Tuesday 21 July 2015

On Feeding The Pigeons

I may be retired, but I am no less incensed at the sellout of my country going on.  I spend my days sunning myself, and have the time to wonder about things.

Item.  Congress fails to act even when the Marxist Usurper strips the American military of those who won’t obey an order to fire on American citizens.  I mean, what more of a signal do you need, simply to have the man arrested, and held for trial; on a whole host of charges by now.  Including that of treason. 

And for your failure to do your constitutional duty, to rein in a - clearly by now - rogue executive, you need to go, too.  Dissolved, by your employers, The People; if not sent to jail also, for individual acts of criminal conduct, taking bribes, and so forth.  Sellouts that you are.  And you know who you are.

Item.  Workforce training for 'education'; not academic knowledge or critical thinking.  Soviet-style 'community services' emphasis.  Privacy-invading data collection (the idea behind the Jade Helm 15 military exercise as well; all to go into a quantum computer), for people control - excuse me; for Common Core 'assessment' and mental health 'remediation'.  Read, weeding out of individual thinkers.  And all this, even though the Soviet Union failed as a system.  Hope springs eternal, in the minds of the people controllers.

Hope.  And Change...... 

Item.  Vaccines; and especially the push now for mandatory vaccination of everybody, no exemptions, no holds barred.  Because it’s time for the New World Order statists totally to eradicate, not the childhood diseases.  But the (concept of the) individual.  ‘To protect the group,' they call it.  For this is not at its root about cutting down on childhood diseases.  (Chicken pox even?!  A pox on you idiots.  The childhood diseases serve a purpose.  But, to continue.)  Or even about serving the medical-pharmaceutical complex, and  hugely.  Or about utilizing the modality as an agent of/for population control.  It is, at its root, about power.  Power Over others.  Our erstwhile masters establishing the concept of sacrificing the individual 'for the good of the whole’.  ’For the greater good.’  No matter the degree of side effects from the modality; all the cancer and autoimmune diseases and brain damage that it is seeding into the public arena.  The public be damned.  All that matters is Power Over.

When, in point of fact, We Are All One.

But then, the Dark forces don’t want to have any of that nonsense.  There are some who are born to rule; and everybody else is to be cattle to them, and their iron-fisted rule.


I can hardly wait for you Darksiders to get yours.  (And they will; this is, after all, a 'just universe'/creation.)*  Some of whom will, upon understanding what The Play has been all about, sheepishly (ahem) release their roles, and join the Light side, as we move into our New Age; one of higher consciousness, preparing us for the likes of life in 5D, on our way Up - back to Unity consciousness.  (We Are All One; remember??  Remember, yet???)  And some of whom will fail to release their self-identity with their roles, and stay - choose, to stay - with their arrogance.  And earn their just reward accordingly.

There’s more.  But for now, I take sun baths.  And watch the pigeons.  And wonder things like, Why do they like some pieces of grit over others?  And why do they even like pieces of grit in the first place??


And answers forthcoming.


* And so, do not hate them.  Love justice.

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