Thursday 16 July 2015

Sleaze, Thy Name Is The Clintons

In my last blog I was a bit hard on Hillary.  Let me follow up on that.

But let me start with Bill, the Clyde of the couple.  (As Larry Klayman, of Freedom Watch - and who chased after Bill on his impeachment process - is wont to characterize them.)  And I will limit this comment to just a couple of incidents of his sleaze.  Although, actually, the second example is more one of treason.

The first: his pardon, upon leaving office, of “convicted tax evader Marc Rich”.  Who had been “indicted by a U.S. federal grand jury on more than 50 counts of fraud, racketeering, trading with Iran during the U.S. Embassy hostage crisis and evading more than $48 million in income taxes - crimes that could have earned him more than 300 years in prison’” (the Whistleblower article quoting an AP report on the matter).1  But a little goodness of heart - and a person’s wife making “significant contributions to Hillary’s 2000 Senate campaign and the Clinton presidential library” - can go a long way, eh, Billy.2  

The second is even more gross: known as Chinagate.  Without going into all the details, this scam involved the leaking of high-tech secrets - jeopardizing U.S. national security - to Red China, in exchange for “millions of dollars to various Democratic Party entities, including President Bill Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign”.  This is, in a word: treason.  

I never understood, at the time, why Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr did not go after Clinton on this issue, and concentrated rather on the Lewinsky peccadillo.  But I guess one lie is as good as another, in the world of Washington.   

As for Hillary herself: I commend the June issue of WND’s monthly magazine ‘Whistleblower’ to your attention, for a good rundown of Hillary’s scandals.  Including the phony ‘Landing Under Sniper Fire in Bosnia’ story.  ’Never let a fact get in the way of a good story,’ eh, Hill??

Is that something that you learned at the feet of Saul Alinsky, through all those ‘sessions’ with him that you engaged in over the years?  Honing your schtick, as the way that the big boys play the game??  The real movers and shakers of the world??? where Power really resides????     

The wily old serpent spoke to you through his mouth and said, ‘You don’t really have to go by man’s laws; be a creator in your own right’ - and you listened, and bought into it.  Into the good advice of charlatans.  Didn't you.

Repent.  And be saved, from the consequences of your actions.  For, you see, actions do have consequences.  

Besides the accumulation of temporal - and temporary - power.

P.S. Do I have your attention now, NSA?  
     I would consider it an insult if I weren’t on your watch list - if not even your Red List - by now.  You sellouts.
     You will get yours too, you know.  Right along with the rest of the others, who have sold out for thirty pieces of silver, as it were, in this day and 
     New Age.  Leaving all such sleaze behind.  As a testament to what souls can get up to, when they lose contact with their Creator, and think to become creators of their own, in their own right, without that alignment of consciousness.  

     And thus endeth the lesson.  For today.


1  “Also, Hillary’s brothers, Tony and Hugh Rodham, reportedly received large amounts of money from people who were pardoned by Bill Clinton…”  Well, they would, wouldn’t they.  With this crime family at work and play, and all.

2 Tell me, Billy: Is that the way they do business in Arkansas?  Or where, exactly, along the way did you learn the tricks of the political trade??
   Was it on that side trip to Russia you made when you were attending Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar???
   Just asking.

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