Wednesday 13 May 2015

On Large Clouds, Passing

The Sun settled inexorably behind a big cloud while I was on the beach this afternoon getting in some reading, happening at the time to be reading an article about the big cloud that has come over our educational system, occluding accomplishment and settling us deeper into a dumbing-down process.  For ideological reasons, having to do with causing America’s sun to set so that it will be settled nicely into a New World Order, of Total Information Awareness over us chattel; totally under the thumb of our erstwhile masters, perfidy be their name.

The article was in the form of a book review, in the May 4 edition of The New American biweekly magazine.  Under the title ‘Education Malpractice’, by William F. Jasper (TNA’s Senior Editor), an excerpt:

“In Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools to Destroy America’s Children, Samuel L. Blumenfeld and Alex Newman lay bare the rot that runs to the core of Common Core.  However, this book is about far more than Common Core, which is but the latest iteration in a long line of revolutionary programs imposed through the government school system by the educational establishment to deconstruct America - socially, politically, psychologically, intellectually, morally, and spiritually: look-say reading, the ’new math,’ death education, values clarification, sex education, multiculturalism, sensitivity training, outcome based education, etc….”  The basic point is a two-parter:

1) America and her traditional education is too ‘individualistic,’ needs to be roped into ‘the interests of the cooperative’; and

2) “(A)s Blumenfeld and Newman note, traditional and classical notions of education have no place in the ’sustainable’ future being planned for humanity.  
   “’Generally, more highly educated people, who have higher incomes, consume more resources than poorly educated people, who tend to have lower incomes,’ the UN ‘toolkit’ for global, ‘sustainable’ education explains.  ‘In this case, more education increases the threat to sustainability.’”

More education increases the threat to sustainability…America is too ‘individualistic’…

I first came across this latter notion, as regards the teaching of reading, many years ago, when I had reached a crossroads in my life, and, while trying to figure out which way to go into my future, I came across an alarming book in a John Birch Society bookstore.  I was in Salt Lake City at the time, and the bookstore was very near to the cheap hotel that I was staying in, so, being a bibliophile, and a politically conservative one at that (actually, more anti-New World Order, which plan for humanity’s future I had found out about by then, in all my bibliophilic reading), I wandered in there one day; and, browsing around, came across a book about the ‘look-say’ technique of teaching reading, and the dangers therein.  The ’dangers’  being that it was not about teaching reading essentially, but essentially about indoctrination.  

The point was to limit the child’s reading to ‘approved’ texts and ’approved’ words, by the child having learned to read by recognizing the word’s form, rather than being able to sound out words for themselves - the ‘phonics’ method - and thus be able to read whatever the child wanted to read.1  I was stunned, and appalled.  So this is how bad it is, I thought to myself at the time.

And here it is; still here.  And, apparently, worse.

But to finish my story, before moving on: My nephew - the eldest of my brother’s five children2 - was just going to start school that coming school year, and I decided to go live near the family, to help out as I could, but particularly in order to see how he was going to be educated to learn to read, and give any advices that might be appropriate.  So I had some background to this current business - still damnably here - of the indoctrinators still in charge of the education system, still doing their thing; and if anything, in a worse way.3       

And thus, the need, in our time, for ‘climate change’: in order to fasten their controls onto society.  In a big, big way.


That big cloud that the Sun sank behind drove me home early.  But then, clouds have a reason for being, too.  


1 An example that was given: the children learned to ‘read’ the word ‘monkey’ not by sounding out the individual letters and putting them together, but by a picture of a monkey hanging by its tail (to recognize the ‘tail’ of the ‘y’).  Thus, being a form of hieroglyphics - pictographic, rather than alphabetic.  
   I then recalled a book that I had noticed in my university bookstore the day that I left my formal education and started out on my own, over a decade previously.  Little did I know then that ‘my own’ had already started, when the book I noticed, and stored away in my memory for getting to some other day, was entitled ‘Why Johnny Can’t Read’ - about this very subject, lo, those many years later.
   N.B. The 'cover' to this whole thing is that the education establishment says it is all about increasing the child's comprehension of what he/she is reading.  When what it is all about really is mind control. 

2 I was very close to the brood for having lived with that family for some years, when I was getting back on my feet from a quixotic venture of mine, at another crossroads in my life.  My brother had somewhat recently died, in a mining accident (long story) - leaving his wife with four small children and one well on the way, and no life insurance money - and I had been helping the family out financially a bit (along with my sister-in-laws’ family).         
3 In the event, it turned out that he was being taught by a version of the look-say, whole word method, but it had been modified somewhat, by a dash of phonics as well.  I tried to talk to my sister-in-law about the whole matter, but a) she was training, in her new life, to be a teacher, and accepted ‘the process’ as it was; and b) I apparently came across as a bit of a conspiracy theorist when I tried to tell her about something else that I had come across, about the socialist indoctrination going on.
   It had to do with a child’s reader in which there was a picture story about a little boy and two squirrels.  First picture: A little boy in the bg sitting on the front steps of his house, smiling at two squirrels in the fg on his front lawn under a tree. First squirrel to the second: 'What are you doing?’
   Second squirrel: ‘I’m gathering nuts for the winter.’   
   First squirrel: ‘You don’t have to do that.  The little boy who lives in the white house will feed you.’
   It may have been only then that one notices that the little boy’s house had two white columns on either side of the front door.

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