Monday 6 June 2016

And Now, For Something Completely Different

In my ‘Lesson’ blog on Sunday I made reference to having been involved in the founding of the federal constitutional republic of the united States of America,.  I have also alluded to The New, that it is now time for.  I refer to my kingdom.  The kingdom I represent, am a representative of.  Now to be established on Earth. 

The long wait over.  Humanity ready now - at least most of it - to inherit its reward.

A word about that process, of inheritance.

You can’t advance in the kingdom come, much less be a part of it, if you don’t engage in, embody, such qualities as truth and honesty and integrity.  Those qualities are the sine quo non of the kingdom of heaven.  Along with the very nature of the Creation, and its Creator; which is Love. 

Should I fear the Dark; be afraid of the Dark overwhelming me and ‘my’ kingdom (as in ‘my’ country), in this sector of the Creation?*  Where the Dark seems to have ruled for so long??  

The Dark doesn’t scare me.  I should scare the daylights out of the Dark, and have it shrink back into the shadows, where it belongs: our shadow side, ever lurking in the background, hoping for legitimacy in its own right.  Which, of course, will never happen, owing to its very nature.  The Light can exist without the Dark, because it IS, by its very nature.  Whereas the Dark cannot exist on its own; for, it is but a shadow, depending on the Light for its very existence.  

Which, of course, makes it sullen; and looking to ‘get even’.  Even when it knows that it never can. 

In any event - and in The Event:

I claim ‘my’ (our; those of the Light) kingdom - on Earth, as it is in Heaven -


What will it be like?

Glorious.  Most glorious.

But first things first.

A lot of contradictions must be resolved.  For example.  The current ‘administration’ in power in the U.S. goes out of its - purportedly ’our’ - way to protect the purported ‘rights’ of illegal aliens, but trashes the rights of American citizens, in terns of such fundamental birthright qualities as freedom of speech, and of the press; the latter, with such activities as taking down email sites that TPTB don’t like, and with the coming attempts - as is happening in the EU - to have to have a (federally-issued; or not) ID in order to access the Internet. 

What monstrous rot.

Get thee behind me, Satan.

You’ve had your day.

It’s the Day, now, of

The  Light.

* Or to say, a hologram projection thereof.  More another time on that subject alone.


Meanwhile,The Play goes on...
...running out to its conclusion...

1) from ‘California will Now “Give” Obamacare to Illegal Immigrants’- Onan Coca - June 6
(“The Comedy of Errors that is the state of California continues to play out its disastrous drama. Last week saw the California legislature banning guns and limiting free speech (by banning disagreement with global warming alarmism). Now this week the idiot chamber has decided to extend Obamacare to the states illegal immigrant population…”)


Thank you for this post, Onan. Well noted.

Will the liberals' deceit never cease? Apparently, only by a major heave-ho.

2a) from ‘FBI & DHS Renting Small Planes.  Why Should Concern Everyone!’- Tony Elliot - June 6
(“Apparently, this domestic spying program has been going on since shortly after the enactment of the Patriot Act, which gave the Federal government the green light to conduct such domestic spying operations. Since then, it has grown to cover all major cities across the US…”)

kibitzer3 4 minutes ago (June 6)

Thanks for this report, Tony.

Somethin' comin' gonna be bad...


2b) from ’Reason Obama Is Creating Chaos Nationwide Revealed  And It Will Stun You!’ - Tony Elliot - June 6
("Obama has literally destroyed this country with his New World Order vision that permits the United Nations to dictate laws here in the US.  In order for this to be possible, Obama had to create a climate of dissent in the US, he has done so by dictating law by Executive Orders...")

Well noted, Tony.

Personally, I believe that the way to deal with this whole scenario - which is designed not just by Obama, but by his New World Order benefactors in the bg - is to preempt their game plan by Oathkeepers arresting the Usurper in a lightning strike and holding him for trial (on a whole host of charges by now, including fraud, perjury, and treason); dissolving the sitting Congress, for having failed to uphold their constitutional duty to rein in a rogue executive; and installing an Officer of The People, who will oversee new elections (CLEANSED elections; no more crap), and in the meantime, clean out the executive-branch agencies and departments of the vermin that have been infesting them, in the attempted takeover of our federal constitutional republic, by statist forces from both ends of the political spectrum: the socialists-communists on the far Left, and the fascists on the far Right. Both groups controlled from the top of the pyramid of power by the same nest of vipers; the totalitarian New World Order gang.

We can only hope that the Oathkeepers are already working on THIS scenario. Time's nearly up...


As for the California presidential primaries tomorrow....

Lying, cheating, thieving, soliciting bribes:  It will not get you a place at the table in The (real) New Order Of Things, Hillary.

Get thee, rather, to a prison.

You can mail Bill and Chelsea from there.

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