Monday 18 May 2015

On Really Seeing Each Other...

...And Being Willing To

from Co-Creating Our Future on Planet Earth: ‘PRESIDENT - Putin’s 15 years in power - EN Subtitles (VIDEOS)' - May 17
(8 episodes/videos on Putin’s rise to power and its aftermath.)

kibitzer3 says:

Excellent stuff. Thank you, Jean, for posting this. Very insightful. Not only about the man. But about Russia, and her soul.

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  • Jean says: 
  • May 18, 2015 at 7:27 am 

  • On the enneagram scale, Russians are ONEs, as I think Putin is, ax well. On the Enneagram scale, Amerivpcans are THREEs, Avery different cup of tea. Hugs, ~Jean
Bill says:

Jean – thanks for posting this! The entire dissertation as well as the bit on Crimea should be mandatory class content for any history major in the west. I spent a lot of years and effort fighting the USSR, including a year on the southern shore of the Black Sea doing electronic intel and the radical change of management for the Russian people is, except for the Chinese, probably the most profound that has ever occurred. Watching the mannerisms and the expressions of Vlad Putin I come away with a recognition of sincerity I haven’t seen in any American leader since Reagan.

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  • Jean says:
     May 18, 2015 at 3:32 pm

  • Bill, I received a couple comments that left me so discouraged about this man! If people will only take the time – which it seems they won’t – to view all this information, instead of just skimming a lot of other ‘stuff’, they will learn so much. It is impossible for me to see this man as Illuminati; I just can’t do it. Nothing that was said was said for ‘effect’. It was genuine, and dear God, we have no one like him in the US – no one, and it is a tragedy! 

  • He is brilliant and has a heart connection that is quite apparent. The fact that he is a lawyer, that he doesn’t lie, means that he cannot be tripped up – as much as they might try. His mind is clear and he is to the point. . . always legal, honest, and caring for his people. 

  • The American people are not tough like the Russian people. Even though they have suffered and are suffering, I think they do not yet know the meaning of real suffering and the fact that often emerges from this: we are stronger than we think we are . . . and I pray to God that I am wrong. . . 

  • How many will actually take the time to educate themselves? How many? It is our responsibility as citizens . . . but I’m not sure people yet understand this fact. 

  • Hugs, ~Jean


kibitzer3 says:. 

Jean, I think the problem is that we have become hyper-cynical about our leaders in the world, figuring that they couldn’t have gotten where they are if it were not for the Cabal. A fair enough concern. But as you say: SEE the man. Give him that much respect.

I have had my concerns about Putin, especially after reading that he once credited Kissinger for being his (or “a”) mentor. But I gave him the SEE test. And he strikes me as being the man he ‘says’ he is. Especially after his dressing-down of that group of businessmen. He clearly cares for his people. As being one of them himself; not of the ‘elite’. All in all: A man who deserves our open-mindedness on the issue.


Watching the man in action was a treat.  He appears actually incorruptible.  It is clear that many of the people around him, having grown up in a climate-culture of corruption, don't know precisely what to make of him.  

Yes, he may have considered Kissinger a 'mentor' at one  point - and these videos show why: because he is a sincere seeker of info, about many areas, but in particular about 'geopolitical issues', since that is the stage that he is on, has mounted, courtesy of Boris Yeltsin; who may have seen something in the man that the world is only beginning to see. 

Of course, Yeltsin may have been acting under his superior orders as well...However, I remember. some years ago, watching a video about Putin, in the course of which he took a short boat trip to go to a Russian Orthodox monastery on some island, for a retreat.  Now. I know that under communism, the RO prelates were under the thumb of the Communist Party; and this could be show, for 'the folks back home' - and us skeptics out in the wider world.

But - and as I mentioned - I gave the man a look; and I have seen the man.  And he gives me  every indication of being the real deal.   

Of course, people who can see auras could tell us more about that.   But in the meantime:

I give the man the benefit of the doubt.

And that augurs well for mankind.

As God - who is known to move in mysterious ways, sometimes - moves amongst us.  At this particularly critical time, in our evolution.

And celebratory time.


P.S. As for other 'matters of God' recently; there's this:

from Tea Party C.C.: ‘Push To Court-Martial General For Thanking God’ - posted by Marilyn  Calkins - May 17 (orig. posted at - May 15)
(“A civil-liberties group is demanding a two-star Air Force general be court-martialed for mentioning God at a National Day of Prayer Task Force speech on May 7.

“Despite the religious nature of the event, the Military Religious Freedom Foundation has called for Olson to be “aggressively and very visibly brought to justice for his unforgivable crimes and transgressions,” adding that any other service members who helped him should be investigated and punished “to the full extent of military law”…”)

Reply by Kevin ray 4 hours ago

We need to get behind the general and demand that our elected representative squash any of this nonsense right now.  The American people can change this godless dynamic in its tracks. We  need to demand that it stop. The General should retire, get out of that mess

  • Reply
Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield just now (May 18)

No, Kevin; we need him there.  Otherwise, the space is cleared for the New World Order gang to take over in our military.  Bad move

It may not be convenient for him.  But it's important for us.

As for Mikey Weinstein, I would say: Since it took place at a National Day of Prayer activity, and he was not "proselytizing" anybody, shoving his religion down anybody's throat: You really need to get a life.

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