Wednesday 7 January 2015

On The Takeover

1) from 'One Million Americans Could Be Dropped From Food Stamps Next Year' - Willy Blackmore - Jan. 6 
("Decreasing unemployment rates could trigger an end to waivers that help provide long-term benefits for those in need..")

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Jan. 7)

Sorry to burst some balloons on here, but the food stamp program as it is being run is a scam, particularly benefiting the people who are running it. It's an appalling vested-interest thing: the more people they beat the bushes for to get on it, the more money they make. And whose fault is that? Banks are benefiting from it, yes. And Big Agra. But The Democrat Party is responsible for its operation. If they were doing a proper job of oversight, the program would be able to run for the truly needy without adding so exorbitantly to the nation's debt. And we all DO know that the nation is $18 trillion - that's TRILLION - in debt, don't we? And who has to pay the interest on that (forget the principal; that's a sick joke)? Not the 1%. They've got loopholes. No; the poor bloody fool of a taxpayer. Who should throw the whole bloody lot of you scam artists - that's on both the Right AND the Left - over. Grrrrrrrrrr…..

Enough is enough.


And along this line, of our having had enough...…

     On the heels of my blog as to how The Chinese Are Coming! The Chinese Are Coming!, let me summarize where we are at, according to my awareness.  Let's see if, or how close, it matches up with your intel.

'Obama is taking down the American Republic?  Are you sure??'  Let me count the ways:

* Gun-grabbing.
     Many years ago, when Zionist Jews - as the 'street' vanguard for the New World Order cabal of elite erstwhile world Controllers - first began agitating for gun control, they were blocked in their efforts by such relatively effective arguments as, 'But that's what the Communists want'.  So they had to come up with an alternative plan, from a direct assault.  And knowing that Crisis = Opportunity (from such as having planned the two world wars, and thus the useful, and lucrative, outcomes - to them), our erstwhile Controllers hit on the idea to create a bunch of mind-controlled crazies (the science had already been explored by the CIA), and use them as a battering ram to open the floodgates for mass gun-grabbing.  Ergo, the various school shootings (from kids on the likes of Prozac).1 Ergo, the Aurora Theater shooting.  Ergo, the Sandy Hook hoax story.  (Too detailed to go into here.  Look it all up.)2  Ergo, the Boston Marathon Bombing 'crisis actor' play, to prime the pump.  And so forth; and including the Fast & Furious attempt to cause enough mayhem to give the government some ammunition by which to outlaw guns.        

* Allied with the above item: 
     a) the outlawing of body armor for civilians; 
     b) the outfitting of local police units with 'terrorist'-stifling weaponry (with Israeli trainers showing U.S. police forces how to 'keep the bastards in check';  dual-Israeli citizens also running the show at the Dept. of Homeland Security).  Including drones; and
     c) the huge stockpiling of ammo & weaponry by the federal government for all of its agencies.  For 'terrorists'. Of course.

* NSA spying on the citizenry's every move & communication (including individuals' subject searches on the Internet).

* The rigging of elections.  
     a) by general voter fraud; and
     b) by diluting the vote with illegal aliens (& 'minority' groups, like Somalis).
     And speaking of 'the vote':

* The 'sidelining' of Veterans, as 'Oathkeepers' to the Constitution - NOT to the erstwhile dictator:
     a) depriving Veterans of the vote (being late with their ballots, etc.); and 
     b) depriving them of their benefits, so that they will die off quickly. 

* National health insurance.
     Getting the citizenry to have to obtain national health insurance so that 'the authorities' can:
     a) see & monitor your meds, & know all aspects of your medical history (including so that they can decide if they prefer you dead); 
     b) see if you have any guns at home (the 'government's' doctors required to ask you);
     c) make sure that you take all your vaccines.  Which leads to

* The introduction of Ebola into the country; particularly in order to get you to take their vaccine for it, potentially laced with 
     a) an anti-fertility agent, and/or  
     b) a deadly GM brain-eating bacteriophage.  (Created in an Israeli lab.  Similar to how the Ebola virus deliberately loosed in western Africa was created in a U.S. military-research lab.  As was the AIDS virus.)

* Flooding the country with millions of illegal aliens; thus 
     a) slipping real terrorists into the country; 
     b) giving the Left more - and a potentially permanent - voting-bloc clout;
     c) helping to bankrupt the nation, in the nature of the Cloward-Piven Strategy, of flooding the nation with welfare-'rights' payments of various kinds until the federal government goes bankrupt, collapses, and gives the far Left (with the far Right waiting in the wings) their big Opportunity to come in and take over; thus

* Turning the - thus-former - U.S.A. into a mere part of a region - called the North American Union (of Mexico, Canada, and the former U.S.) - of the collectivists' (long-planned-for) New World Order.  

All, in order to create a condition of Crisis, in order to have the excuse that Obama and his puppet masters want to declare a state of 'national emergency,' thereby to usher in rule by Martial Law; which does away with the Constitution in one fell swoop.  Which is why there are prison camps just awaiting for unreconstructable 'freedom-loving patriots' who won't fall in line with The New Order of Things, and haven't been lulled into sleep by the Mainstream Media's generous helpings of bread and circuses.  For Obama to become (his payoff in this scam) the first world Emperor, and his (purloined) place in the former U.S. to be taken over by a representative of the new manager of things here, the Red Chinese government.  And they all lived happily ever after.    
Right?  Is that about it?

Okay.  So, now…what do we do about it.

Personally, I think we need the help of some higher-ups.

But then, that's just me.



1 Put on anti-depressants because they were programmed into such a mental state, by such as various vaccines affecting the brain in such ways.  The med's doing the job because the Cabal-oriented research told them that such drugs 'entrain' the brain; so, if you are having a good mood, they act to keep that going.  But if you are having a bad mood, they act to keep THAT going.  And thus have been found to create violent behavior.  Suicidal behavior - and so violence to themselves.  But also outwards; to others.
   Sweet.  What a tool.  In the hands of psychopaths.

2 Complete with AG Eric Holder even telling the governor of Connecticut shortly before Sandy Hook that there would be an 'incident' in his state; thus keeping him from overreacting to the 'exercise'.  

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