Sunday 11 January 2015

On Enough Being Enough

(Building on my last post, regarding the destruction of The Three Mosques in Sweden:)

…And then I check in with my Natural News e-newsletter, and I read how American hospitals are kidnapping children for the (huge) profits to be made off of them, and how the Medicare system generally is working to enrich the medical-pharmaceutical-complex industry while sticking up the middle-class taxpayer for all he and she are worth - or 'the system' in general, since the nation is so far in debt that income taxes are not going to pay for these sorts of scams, rather are going simply to pay the interest on said debt…

…while everybody involved laughs all the way to the bank, which is about to go under from similar scams of its own………

…all disgusting stuff.  All deserving to collapse, under the weight of its own greed.  So never let it be said that I am just anti-'the left'.

To whom I say: 'You on the left have the right idea, in championing the value of a system of cooperation rather than one of competition, which pits people against each other, rather than their working in unison on a common cause, that of the betterment of society, and the philosophy of 'the greatest good for the greatest number'.  But you are working with the wrong means in order to accomplish your end (which is precisely what will keep you from ever accomplishing that end).  You would 'rob Peter to pay Paul,' in your immoral 'redistribution of wealth' schemes.  That's not the way to go about creating Nova Earth - the New World.  The New World - just waiting for us to get to it, in our minds - is to come about by 'Love in Action': the attitude that Work - physical or mental - is to reflect Spirit into Matter.  And when we do that - have that attitude, rather than an attitude either of aggrandizing ourselves on the backs of others or taking from some to give to others - magical things can happen.  We can create a system with no money involved whatsoever.  But first things first: We need to get our attitude straight first.  And then 'all things will be added unto us' - by us.  And via the 'wealth' of Mother Earth, supporting our worthy cause, of living in harmony with Her, and each other, as mutual 'spiritual beings having a human experience'.

It will NOT work by thinking to force others to do what we want them to do.  Been there, done that.  And we have seen what a mess we can make of things that way, via such atrocities as the Soviet Union's slaughtering of millions, and the same with Red China; and so forth.  No.  Love is the key, and The Way.

And it's time to get to that Way.  Before we blow the great Opportunity that we have provided ourselves, for breakthrough.

Into a realm of our Higher Selves.

Another word for which is

God Incarnate.

And that is, really, enough.  For being

All That Is.


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