Saturday 2 May 2015

On The Falsifying Of History

Don’t get me started.  Oh well.  Too late.

To help you get at least a smidgin of understanding of how appalled, disgusted and even outraged I am about something that I have just found out about, let me mention a couple of things about life in the former Soviet Union, in treating their people like slaves, to be manipulated at will - the will of the state.  One technique of control that they employed - which you may or may not have heard about, such is the similar control in our time and place - was to ’airbrush’ out of their history individuals who had fallen from grace; to the point of actually airbrushing them from photos of The Greats presiding over the masses from the Kremlin Wall. on the various and many occasions of the ‘trooping of the colors’ of the USSR’s military might, capable of burying capitalism when the (dialectical) time was right.

Another such technique - similar to our own day’s NSA - was how they required paper manufacturers to put a unique watermark on their product, so that the authorities could trace the origin of any anti-government publication, like what came to be called samizdat newspapers, or self-published papers, reproducing censored publications and articles.            

We come now to a) the wisdom of former President Ronald Reagan’s statement:

                “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”  

and b) the airbrushing out of our children's history books of America’s great and good.  

Not just ‘burying’ them as racists, and slave-owners, and ‘white cultural supremacists,’ and whatever all the Left can think of as terms of disendearment to smear them by.

Actually eliminating them from mention.

Can you believe it?

Oh.  Well.  Maybe you can.  Depending on your age.  

Therefore, a short history lesson.

In the mid-1700s many of the American colonists began to become fed up with arbitrary rule by King George III of Great Britain over them and instigated a revolution, with the primary theme of making ‘the people’ the sovereign, not the crown, or clergy, or oligarchy, or outright despot.  After fighting a Revolutionary War - under the banner of a document called the Declaration of Independence (largely written by some guy named Thomas Jefferson; whom you may or may not have heard anything about)1 - they ‘crowned’ their victory with, first, a compact called the Articles of Confederation, and when that proved to be inadequate to their growing needs, they established a Constitution for the united Sates of America; which, with some subsequent Amendments, is ‘the law of the land’ to this day.

Except as how scheming persons from both sides of the political aisle - roughly speaking, the ‘worker class’ on the left and the ’owner class’ on the right - have managed to muddy the waters a bit, as to the Constitution’s meaning; moving it, in some instances, from its original intent, to a degree of ‘interpretation’ by various Supreme Courts, and guileful lawyers.  But to get back to the main thread of this brief history; of an ’exceptional’ nation - exceptional, particularly for declaring some ‘human rights’ as “unalienable,” deriving from God, and others deriving from the ‘consent of the governed’ - i.e., the people being self-governing sovereigns in their own right, independent of an overweening entity (such as communism and fascism in our day).

This was revolutionary stuff indeed, in a world full of royals and dictators.  But to get on with this synopsis.   

Time passed, and the new nation flourished, achieving a higher standard of living for its people than had ever been the case in all of known history.  (See American Inventions.)  But the rot, of fixating on money-making, to the sacrifice of morality, set in; and the nation began to lose its way.  There was a Civil War, which was as much about money-making per se as it was about ‘the slavery question’ that had not been dealt with by the original Founders and specific constitutional Framers, for being too difficult to deal with at the time (see Leading Figures of the Revolutionary Era);2 America, whose people were essentially noninterventionist, just tending to their own business, became embroiled in what became known as World War I, which again was as much about money-making as it was about enmities between European nations (see a) the Lusitania, and b) Leading Figures of the WWI Era); and then America, still basically noninterventionist, became embroiled once again in war, in what became known as World War II; about which there is contention to this day, as to evidence that her political leaders brought her into the conflict on purpose, for geopolitical reasons (see a) The Story Behind Pearl Harbor, and b) Leading Figures of the WWII Era).3

But none of that background ’noise’ is to take away from the honor of America’s role in that latter war especially, with both the officer corps and the enlisted men (& some women enlistees at the time) covering themselves with well-deserved accolades for their bravery and initiative.  Without America’s major role in that war, the world today would be very different from what it is.  (And not to discount Rosie the Riveter’s role in that success, and outcome, either.  See Notes.)                

The ‘geopolitical’ issue became more prevalent with the advent of the United Nations at the end of WWII; which led to the Korean ‘Police Action’ of 1950-’53 (see Notes).  The conflict not being officially termed a war in order to avoid U.S. Congressional authority in the declaring and prosecuting of such; the ‘Powers That Be’ slyly undercutting the role of Congress in what TPTB had long determined as their New World Order: a ‘world order’ to be run from the top down, by the financial elite of the planet.  (See ‘Origins of the New World Order’.)

And thus was the stage set for the discontent brewing and percolating to this day; which 'stage' was hidden behind the given rationale for the Vietnam War, the Gulf of Tonkin Incident being but a ploy to get the U.S. once again embroiled in money-making war.  (See Notes.)  The public by then was beginning to see through the smokescreen put out by their political leadership, especially in discovering that the U.S. was traitorously financing the Soviet Union’s war-materiel support for North Vietnam.  As well, the Draft, put in place for the Korean ‘Conflict,’ was proving to be unpopular to American youth, especially in what was proving to be a ‘no-win’ war in the paddy fields in Southeast Asia. Plus the growing influence of the radical Left in American politics; communist agitprop experts stirring up the youth to feel that America was ‘on the wrong side’ in that war.  

The presumption for our being there in the first place was plausible: the U.S. was signatory to a UN organization called SEATO - the Southeast Asian Treaty Organization - which put it on the side of ‘the good guys,’ to come to the aid of any of its national counterparts.  (See Aspects of The Cold War.)  But the war - initially involving but small numbers of U.S. ‘advisors’ - began proving to be a cover for the real thing: a geopolitical ploy, to get the U.S. bloodied, and weakened.  It was, in a number of definitions of the term, a bloody mess.  Which was instrumental in creating a ‘viable’ Left in America, amongst the youth.  

And which is continuing to this day, particularly in those ’60’s radicalized youth becoming the lecturers and professors of this day.  For some valid reasons - in trying to pull American youth in general away from mindless support of ’the flag’. (See Gen. Smedley Butler's 'War Is A Racket'.)   But throwing the baby out with the bathwater in the process.   

The process, of attempting to take over the U.S., and meld it into being a mere part of a (borderless) region of the New World Order of their financial and political masters.  So, ‘nationalism’ must go, in favor of ‘internationalism’.  And thus, a proper teaching of American History - with warts and all - must go, in favor of a putting-down version. Totally slanted and skewed.  

‘Need to cut America down.  It consumes too much of the world’s resources anyway.  Unfair, to dark-skinned people.  Make it just one of the rest of the’



‘To be kept under our control.  Because - you see - Power is Good.  In and of itself.’

Or so the argument goes.

Of totalitarians.

Not to be trusted with power, in any way, shape, or form.

But to be cut down to size themselves.

Still as spiritual beings having a human experience.

Until they fully renounce the Light.  And choose - consciously choose - to serve only their Master of the Dark.

Masquerading as a Being of Light.

Which the Founders of this nation were fully cognizant of.  Being very religious people, with a belief in life having a higher Purpose.

But then, what did they know.

They were just a bunch of racists.  And slaveowners.  And white cultural supremacists.  And all that sort of thing.

You know.  The Bad Guys.



1 If you have heard of him, you have probably heard of him in a derogatory fashion, such is the 'fashion' of this Leftist revolutionary day.  If you're interested in the truth about him, I recommend that you get a copy of 'The Jefferson Lies,' by David Barton.  And read it.

2 to contain info on such figures as George Washington, Thomas Paine, Samuel Adams, James Madison, the aforementioned Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, Paul Revere, Nathan Hale, Patrick Henry, John & Abigail Adams… the list goes on. 

3 to contain info on such figures as FDR, Gen. Douglas MacArthur, Gen. George S. Patton, Gen. Dwight D. ‘Ike’ Eisenhower; and even Harry Hopkins, for his traitorous role in sending secrets to the Soviets.
    Let’s get it all out.  Warts and all.  While you're at it.  You Lilliputians.

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