Sunday 5 June 2016

On Oath Keepers, Including Spiritually

from ‘Rep Hunter - Six Terrorist Illegals Caught Inside US, Five Released, “Lost” By DHS - Rick Wells - June 5
(‘Rep Hunter [R-CA] Says Documents Reveal Major Gaps In U.S. Terror Screening Abilities’)

We really need to accept the hard fact that it’s not time to go after Jeh Johnson. It’s time to go after his boss. He is, after all, just following orders.

So it’s not up to the Congress, now; bless their precious, overworked souls, so busy on the really important things that they don’t have time for the little piddly things, like the security of the nation. That will have to fall to the Oath keepers. And common, everyday patriots having their backs.

If ever it was time, the time is now.

Oath keepers? Man your stations.

And speaking of oath keepers:

from ’These People Are Destroying America and They Need to be Called Out’ - Dave Hodges - June 4
(Dave references meeting a clutch of little old ladies 13 years ago who had been rounded up into the Nazi concentration camps and were clucking angrily at the signs of the times under Bush Jr., the meeting of them helping to wake him up to what was going on.  He now is getting frustrated at how many won’t do anything about what he sees going on in our time, and comments on widespread ’cognitive dissonance’…)

Stan June 5, 2016 at 12:26 am

Personally, my take on the matter is that we need oath keepers, current and retired, to lead the way – as a spearhead; and we simple patriots can then follow their lead. After all, if oath takers won’t be oath keepers, how can the rest of us patriots be faulted for not doing something in a major way about the matter???

And then of course there is the little matter that the New World Order crowd are obviously doing everything they can to incite some ‘rebellion’ – as Michael pointed out above – in order to give them the excuse they are trying to goad into being for Obama to declare a state of national emergency, and thereby into a declaration of martial law, and thereby instigate total control over the populace. As I say: We need a spearhead, of dedicated, capable oath keepers to kick things off.

Keep informing us of what all is going on, Dave. Knowledge is power. But hold onto a little understanding as well, of the frustration out here.


Now.  What do I really think?

I think that this whole thing will resolve in a higher way than a shooting-match way.  My gut instinct is that those who are talking about a wholesale change in the world's monetary system are correct; and that will allow us to deal with things like Gordian knots in a different way than the Alexandrian way of just slashing through it with a sword.  Rather, simply unfastening the crosspiece of wood that it is fastened to from the yoke, and just slipping the knot off, and replacing the crosspiece without such a cumbersome addition.

I am talking about eliminating money as we have gotten used to it.  No more interest-bearing money, and fractional-reserve banking.

And we will get rid of the Usurper that way.  Rather than with a sword.

Still - hang on.  It could be a bit of a bumpy ride.  Before it settles down.  And we enter

The New.  

And wonder why we never saw it before.

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