Friday 8 May 2015

On Purpose

Golden Gaia News Roundup: May 7, 2015

news roundup"We have been moving away from the real substance of life for a long time. Times of seeking out the wisdom of our elders, sages, or seers used to be a very prominent way of life.
"Now, if you seek out wisdom about the meaning of life, what our purpose is, or what the point of being alive on this planet could be, mainstream people may tend to think you are a wacko. Many believe psychics are full of it, manipulators, or just very creative.
"David Brooks and many other people have found that a once age-old tradition of going to your family’s elders, a sage, a seer, or someone regarded with high spiritual or energetic wisdom, is a dying practice.
"Most people these days are quick to want to see the studies that are released from neuroscience, economy experts, political figures, or media gurus. Many people these days tend to want to keep up with the “Joneses” on only a material or superficial level.
"What about the much deeper levels? Do the people have time to think about that on commercial breaks? Perhaps not likely; they are too busy being told what the next new hot thing is they need to buy.
"So, in his New York Times article, “What is Your Purpose”, David Brooks starts the conversation on what a person considers their meaning in this life. He’s traveling the country speaking to people, trying to get this conversation started again. It’s an important one conversation that not many are exploring these days.
"I suggest checking out the link in the article and posting to his website asking for your life’s purpose submission. I think this is a really great thing he’s doing now and absolutely fascinating that we will all be able to see at least a sampling of what people are finding important enough to give their lives deeper meaning.
"If you have a quiet moment today to contemplate what your life’s purpose is, consider doing this. What may come from it is more growth and clarity..."

So, with nothing better to do, I went to the site; and this is what I posted.  For what it's worth:
My Story Of Purpose

At university I had a Freshman English instructor who at the end of the school year gave me a copy of the Collected Works of John Donne.  I was particularly struck by his XVIIth Meditation - the famous For Whom The Bell Tolls meditation.  So in a way, I was primed for a 'spiritual experience' in my Junior year, that left me with the inner message and conviction: 'The universe has Purpose; and that purpose is Good.'  I left university - my formal education path - to go find answers to life that would flesh out that searing moment of Truth in the hallowed walls of ivy.  I discovered, through a lot of ongoing research, the fundamental fact of reincarnation and its attendant Law of Karma.  And thus, there was not only Purpose to life, but Plan in life/the life experience.  All of which led me ineluctably to the conclusion: As we do unto others, so do we do unto ourselves - literally.  For, We Are All One.  And All IS One. 

That conviction has never left me, lo, these many years later.  So: the Purpose to life?  To go out. Learn.  And come back, the richer for the experience.  And we are all blessed thereby.   


You might like to try out the exercise yourself.  I found it valuable.  As a reminder; if nothing else.

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