Sunday 10 May 2015

For The Record

(Under the title 'The Future Of The Republic,' I sent this email to the CEO of a conservative outfit called Heritage Action; putting the onus right where it truly belongs:)

May 10, 2015

Dear Mike,

I refer to your letter of April 29.

This is all well and good.  But if you let a blow below the waterline of the Constitution stand, and not call the Republican presidential candidates on their eligibility - their true eligibility - for that office, the rule of law, and the American Republic, are history; victory or no victory at the Battle of New Orleans.

I am talking about the "natural born citizen" requirement in the Constitution for the office of the presidency.

This is not rocket science.  The whole point of the exercise on the part of the Framers in putting that eligibility requirement in their constitutional contract for that particular office - and that particular federal office only, let it be noted with the attention, and acumen, that it deserves - was so that the candidate, if elected - who would then become as well the Commander in Chief of the nation's military forces - would have NO DUAL/CONFLICTING LOYALTIES OR ALLEGIANCES.  As a naturalized citizen would be subject to.  And as a DUAL citizen would be subject to.

Like Obama.  And like Cruz.  And Rubio.  And Jindal.      

The bottom line: Two wrongs do NOT make a right. 

If upright conservatives like Heritage Action let the Constitution-trashing Usurper stay in office without challenging his illegality - and worse, let the Republican Party build on that untruth about the Constitution -  it will become a fait accompli, and you - YOU - will, then, have opened the door for the end of the Republic; you, and your likeminded cohorts, will have sounded its death knell, for letting it become instead a fiefdom run by the rule of men.  

Your call.

This is "the urgency that needs to sink in with all of us," in the warning words of Russ Vought; the "struggle with deadly consequences".  If you let a weasel-word meaning of the 'natural born' expression take the place of the obvious intent of the Framers, you will have committed the same sin as the Left, for whom 'words mean what they say they mean'.

I won't belabor this point  But do your damn homework.  You will find, e.g., that John Jay (you DO know who John Jay was, don't you??  One wonders, sometimes, these sad days, about the education of our people) wrote a letter to G. Washington, acting as Chair of the Constitutional Convention, warning about this very issue:  

"Permit me to hint whether it would not be wise and seasonable to provide a strong check to the admission of foreigners into the administration of our national government; and to declare expressly that the Commander in Chief of the American army shall not be given to, nor devolve on, any but a natural born citizen."  (my emphasis)

And to drive the point home even further, there is the historical fact that Alexander Hamilton proposed, as a delegate to the Convention, that the president need only be a "citizen" - and his proposal was specifically turned down by the Framers.

They were clearly adhering to the definition of 'natural born citizen' as legally formalized by E. de Vattel in his definitive tome, 'The Law of Nations or Principles of Natural Law'; which the Framers were known to be very familiar with, especially their elder and respected mentor, Benjamin Franklin, sitting right there amongst them as a delegate to the proceedings. 

Enough. In sum: The Republic is being hijacked before our very eyes. What are you folks going to do about it.       

Yours very sincerely,



Two points.  1) The references in the email to both the Battle of New Orleans and quotes from one Russ Vought are based on material in a previous letter and mailing of his.  And

2) The most important point in this whole sorry chapter of American history:

Untruth will not be allowed to advance into The New World, aborning.  Nor will those who hold to untruth.

A word to the wise.

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