Saturday 9 May 2015

'A Time For Truth'

So, Ted Cruz himself has sent me a letter from his camp asking for my support for his presidential candidacy.  And on the envelope, 'he' had the gall to print the message, with a quote from himself:

"'It is a time for truth.  It is a time for liberty  It is a time to reclaim the Constitution of the United States.'


My message back to him:

"How can you call yourself a 'constitutional conservative for President' when you are ineligible for that particular office due to that 'document'?

"You must have had liberals for law school professors, who don't believe in 'original intent,' rather believe in words meaning what they say they mean.

"Alas for the former federal constitutional Republic."

Needless to say, I did not enclose a donation with it...

We cannot much longer exist in such a climate, of hypocrisy, and untruth, and corruption, and just plain wrong.  I have - unreported here - sent the same message, only fleshed out in more detail, to several other Republican and conservative organizations recently, 'outing' Cruz - and Rubio, and Jindal - as ineligible for the office.*  I am getting tired of it.  I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore.

And with such as ISIS scares - an outfit created by the CIA/Saudi Arabia/the Mossad, now reportedly on our doorstep, to scare us further into the arms of the federales; and the con job of the Boston Marathon bombing exercise, complete with unbeards and wrong backpacks, furthering Martial Law conditioning; the Jade Helm15 destruction of Posse Comitatus; the paid provocateurs in Ferguson and Baltimore, in order to create civil rioting, the further to eat us with, my dear; a kill switch put on the Internet, a) so that we can't know what is REALLY going on, and b) can't communicate with each's all over the top, now.  And over, period.

People need to get their acts together.  We are going UP.  Whether some individuals like it or not.

As I have said before in these pages:

The Play is over.  It's time for

the real thing.


* all referencing as a good source of info on the subject.  There are others.


P.S. I had a short nap dream this evening that ended with the message to me: "The timeline is speeding up."  That can only mean that (some part of the higher Me is telling the lower me that) the timeline that we are on is losing its (holographic) unreality, and we are about to be dumped into Reality - perhaps the Eternal NOW itself.  Or to be more precise, a low frequency thereof.  Higher than this 3D one that we are currently embedded in, that is.
   That fits.  We certainly can't take much more of this crud going on, without something giving.
   I say: Bring it ON.  I've had enough of the Illusion, the bubble, the matrix.
   It's distracting.  From - as I say:
   the real thing.

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