Monday 20 July 2015

Beware the Totalitarian Martial Law Declaration

The Tea Party - the 'branch' of it under Steve Eichler; a project of State Department Watch Ltd. 1- has issued a stark warning about Obama's Executive Order No. 13603, wherein "(h)e has grabbed blank-check dictatorship powers that are a violent assault on our personal liberty, property rights, and the rule of law.  They allow him to" do all manner of things, in controlling the lives of Americans to within an inch of our lives.2  A Marxist totalitarian, then; a subject I referred to in my last blog.

My response to Steve; first, where he allowed space at the bottom of the feedback form (a 'Citizens Petition To Stop Obama's Martial Law Power Grab') for any personal comments:

"This is what we get for not staying within the rule of law - the Constitution - and allowing the 2 main political parties to get away with allowing an ineligible person to run for the office of the president - for not being a 'natural born citizen'.  See";

and secondly, in a blank space conveniently provided on the back of the Petition, my stern recommendation:

"Get Oathkeepers to arrest the Usurper, to be held for trial - on a no. of charges by now - in a legitimate - people's - court of law.  The Congress dissolved, for not doing their constitutional duty to rein in a rogue executive.  & an Officer of The People appointed, to call for elections within a time certain, & in the meantime, to clean out the executive-branch departments & agencies of all the traitors to the Republic.  Before it's too late."3

And in a way, I answered here a question of mine, which I have referred to in these pages, of whether there are to be any more elections or not.  I want to see the voting system cleansed completely, as part of 'setting things right,' before we move - can move - into The New.  But I haven't been sure if that system was actually to be activated (especially with the taking-down of the 2 main political parties, on RICO-statute, criminal-conspiracy charges).

I think I have just come up with the answer to that question.  It would seem to make sense that it is used in the way that it should be used.

Before any further changes come into being.  In the establishing of the kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The New Era.  The New Age.  By whatever name.

In any event:

Not my will but Thine be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

And, let's get'er done.



1 there are other 'arms' of that outfit; and which I get solicitations from as well.
   I sure hope that they are doing all that they say they are doing.  I'd hate to think that my money - anybody's money - has simply been going into nice dinners in Washington, D.C. & environs for these political nonprofit hotshots.  
   When heads roll, I hope it includes s.o.b.'s who have been conning the citizenry in all ways.

2 "By limiting how we travel, what we can eat, and where we can work, he can begin to create the communist utopia he has always dreamed about..."
   Americans: Don't give that kind of power - or allow that kind of power - to anyone but someone aligned totally with our Source.
   Not with our darkest imaginings, of Power Over Others.  Rather, Power With Others.  As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view, expressions of the One Holy Being, The All That Is.
   We Are All One.  Not Masters and Slaves.

3 Speaking of the time: More than one source has reported that Russian troops (here under the cover of the Jade Helm exercise; and who speak perfect English) are being trained for implementation and enforcement of Martial Law in the country.  While more military personnel continue to be purged from their positions - fired - if they say they will refuse to fire on American soldiers or civilians if ordered to.
   Just sayin'.

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