Monday 20 June 2016

Another Reason For Clean Elections Or No Elections

from ‘Hillary Rigs Election So Much That Stanford Can Prove It’ - Andrew West - June 17; posted June 19


This is why I say CLEAN ELECTIONS OR NO ELECTIONS. They will continue to be stolen until we clean out the system root and branch. That means:

Certifiably cleansed voter reg rolls, of all ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate voters; photo ID required; no voting by mail unless strictly controlled for identity; mandatory exit polls; and NO MORE ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES, which have proven to be hackable in a number of ways - A CLEAR PAPER TRAIL. And stick a voter's finger in purple ink if we have to. If you are going to behave like a child, you need to be treated like a child.

And no duplicate voter reg rolls.  I couldn’t believe it when I went to vote the first time back in this country, in 2012, after living abroad for many years, and my name wasn’t on the first reg roll they looked for it on, but it was on a second one.  WTF???

I ended up not voting anyway, when they failed to ask me for my photo ID; which is easy to obtain in this state (California).  All you have to do is get a copy of your birth certificate and take your material to the DMV office for a photo on your ID card.  

Originally, one could use their driver’s license in this state for the same, to say voting, purpose; but California, in its infinite wisdom, now has allowed illegal aliens to obtain driver’s licenses here.  But then, that seems to be part of the Game Plan of the Democrat Party-controlled state legislature, and their (Jesuit-trained) man in the governor’s chair, Jerry Brown.  All part of the sinister move towards TPTB’s New World Order, doncha know…

Disgusting stuff.

And then there's the Orlando thing............

Let me in there, Coach.  I feel hot.  And it's not just from anger.  It's from knowing precisely what to do.  And ready - really, really ready - to do it.


People - mainly, but not exclusively, Christians - are waiting for Jesus, meek and mild, to come and deliver them from these miscreants trying to take over the world for the Dark side; and l'm champing at the bit to give them the likes of Alexander, ready to cross a swollen river in the dead of night and in a raging storm if need be, to get one up on his enemy.  And succeeding at the task; because his army trusted him, and respected him, and believed in him.  And the same closer to our time, with Washington crossing the Delaware.  All I am missing is my army, and the call.  At least, so far.

I am a man of peace, this time around (seeing the wisdom in that approach to life, as developing a sense of community - a, the, sense of Oneness - in a small world, growing smaller, through its level of technology, by the day).  But I also have the sensibilities of a warrior.  Don't mess with me, or my country.  I can revert to past form very fast.  That the Constitution - securing government of, by, and for The People - shall remain in place, until 'kingdom come' - until kingship is lowered from heaven.

As we come to it.


It's time to share
It's time to prepare.


And just so there is no misunderstanding on an issue facing us in the U.S. these days:

The Islamic terror culture will not be tolerated in this country.

Anybody practicing such a culture, with aspects outwith the laws of this country, will be prosecuted, properly dealt with, and, after their properly adjudicated sentencing requirements are met, deported back to their home countries, if they are here from other countries.

This country functions under the rule of law, known as constitutional law.


We are about to go Up, beyond even such a responsible culture.

Not further into the darkness of low consciousness.

That sort of realm has no bearing here, anymore.

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