Tuesday 7 June 2016

On Illegal Aliens & Voter Fraud - The Taking Of America 1-2-3

Aka On Getting Fed Up

1) from tea party.org: ’Texas Rep to Trump: Shove Border Wall ‘Up Your Ass’ ‘ - June 7 (orig. posted at breitbart.com - June 6)


Dear Congressman Vela,

Judge Curiel was appointed to the federal bench by Obama. He has also been affiliated with an organization that is associated with La Raza. 

I am sure that you can find a convenient place to shove those facts.

THIS CONGRESS MAN SWORE AND OATH ". . . I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. " Which he has demonstrated that he has NO intention of adhereing to . . . His constituants should demand that he resign. The national security is not a…See More
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Oath of office means nothing to democrats and establishment republicans. It's all about power and nothing more. They only wonder how much damage they can do before they get voted out for criminal neglect of their constituents. The Constitution is just a piece of paper that gets in their way when people push back.
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Joyce -- great post and you are 100% correct but telling that to our congress is like talking to a deaf person. Ninety percent of our congress has betrayed their oath of office and their constituants without even a whoops. That 90% = 100% demoSCUM and all the traitorous rinos. Until we rid our government of these libtard anti-American demoSCUM and the repubs who turned their backs on U.S. citizens it will remain the same. And to look at them allowing the "witch" to campaign for the presidency -- we have a long wait because there are way too many uninformed,uncaring ignorant voters.
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Agreed. Go Mr. Trump!
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Gerry Costa: And unfortunately too many greedy businessmen who entice illegal aliens across the border. This is a two-way street. It needs to be shut down COMPLETELY.

2) from TeaPartyC.C.: ‘When’s The GOP Going TO Do Something About Voter Fraud In States They Control?’ - posted by Natl Dir. Dee - June 6 (orig. posted at jenkuznicki.com - Jen Kuznicki - June 6)

Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 2 seconds ago (June 7)


I am beyond angry at the Republican Party for not doing a better job of pushing for Election Integrity across the board.  Obviously they have decided to let it be, because they have their own ways of running dirty elections; where both sides obviously figure that they might as well cheat because the other side cheats.


I live in California.  I refuse to play the game.  The voting process here is a fake, a fraud, an illusion, a charade.  Anybody can vote - and as many times as they want - because they don't check the voter reg rolls, and don't ask for photo ID at the polls.  I checked with my (L.A.) county Voter Reg Office: They just take a registrant's word for their eligibility, because one signs the rolls "on penalty of perjury" - but no one ever checks to see if they HAVE perjured themselves.  It's a damnable disgrace, for a First World country.

Certifiably cleansed voter reg rolls (of non-citizen voters, dead voters, and duplicate voters); photo ID required at the polls; and no more electronic voting machines, which have proven to be hackable in a number of ways.  

CLEAN ELECTIONS OR NO ELECTIONS.  And before California becomes part of Aztlan.



I forgot to mention: And no more Early Voting, and Voting By Mail.  That is where a lot of the scamming is taking place.



My deceased Mother was a President of a Union Local who retired after she could no longer put up with the voter and election fraud being aided and abetted by the Union... she said that they would routinely register illegal aliens... at more than one address in the Bay Area (San Francisco area)... then on election day take them around in buses to vote early and often.

Our electoral system is corrupt to the hilt and the American people ARE NOT VOTING IN THOSE IN OFFICE.. fraud is voting them in.  What to do... we must flood the voting booths of  America with so many legal votes that it is impossible for the LEFT too steal the elections... voter turn out among registered conservatives, must approach 100% and they all must vote for Trump if he is to win... Otherwise the MSM will prep the public to accept voter fraud... by manipulating the polls to portray the race as close...

Look, Hillary is a crook and anyone with half a brain knows it... she has sold America out to the Marxist and Globalist... her poll numbers are rigged, to make it appear she is leading or the race is close. Hillary can't muster a crowd large enough to fill the foyer in my home... she isn't even conducting open assemblies any longer as the crowds are so small it begs the question... where are her voters... she has very few.

However, the MSM will continue to promote the false narrative that the race is close... expecting the Democrat Party to muster fraudulent voters in sufficient numbers ... voting early and often to win.  EXCEPT in this case massive turnouts will simply swamp even the crooks... who will be unable to match the record numbers of voters showing up to vote for TRUMP... that is the only way we can win... we must overcome the voter fraud: the dead voting, illegal aliens voting, and voters registered multiple times voting in multiple places.

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Permalink Reply by Stan Stanfield 1 second ago (June 7)

Good information, Colonel.  And that is one scenario that might work  But it may well not be enough, without doing away with the electronic voting machines.  'It doesn't matter who votes; what matters is who counts the votes.'  - Stalin. The machines can be hacked either within them, or via the electronic feed to where the tabulating is taking place.  Someone on the Internet has shown how that electronic feed can be intercepted along the way, rerouted instantly to a site where the hackers massage the numbers, and then the signal sent on its merry way.

For me, I simply cannot participate in this scam, until it is cleaned up TOTALLY.  I will not be an accessory to the fact of a crime, which is what continuing to vote under these outrageous conditions is. 

I repeat: CLEAN ELECTIONS OR NO ELECTIONS.  TRUE THE VOTE.  And if we have to dip a voter's finger in purple ink to stop the multiple voting, then that is what we have to do.  If children will be children, then we need to treat them like children.  Oh - and no more Early Voting, or Voting By Mail.  Those are two of the worst areas for scamming to take place in.

Maybe your scenario is what needs to take place in this election, Colonel.  But I don't think even that tactic will work.  I think the NWO crowd are going to try to take the country down before that chancy outcome can take place; with the Usurper taking advantage of an orchestrated 'state of national emergency,' and establishing himself as a total despot.  I'm afraid that the Oathkeepers in this country are going to have to put up or shut up, as it were.


from TeaPartyC.C.: ‘Please Share Your Voting Experience With Us.’ - posted by Steve - Ning Creator - June 7
(He had a reportedly wonderful experience - & in CA.  One wonders how much he knows about a) who’s voting, and b) how the vote is being counted…)

Reply by Stan Stanfield 2 seconds ago (June 8)

I live in CA, having come back to my home country and town after living abroad for many years.  In 2012 I went to vote, but they didn't ask me to identify myself.  That put me off; not happy with that policy at all.  [N.B. We have easily obtained photo ID cards in this state, where one has to produce a birth certificate to get it.  So they are readily available, & used for all manner of transactions.]  In 2014, I voted, but asked a lot of questions, with not very good answers.  (Like: If a person needs to be able to read and write English in order to become a citizen, why was all the voting material available in a number of languages??)  In early 2016, for local elections, I queried the business of not being asked to identify myself - and was told that they are instructed NOT to ask anybody that question.  What??!  I asked to make a formal complaint, was given a couple of phone numbers, finally contacted the L.A. County Voter Registration Office, where I learned that they don't even clean the voter reg rolls - all they do is rely on the fact that the person signs up "on penalty of perjury" if they are not an eligible voter.  So the onus is TOTALLY on the voter; the system does not check him or her out.  Thus I am being disenfranchised in my state, with my vote being swamped by ILLEGAL ALIENS, and duplicate voters, and who knows what all else of a category of scam artists.  It is a fake and a fraud, a sham and a scam, an illusion, a charade.  So I refuse to vote.  I will not be an accessory to the fact of a crime, which is the way it is now.


certifiably cleansed voter reg rolls (of ineligible voters, dead voters, and duplicate voters); no more Early Voting and Voting By Mail; photo ID required; and no more electronic voting machines, which have proven to be hackable in a number of ways - back to A CLEAR PAPER TRAIL  And dip a voter's finger in purple ink if need be.  If we are going to act like children, we need to be treated like children.  I am a most disgusted citizen.  The voting system in this country sucks.  I REFUSE TO BE A PARTY TO A CORRUPT SYSTEM.

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