Thursday 9 June 2016

Storytellers Anonymous

You know the story in the New Testament about Jesus spending 40 days in the wilderness and being tempted by Satan there?

Who’s telling the story??

And there’s the clue.

It’s a story.

Being told by an anonymous storyteller…

You know those pictures of a rover supposedly on Mars.

Who’s taking the pictures.

You know those planes that crashed into the Twin Towers.

But did you know that explosions were recorded coming seconds before the supposedly real planes supposedly hit the towers.

And there’s more.

On that scam.

And on others.

Like the JFK kill-zone and cross-fire assassination.  And how the brain ending up being archived, wasn’t his.  And how there is a discrepancy between the report of his cranium condition from Emergency-room doctors in Dallas and that photographed and reported on from the autopsy in Bethesda.  

And again speaking of ‘pictures’: like the supposed pictures of the Earth supposedly taken from space.

Which vary in composition.

And there’s the clue.

In ’composition’.

With clouds ‘painted’ in, by a cut-and-paste job… 

It is as though we are fighting our way out of an illusory reality.  The Truman Show on steroids.

And that, apparently, is precisely what we are doing.


Not as in, Why are we fighting our way out of our illusory reality.  But as in, Why the situation in the first place?


Now, there’s

a story.


P.S. In the meantime - before Disclosure; in all areas  - beware the beat-up of paid agitators, intoning:

'What do we want?'  (Response from the sheep:) 'Armageddon.'

'When do we want it?'  (Response:) 'Now!'

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