not being a bona fide "natural born" citizen? Meaning, at the very least, born of 2 U.S. citizen parents? 

This is not rocket science. Even a governor should be able to suss it out: The whole POINT of the exercise on the part of the constitutional Framers in putting that eligibility requirement in the contract for that particular office was so that the candidate, if elected - who would as well then become the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would have no DUAL LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES. Like a naturalized citizen. And like a dual citizen.


The best thing you could do for America, Bobby, would be to admit publicly that you are not eligible for the office - and neither is Obama. And let's get this Show And Tell on the road. And get that Usurper out of there. Before he does any more damage to the American Republic than he already has.


…and now for something completely different:

2) from 'Mainstream media finally realizing 3D printing could spur global revolutions' - Mile Adams - Jan. 8 
("As I have begun to share here on Natural News in recent articles, 3D PRINTINGarrow-10x10.png is rapidly taking shape as a revolutionary technology for liberty and freedom, but relatively few people are able to see that yet…
   "3D printing allows you to think of an object and then create it, bringing it into the physical world in a matter of minutes or hours. This technology has revolutionized my own thinking about what's possible. It has given me a new tool to use for mass empowerment of the People in a world where corrupt governments and evil corporations are desperately trying to take away your power…")

kibitzer3 3 minutes ago (Jan. 8)

Thanks much for this article, Mike - and Well Done for your application of the technology.
A Game Changer indeed...

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