Wednesday 7 January 2015

More On Homosexuality/The Issue Of

from 'The Savagery of Dan Savage Who Savages Parents of Dead Child' - Gary DeMar - Jan. 6
(A 14-year-old-boy killed himself because his parents wouldn't let him undergo 'gender reassignment surgery'.  And, of course, because his brain told him something about himself that his body didn't match up with.  And this conservative audience kept  playing the Christian card/take on the matter....
   How long, O Lord……)

Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University  (Jan. 7)

I am getting really angry about this whole subject - that is to say, how it is being treated, or to say, more accurately, not being treated, with some intelligence. 

Some basic research into the matter of homosexuality - of the whole spectrum of abnormal sexuality - will turn up information that is of utmost importance to society. Homosexuality/the abnormal sexuality spectrum is like a canary in a coal mine: it is a sign that something in the environment is going 'bad' - is off (and thus needs to be dealt with). For one example. In their book BrainSex, Anne Moir, Ph.D & her journalist co-author David Jessel detail, off the findings of their research into the scientific literature on the subject, a) how the fetal brain is sexed in the womb by the mother's hormones at an early stage of her pregnancy (as I recall it is ab. the 8/10-week period), and b) the various factors that can cause abnormal levels of her hormones, which can result in female brains being wired into male bodies & vice versa & every 'stop' along the abnormal spectrum (including trannies). One factor is abnormal adrenal glands of either the mother or the fetus or both. Another is the gender-bending effect of plastics & pesticides in the environment, with their load of estrogen mimics/endocrine disrupters. Another is the effect of stress. (It is known that more homosexual babies are born in the wake of wars, e.g., than the 'normal' background level of such births. And this stress can be of various kinds, including the stress of inadequate nutrition. So this is a long-standing factor in human society. But now, worse, in our time.) But perhaps the biggest no-no that we should have been looking out for is the effect of drugs like barbiturates, prescribed to pregnant women without proper regard for their effect on the developing fetus. 

Why hasn't the medical-pharmaceutical complex done something about this information? Nothing to do with them. They make their (cushy) incomes by treating people for their conditions. Not in keeping them free FROM various conditions.

The book of Dr. Moir/Jessel's findings in the scientific literature was originally published in 1990. Why is it taking 'us' so long to act on such information? One reason is given above: the medical-pharmaceutical complex's turning of a blind eye, out of personal economic considerations, to the info. But another reason is the socio-econo-political one of the feminist movement, whose adherents are doing all they can to say that there is no real substantive difference between males and females - to say, their brains - and so anybody who attempts to draw attention to the fundamental facts of life - that our brains are wired differently - is anathema to the PC crowd. To our detriment in general (for living a lie). And to the likes of Josh; who likely could have been spared his anguish & terrible experience of life if we had been doing a better job of being the society that he was born into. 

As for the Christians making a 'morality' issue of it: the real immorality here is our lack of action in waking up to the effects of the environment that we have allowed to grow up in our midst. In, that is to say, not paying attention to the canary. (In this, as in other matters. But this one is enough for now, to deal with.)


Stan Stanfield · Top Commenter · Stanford University (Jan. 7)

P.S. As for the genetic factor: There could well be a genetic predisposition for the fetus to be more susceptible to the effects of its hormonal development bath. But no one is 'born' skewed in the genetic sense. Our environment is the culprit. And thus: We are.


And, there could be karmic factors going on here as well.  But if I got into that……

(And actually, there is as well the New World Order Cabal factor of our erstwhile Keepers not wanting so many of us on the planet, and thus being quite happy for - and very possibly to the point of creating/helping to create the conditions FOR - a smaller population, by championing the development of homosexuality on the planet.
   Putting nothing beyond them.  Including the factor I mentioned above:

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