Wednesday 8 July 2015

On Honoring Contracts

Late last night into this early morning I listened to a segment of John B. Wells’s ‘Caravan to Midnight’ titled ‘Jade Helm Decoded’.  It was a radio interview (Episode 309) he had with a woman simply going by the initials D.J., for various security reasons, who has done extensive research into that upcoming exercise, from original-source materials.  It is quite a story.  The bottom line conclusion: the Jade Helm 15 exercise is a “system rollout,” trial run of a “total Command & Control” operation, harbinger of global government on the part of the Dark forces, via new-generation, “quantum computer” capability, crunching all of our human data (hence the sub-title of the exercise, ‘Mastering the Human Domain’) including our mental and emotional responses; a neural net ultimately to be cast over the entirely of the planet’s peoples.   

So, TPTB have invoked into being total dominance.  So, that is the high-water mark of & for the Dark.  So, the Light will  - can - take over now, in response.

As long as the Light and the Dark were ‘in play,’ our Creator Source would allow The Play, for its sacred worth.  But now that the Dark forces are trying to eliminate the Light side of the ‘equation’ entirely, they are going too far; beyond the bounds of 

the Contract.

And contracts, as we know, are sacrosanct.  Or at least, are meant to be.

Like, oh, say: the constitutional contract between the States and the federal government in the American Union.

So.  Having reached a culminating stage in the historical process, The Play is over.  It’s time now for

the Real Thing. 

Watch this space.  As they say.


...and speaking of contracts...

According to the law - i.e., the Constitution - "(t)he President...shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed..."  And that includes laws, dutifully written and passed by Congress, on immigration issues.  For Obama arrogantly to decide what he will do and what he won't do regarding the law is to leave himself wide open to such criticisms as leveled at him by Sen. Sessions; to wit:

from ’Sen. Sessions Indicts Obama - His Extreme Ideology And Policies Killed Kate Steinle And Many Others’ - Rick Wells - July 8/9

Stan - July 8

Hear, hear – both Sen. Sessions AND you, Rick.

Please keep telling it like it is. Including the illegality of Obama in that office. Another pressing matter, that shouldn’t be allowed to go away, just because the American people, by and large, have failed to look at it squarely. And without which illegality, we wouldn’t be having any of these atrocious problems that we are experiencing under the Usurper.


There's a lesson there...

...and speaking a little further to it:

from teapartyC.C.: ‘The human cost of Obama’s immigration policy’ - posted by Asst Natl Dir Melony B. DeFord - July 8 (orig. posted at - July 7)  
(A list of all the atrocious crimes that have been committed by illegal aliens over the recent years)
Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (July 8)

Never want to let a good crisis go to waste, do you, eh, Barry???

Shortly now comes the excuse for his declaring Martial Law.  And then, Game Over. 


And to speak of someone besides the Usurper in the federal government for a minute, who is building on his rickety base of ruling by whim, there is the curious case of Supreme Court Justices Kagan and Ginsburg, who by rights should have recused themselves from the same-sex marriage ruling, for having previously officiated at such ceremonies.  The relevant federal law, I discover, is as follows:

"Any justice...shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."  28 U.S. Code 455.

Not being a lawyer, I have not known what the legality of the issue was; just the common-sense part of it, i.e., that both of the ladies in question should never have been part of the decision-making on the issue.  I understand that a bit of a move is afoot to attempt to do something about that miscarriage of justice.

I support such a move totally.

'The law' is a joke enough as it is, what with letting the Usurper stay in office this long.  The American people should not let it unravel into pure and total meaninglessness, under these miscreants who would presume to be lords and masters over us.

They need to be removed from their current positions of power over us.  And that includes the two ladies in question sitting on the SCOTUS.

By rights, Kagan will simply be removed, along with Sotomayor, when the Usurper is removed, and all the appointments that he made (and legislation that he signed into law, and Executive Orders that he issued) go with him, into the trash bin.  So we are only talking about Ginsburg, to suffer the same fate.

Well. Actually.  The whole lot of them need to go.

As we enter the New Era.  And start fresh.  On our common spiritual path.

Speaking of contracts......

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