Wednesday 1 July 2015

The Great Awakening

In my last blog I ended on a note of curiosity, couched as: If I didn’t believe in the Jesus myth, why did I believe in a coming kingdom of Heaven?

A short answer, with a roundabout introduction:

A few years after leaving my university studies to go searching for capital-t Truth, I discovered that my old alma mater (since you ask: Sfanford) was no longer requiring Western Civ as a prerequisite course for all Freshmen.  The excuse - or, to put it more mildly, the rationale - seemed to be that it was getting more and more students from different parts of the world, and they didn’t really need to go through all that.  I wondered at the time of this discovery why that would be so.  If they were interested in getting an education in the West, wouldn’t they be interested in knowing what makes it a Western education, as opposed to any other kind?  The primacy of the individual over the collective, and constitutions securing individual rights over the dictates of the majority, and all that sort of thing?? Madison as opposed to Marx???

My search for Truth soon uncovered for me the answer to that question; as I discovered the decades-long - and even millennium-long - machinations of an Elite to control the world, and ultimately, take it over totally.  To say: in a state of totalitarianism.  Where the idea of the primacy of the individual was to be phased out, in favor of

the state.

Marx’s collective.  Presumably, the supreme achievement of mankind; when Man would become so enlightened that the state would then wither away, and he would just live beautifully with his equal-rights peers.

Yeah, right.  See any sign of that happening in the Force-run, end-justifies-the-means realms of socialism???

But back to the theory.  Which requires the state to be the all-powerful entity, ruling over the individual, and his supposed individual rights, to be replaced by group rights.  

And nothing must stand in the way between the individual and the state, to counter the total power of the state over the individual.  So what, for example, must go?

Ah, yes.  The institution of marriage.  With its institution of

the family.

Beginning to look familiar?

Cutting to the bottom line:

Everything that is going on in our day is/was planned by the statists amongst us.1  The decline of the family unit, in making divorce easier, and in the rise of feminism,2 and in the indoctrination of the child in his/her schooling, and so forth.  

Which all has also served to trigger a reaction to it.  Which - long story short - is leading us to

Synthesis.  At the time of this Grand Round of human evolution and Ascension into a higher state of consciousness, with the you-should-excuse-the-expression ‘marriage’ of science and spirituality.  Wherein we understand that all is energy; is Light; and thus, we exist in a field of energy, in which we not only have our eternal existence, but can manipulate - transmogrify - energy into matter, via such devices as replicators, and thus meet all our material needs, not through the controlling apparatus of the state, but for ourselves.    

As facets, fractals, aspects, points of view of The One Holy Being.  Our Source.  The Godhead, of Light and Love and Wisdom and Power behind the whole shebang.3

And so, it is all matter of: getting into 

alignment with our Source.  

Here, at this Grand Round junction with our divine potential.  A Time to get off the inferior round of karmic debt - the Wheel of Rebirth.  And, breaking the ‘spell’ over us, the pull of matter that we have, largely, succumbed to:


The Light is just waiting us for us to command its nascent forms into being.

On our way to the higher dimensions. Where we don’t even have to do that.  Where everything is pure Thought.   

I thought this would all be too much to append in my last blog; best needing one of its own……


1  Statists, covering both socialist and fascists.  Another subject.    

2 Did you know that the Rockefeller crowd have admitted that they were behind the rise of the feminist movement - in order, not only to break down the ‘bourgeois’ family unit, standing in the way between the state and the individual, but in order to get more bodies into work, in order to pay more taxes, in order to grow government spending; particularly for their direct purposes, like the military-industrial complex, and indirectly, through making more and more people dependent on the state for their livelihood.  Sweet.

3 An apt descriptive term.  ’She - bang.’   The feminine principle, of The Mother, is behind the Creation itself; while the masculine principle, of the Father, is quietly in the background of the enterprise.  Like a lion, with its pride. 

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