Friday 16 January 2015

The Key To Creation

As we awaken to our potential, as 'spiritual beings having a human experience,' consider such as the following, as it resonates with you/your soul (esp. for something to sleep on tonight, perhaps):

from 'Archangel Gabriel via Shanta Gabriel: Creating Your New Life in 2015 with Light' - posted by Brian Ramsell - Jan 16

"Over the centuries in every generation there were only a few souls who could embody their Divinity. In the new year of 2015, the number of people who awaken to their true divine nature will be unprecedented.

"The level of creation that is possible will seem almost magical, yet it simply represents alignment with your most Divine, Eternal and Illuminated self.

"In this year, you are able to create a new reality from fields of empowered Light, weaving forms made up of qualities of higher consciousness. As you awaken into the Light of Divine Presence, you find freedom to soar above the mundane, and yet to create in clear practical ways. Working within these multidimensional levels allows you to bring Heaven to Earth. From this place, you can receive the impulses of your soul’s gifts to activate in this lifetime.

"In this year, you will come to know the power of the forces of Divine Light as a Tool for the Creation of your most Empowered Future. The dimensional shifts that have occurred opened the way for you to receive at a new level of frequency. You are here to see your dreams manifest, when they are desires coming forth from your soul to summon the energy that empowers you to bring your gifts into the world…"

etc.  To say: It's all a matter of alignment, with Spirit.

The key to creation.

",,,Your human form now has the capacity to hold the evolution of your spiritual presence. As you embody your soul gifts within your physical form and anchor your desires through the base chakra, you give yourself permission to live the fullest essence of your divinity in the world. The more deeply you feel alignment with the Divine Intelligence within your heart, the more gracefully you allow yourself to have your dreams, and to live in joyous, confident enthusiasm…

"When you immerse yourself in Divine Light, new frequencies entrain the field around your body and you have access to the Love and Intelligence that lives within your heart. There is no power on Earth that can match the Divinity inherent in the Light of God…

"As they align their energy with the flow of all Creation working in their lives, more people are awakening to their true divine nature and feeling the spark that enables their dreams to manifest. Joyous possibilities exist that profoundly affect all those who resonate with their Soul’s essence. Creating on the physical level becomes an action of Intention, fully integrated into the Divine Light you anchor in your world…

"Now Is the Time

"The time is now in 2015 as you begin to put your soul’s gifts into practice and to align with its purpose. As you gain access to exalted states, there needs to be a grounded system in place that will take the frequencies of Light and connect them in your body for the new, growing crystalline system…
"Creating form from Light is the focus of this new year, and from that your Illuminated soul is birthed into new life on Earth. Your honoring of your dreams becomes an aspect of Love. Loving and respecting yourself enough to acknowledge the desires of your soul allows your heart to fully expand. You will find a new ability to bring your dreams into fruition when they are in alignment with your Source energy…
"When your personal spiritual practice helps you to align with Source energy, you have new freedom to express great Creativity and Joy. Know that you can move forward in your life and align yourself with those who are already living peaceful lives in harmony with their greatest dreams and their soul’s gifts…
"And so it is."
Archangel Gabriel
Through Shanta Gabriel
January 13, 2015
“Archangel Gabriel: Creating Your Life in 2015 with Light: Now Is the Time,” channeled by Shanta Gabriel, January 15, 2015, at
Source Link: 


For unto us this 'day' a child is born; a New Earth to inhabit, with the higher degree of consciousness that we have attained to, from hard experience…

…knowing, 'at the end of the day,' that 

 All is God.  And therefore, on a fundamental level,

All is well.

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