Saturday 4 June 2016

What Needs To Happen

On the one hand...

from ‘Fox News Judge Pirro Issues Desperate Plea To The American Public’ -  June 3 


This woman really tells it like it is. Good for her. And for us.

Sign her up. In the next administration.


If we make it that far.

...And on the other:

from ‘If Clinton Is Indicted, It will Mark the End of America As We Know It’ - Dave Hodges - June 3 
(How AG Loretta Lynch is not about to indict Hillary.  So the nation is heading for deep trouble…)

Stan June 4, 2016 at 12:44 am 

It is very clear what needs to happen, and soon – very soon: Oath keepers in the U.S. military need to arrest the Usurper and hold him for trial, on a whole host of charges by now (including fraud, perjury, illegality, and treason), before he can be part of orchestrating a ‘state of national emergency’ and consequent declaration of martial law, which will give him total powers over the U.S. citizenry (including access to food). And that way, all of the legislation that he has signed into law, and all the E.O.’s and P.D.’s that he has issued, and all the appointments that he has made – including to the U.S. Supreme Court – go with hm, into the trash bin. And under this PROPER state of martial law – i.e., by oath keepers – Hillary can be arrested for her own “whole host of charges”; thus that trial not depending on an AG appointed by the Usurper.

And this nation begins its return to the Light.

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