Saturday 18 July 2015

The Real Thing - A Journey

Rather than get bogged down in the details of The Process - such as Jade Helm/‘Mastering the Human Domain,’ and anti-fertility agents & other toxins in (our increasingly mandated) vaccines, and such - let me in this blog cut to the chase, as it were.  Consider, then, for your edification (as it has been for mine), this ‘take on things’ - this report, from the sidelines.

I was very recently reading of the ‘school’ of economic theory that has developed (I hesitate to use the term ‘grown up,’ for reasons that will very quickly become clear) called Darwinian Economics - ruthless, dog-eat-dog, winner-take-all competition.  Which generates its antithesis in the human psyche, because we are, at heart, moral beings, because the universe has Purpose, and that purpose is Good.  (Bear with me on this claim for the moment.)  And, especially when we have come to the stage of being able to harvest Abundance from said universe - through our level of technological development - we have come to the ultimate, Synthesis end of

the (Time) line.  Aka the Age.

The end of one.  And the beginning of the next:

the Era of Love. 

Aka The New Age.  Long anticipated, and longed for.   (And made fun of, in some circles.)  Now aborning.

For real.

The same ‘rule’ applies in the realm of ‘religion’.  Consider.  First, various religions rise up (based on various circumstances; environmental in particular), not just because Man is ‘superstitious’ and doesn’t understand the workings of his universe, but because he senses, from his surroundings, and his (cellular, deeply rooted) memories, that he is part of a larger Whole, and tries to make sense of it, as he can, given the nature of the knowledge available to him at the time.  Then, the excesses of priestly religions generates its ultimate antithesis: atheism.  And out of the dynamic between the two poles is born the Truth: what we call spiritualism: a search into the true parameters of the position.  The position, that ‘there is something more than Man’.  

So, to pull the two ‘arenas’ together:

Out of the excesses of capitalism has grown (the concept of) communism; and out of the dynamic between those two poles grows 

the Truth.  Which is a combination of the two, with something added; the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.  That something, in this instance, could be called

Heart.  The understanding of the importance of the status of the individual - as a fractal of The All That Is -  in conjunction with the understanding of the importance of the concept of cooperation.  

Not competition (ultimately).  How can you be in competition with    

your Self.

Your greatest Self. In which we live and move and have our being.  Are an expression of 

The Ineffable


To be considered in the dynamic Human Equation especially now that we are to embark on the next and crucial leg of our journey


A leg where progress is measured in

No Time.

Because we have then left the stage of Illusion behind,  And entered into

the Real Thing.

A higher dimension, ‘rung’ than the 3D one, In which we have been embedded 

for long enough, now.

Our period of seasoning - of school time - finished.

For those souls who graduate, that is.

As for the rest. Well:

Good luck in your next go ‘round. As for the rest of us:

We have further business to attend to.  The business, of 

Graduation time.

As it were.

P.S I might have mentioned, in relation to the toxins in vaccines, the subject of TPTB having possibly deliberately engineered into them a bacteriophage as a race-specific bioweapon, as part of the New World Order plan for global depopulation, plus then, in that context, the 'Agenda 21'-inspired establishment of compact cities wherein the populace can be more easily managed; but that all leads to other 'such as' subjects, which is not the purpose of this particular blog.
     Perhaps a future one.  In the meantime, of course, you can do your own
     'Home' work.
     As it were.

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