Friday 2 January 2015

It Is A Very Good Year...

…For Dreams To Come True

In one of yesterday's blogs I referred to the subject of 'snitches,' in relation to the Obama administration's increasing surveillance of the nation's citizenry, as that band of merry Marxists moves inexorably towards its intended takeover of the American Republic, and "fundamentally transforming" it into a socialist piece of - well, let's say, of a larger continent of similar socialist corruption.  Said subject brought up the question of who might be clandestinely monitoring my blog - to say, the blog of someone who calls himself a Truthseeker.  ('Horrors!' to those who live in the shadows, and other dark places.)   

So, and here at the beginning of this particular year, let's lake a look directly at the subject of truth-seeking, and -telling.  And I'll take my case as an example.  And to clarify, and acknowledge: I have said this sort of thing before in these pages; but for a recap, and as a reminder, especially here at the beginning of this - as I say; for reasons which will increasingly become more clear to us all - particular year; and for the benefit of you relative latecomers to my musings on this blog site; this is my position, in a - dare I say it? - nutshell, as to Where i Come From:

Either there is a God (and all that that implies; keep reading, for a take on some of it) or there is not.  If there is not, then nothing really matters anyway, and one might as well live one's life without regard to others - to say, independent of the effect of that pursuit on others, as not; for the end of the closed system of life could, then, as easily be seen as that as anything else, a presumed evolutionary advantage in some form and degree of cooperation with others, or whatever.  To say: Nothing really matters but me, and my well-being.  If there is a God, however, then certain things follow.

It follows, for one thing, that there is Plan in and Purpose to life, beyond just in and for itself only; that it is part of a larger Whole.  It follows also that, if there is a God, then we should be living and acting as if there were one, and not as if there were not, as we are doing, largely, at present.  

So, what would that look like - acting as if there were a God??  

For one thing, we could get rid of money.  At least, money in its current form; of interest-bearing, and therefore debt-bearing, money.  And its ally, the concept - and the motive - of profit; of profit making.  For, if there is a God, then that fact - that condition - provides all the motive - motivating force - that we need, to share goods and services with one another - and, give of our best in the process:

out of gratitude to our Creator for life with meaning.

Our of,  in a word: Love.  The love of the Creator/Creative Intelligencr for Its Creation (out of iIs - that Consciousness's - very essence; Its Light energy; as Einstein recognized and codified in his famous formula) and the reciprocal love of the Created for Its Creator.  And the respect of the Created for Its Creator.  

And respect for the Creation as well.  Treating II as part of Itself.  And thus treating Gaia - our home away from Home - 'with all due respect': with more properly due awareness, and consciousness, than we have, largely, heretofore.  

What our younger generation is trying to teach us.  These advanced souls, incarnating at this time to help us - as many of us as can manage it - 

ascend (in harmony with this astronomical/cosmological point as well), to a new, higher level of consciousness.  To live our lives on.  

From this New Day forth.       


I first 'came across' this 'school of thought' - at least the first part of it - sixty years ago this year, when I quit (formal) school, after a 'spiritual experience' (another story), and started out on my search for capital-t Truth in earnest.  After some years of following that 'yellow brick road,' as it were, via a lot of reading (including as well considerable research into what was really going on on the planet; to say, who was behind the scenes, directing things, socially, economically, and politically, and to what end), and developing a meditative state & frame of mind, I 'came across' the second part of 'it': the reason why we weren't living as if there were a God.  The reason?

Not all the competing religions, obscuring the Truth, like clouds.  Clouds can pass.

No.  There was one main reason.


This was coming into the summer of '61, as I recall; one fine Southern California day on the bus going to work.  (As a typist & 'assistant underwriter' in an insurance company.  One has to 'earn a living'.  Doesn't one.  Doesn't one???)  It just hit me.  Of course:  Money was the one thing that was standing in the way of our living as if there were a God, and not as if there were not, as we were largely doing at that present.  Oh, the fact that there were various religions, keeping peoples apart from each other on the level of their beliefs, was, yes, a problem.  But that wasn't an insurmountable problem.  Wasn't the insurmountable problem.  That could be cleared up with more knowledge about the matter.  The insurmountable problem that was keeping us apart from each other - as equal-in-essence aspects of, facets of, fractals of the One God of us all - was the concept of money that we were living our lives by.  That was to say, the concept that we wouldn't produce goods and services for each other if it weren't for 'making money' out of the exchange.

Which was a nonsense, in my opinion, at that Eureka moment.1 

So, at that moment, I found myself considering how to share my thought on the subject with others of my fellow 'spiritual beings having a human experience' (as Teilhard de Chardin has described the matter, of 'life').  And what came to me, and which thought I then acted on, was to quit my job, and start a walk across the country, "to see the president and draw to his attention that the way to end ail our aches and evils is to do away with money," as I put it in a letter that I planned on dropping off at newspaper offices all along the way; continuing in it: "If, after considering the matter thoroughly, you agree, I suggest you write a letter saying so to Mr. Kennedy."   

My intent was to walk all the way across the continent, dropping off my form of appleseeds along the way.  My intention carried me that way, until I hit the Mojave Desert in Southern California; at which point I adjusted my intention, to allow for the reality of the matter, and ended up walking a lot of the way, but starting to hitchhike between cities.  (And that way met some interesting people.  Another story.)      

Anyway.  I accomplished my mission - as far as I could; hitting a stumbling-block at the very end, in the form of a Secret Service fellow; who heard me out, in a small room in a side gate at the White House, and took my letter, and sent me on my way again.  Which took me back across the country, to my home state of California, and picking up my day-to-day life again from there.  Another story.  So: Not much gained, one might say.  But who knows what fertile soil my (occasionally-printed) letter fell on.  And anyway, it was something that I simply had to do, to live with myself. 

And hopefully you can understand, from this brief telling of My Story, how pleased I was just the other day - well; New Year's Day itself, as a matter of hard fact -  when I watched a video interview with one Michael Tellinger,2 of South Africa, who has started a movement he calls the Ubuntu Movement, which deals with this very subject: of how to live our lives without money, and create a sense of community - of common unity - that way. 

As we approach the collapse of the Western form of the monetary system, as she has been wrote, over lo, these many centuries.  And - as Crises are wont to do - thus allowing us to look anew at that subject.  And create anew.

Another story.  But bringing us to

current time, and place:

Planet Earth.

Gaia.  A Sentient Being in Her (essential) own right.

Deserving our appreciation.

Not Her despoliation, at our unthinking hands.

Rather, living in harmony with Her.  In a sense of Oneness. 

In this Very Good Year to do something about 



And particularly:

to ground the Era of Love upon the renewed Earth.


For sixty long years I have waited for humanity to catch up with me.

I've waited long enough.

Wouldn't you say?  

Even you snitches for the Marxist government-you-hope-there-to-be?

If there even are any of you lurking here, of course.

Just sayin'.



1 And as Islam recognizes.  All you have to have is something that inspires you.
   Communism tried that.  And found out - the very hard way; and for a huge number of people - that merely wanting something lo be so, on the merely materialist level, was not enough.  You had to give people more of a good reason than that, to make your dream work.
   I guess Obama's Marxist mentors forgot to tell him about that part of the deal.  Or maybe he figured it out; and that's why he is trying to supplant Christianity with Allah as a belief.  And, presumably, forcibly convert us all to that belief system.  Or - as Bill Ayers would say (with a shrug): kill them.
   Ain't going to happen, McGee.  You're on the wrong road to utopia.  On your way:
  There lie dragons.

2 Another Michael; interestingly enough.  See my previous blog, entitled 'End-Of-Year Sale,' posted on Jan. 1.  (New Year's Day…)  And then there's Michael Tsarion.  And Michael Cremo...
   'The Legions Are Coming, The Legions Are Coming'???…

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