Sunday 12 June 2016

On Mass Shootings: Where I Stand

This terrible tragedy of an Islam-inspired mass shooting in a gay nightclub in Orlando brings up the subject again of weapons in the hands of the citizenry.  Where i stand:

The People in this country have a basic right to 'keep and bear arms' - to have weapons of self-defense against common criminals, a rogue government, and invasion.  Government has a basic right and responsibility to help protect The People from such criminals, and try to keep weapons out of their hands.  But especially because this current national administration has shown clear signs of an agenda of takeover of the country - an agenda which started in earnest in the previous administration, with its orchestration of 9/11 and the subsequent War On (really) The People - it should not be allowed to take over that responsibility.  It is the responsibility of the individual states to do so, where the government is closer to The People, and thus is more able to be held to account for its actions.

In a recent blog I talked about the matter of this rogue federal government, under the Usurper, seeming to be one of my favorite subjects.  My actual favorite subject is Ascension; and thus, our getting out of this sort of mess.

Let's get to that agenda; with at least as much earnestness as our erstwhile Masters are putting into theirs.

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